diff --git a/internal/test_unit/config/TCPairsConfig_CONSENSUS b/internal/test_unit/config/TCPairsConfig_CONSENSUS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..16b2106a2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/test_unit/config/TCPairsConfig_CONSENSUS
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+// TC-Pairs configuration file.
+// For additional information, please see the MET User's Guide.
+// ATCF file format reference:
+// http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/atcf_web/docs/database/new/abrdeck.html
+// Models
+model = [];
+// Description
+desc = "NA";
+// Storm identifiers
+storm_id = [ "AL132020" ];
+// Basins
+basin = [];
+// Cyclone numbers
+cyclone = [];
+// Storm names
+storm_name = [];
+// Model initialization time windows to include or exclude
+init_beg = ${INIT_BEG};
+init_end = ${INIT_END};
+init_inc = [];
+init_exc = [];
+// Valid model time windows to include or exclude
+valid_beg = "";
+valid_end = "";
+valid_inc = [];
+valid_exc = [];
+// Valid times for which output should be written
+write_valid = [];
+// Model initialization hours
+init_hour = [];
+// Required lead time in hours
+lead_req = [];
+// lat/lon polylines defining masking regions
+init_mask = "";
+valid_mask = "";
+// Specify if the code should check for duplicate ATCF lines
+check_dup = TRUE;
+// Specify special processing to be performed for interpolated models.
+// Set to NONE, FILL, or REPLACE.
+interp12 = NONE;
+// Specify how consensus forecasts should be defined
+// See NHC Consensus Definitions in Table 2:
+// https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/modelsummary.shtml
+consensus = [
+ {
+ name = "UEMN_CONS";
+ members = [ "UE00", "UE01", "UE02", "UE03", "UE04",
+ "UE05", "UE06", "UE07", "UE08", "UE09",
+ "UE10", "UE11", "UE12", "UE13", "UE14",
+ "UE15", "UE16", "UE17", "UE18", "UE19",
+ "UE20", "UE21", "UE22", "UE23", "UE24",
+ "UE25", "UE26", "UE27", "UE28", "UE29",
+ "UE30", "UE31", "UE32", "UE33", "UE34",
+ "UE35" ];
+ required = [];
+ min_req = 36;
+ },
+ {
+ name = "HCCA_CONS";
+ members = [ "AEMI", "GFSI", "CTCI", "DSHP", "EGRI", "EMN2", "EMXI", "HWFI", "LGEM" ];
+ required = [];
+ min_req = 8;
+ },
+ {
+ name = "GFEX_CONS";
+ members = [ "GFSI", "EMXI" ];
+ required = [];
+ min_req = 2;
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TVCA_CONS";
+ members = [ "GFSI", "EGRI", "HWFI", "EMHI", "CTCI", "EMNI" ];
+ required = [];
+ min_req = 2;
+ },
+ {
+ name = "TVCX_CONS";
+ members = [ "GFSI", "EMXI", "EMXI", "HWFI", "CTCI", "EGRI" ];
+ required = [ TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ];
+ min_req = 2;
+ },
+ {
+ name = "ICON_CONS";
+ members = [ "DSHP", "LGEM", "HWFI", "HMNI" ];
+ required = [ TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ];
+ min_req = 4;
+ },
+ {
+ name = "IVCN_CONS";
+ members = [ "DSHP", "LGEM", "HWFI", "HMNI", "CTCI" ];
+ required = [];
+ min_req = 2;
+ }
+// Forecast lag times
+lag_time = [];
+// CLIPER/SHIFOR baseline forecasts to be derived from the BEST
+// and operational (CARQ) tracks.
+best_baseline = [ "BCLP" ];
+oper_baseline = [ "OCLP" ];
+// Specify if only those track points common to both the ADECK and BDECK
+// tracks be written out.
+match_points = TRUE;
+// Specify the NetCDF output of the gen_dland tool containing a gridded
+// representation of the minimum distance to land.
+dland_file = "${MET_TEST_OUTPUT}/tc_dland/tc_dland_half_deg.nc";
+// Specify watch/warning information:
+// - Input watch/warning filename
+// - Watch/warning time offset in seconds
+watch_warn = {
+ file_name = "MET_BASE/tc_data/wwpts_us.txt";
+ time_offset = -14400;
+// Modify basin names to make them consistent across ATCF input files.
+basin_map = [
+ { key = "SI"; val = "SH"; },
+ { key = "SP"; val = "SH"; },
+ { key = "AU"; val = "SH"; },
+ { key = "AB"; val = "IO"; },
+ { key = "BB"; val = "IO"; }
+// Indicate a version number for the contents of this configuration file.
+// The value should generally not be modified.
+version = "V11.0.0";
diff --git a/internal/test_unit/xml/unit_tc_pairs.xml b/internal/test_unit/xml/unit_tc_pairs.xml
index d35465237a..44f986fd10 100644
--- a/internal/test_unit/xml/unit_tc_pairs.xml
+++ b/internal/test_unit/xml/unit_tc_pairs.xml
@@ -36,6 +36,25 @@
+ &MET_BIN;/tc_pairs
+ INIT_BEG "20200823_00"
+ INIT_END "20200823_18"
+ \
+ -adeck &DATA_DIR;/adeck/aal132020.dat \
+ -bdeck &DATA_DIR;/bdeck/bal132020.dat \
+ -config &CONFIG_DIR;/TCPairsConfig_CONSENSUS \
+ -out &OUTPUT_DIR;/tc_pairs/al132020_CONSENSUS \
+ -log &OUTPUT_DIR;/tc_pairs/tc_pairs_CONSENSUS.log \
+ -v 2