- Refactor to use 'gh' package for all github activity.
- Mock all tests so that tests work offline.
- Only run examples in interactive sessions.
- Changed maintainer to jonthegeek@gmail.com and moved repository to the dslc-io organization.
- There are no reverse dependencies to check at this time
- local R installation, R 4.4.1
- ubuntu 22.04 (on github actions), R-release, R-devel, R-oldrel-1
- mac OS (on github actions) R-release
- Windows-latest (on github actions) R-release
- win-builder (devel)
Dealt with internet usage issues, and changed maintainer of package.
0 errors | 0 warnings | 1 note
Maintainer: 'Jon Harmon jonthegeek@gmail.com'
New submission
Package was archived on CRAN
CRAN repository db overrides: X-CRAN-Comment: Archived on 2024-08-31 for policy violation.
On Internet access.
This is a resubmission. In this version I have:
- Added return values for last_tuesday() and use_tidytemplate().
- Removed examples from tt_date() and formally flagged it as internal.