the history should be saved by the manager
traversing left should also consider history, so we have no issue when we follow symlinks
Support for multiple tabs
- each tab with its own history and set of panels
Generate preview for whole directory content when idle
Imrove panel creation time
Improve drawing speed
while typing:
- only show content where pattern matches
- TAB cycles through matches
- n-th match is selected
when hitting enter:
- everything is displayed normally
- selection stays as is (so one occurence is selected)
- everything where the pattern matches is marked
search-and-replace on marked items:
- when searching and some items are marked, add ability to replace substring with new input
- example: search for "png" displays all ".png" images, and now we can type "jpeg" to replace every "png" with "jpeg" (which would be stupid, but just as an example)
In general:
- Searching and Marking items should be linked, because if we searched for an item, we propably want to execute some action with it
- Every item that matches our search should automatically be marked
- upon hitting enter, the whole content of the directory is shown again, but all matching items are marked -> we now can do stuff with them (e.g. Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X etc.)
- n and N cycle through marked items in the current directory (vim-style)
- Seperate mode: Bottom panel pops up for fuzzy search, miller panels get reduced to the top half
- similar to "cd": When we type, we recursively search from the current directory, and the bottom panel shows the results ( like "skim" does basically)
- the search results should be selectable (like in skim)
- if you select a result, the panels automically adjust and jump into the directory (like our "cd" command)
- the best fitting match is automatically selected
- when you hit enter, you jump into the selected directory and the matching file or dir is already selected for further actions