- Ask someone in the Akka team to rename the 'alpakka-kafka-xx-stable' report in WhiteSource to reflect the latest version (unfortunately this requires permissions that cannot be shared in a granular way)
- Check closed issues without a milestone and either assign them the 'upcoming' release milestone or 'invalid'
- Create a new release with:
- the next tag version (e.g.
) - title and release description including notable changes
- link to the milestone showing an overview of closed issues for this release
- overview of contributors generated by
- the next tag version (e.g.
- Travis CI will start a CI build for the new tag and publish artifacts to Bintray.
- When the travis build fails it must be restarted. Artifacts may already have been pushed to Bintray, however, so remove them there before restarting the build.
- Login to Bintray and sync artifacts to Maven Central:
- Go to the 'Maven Central' tab and use your sonatype credentials. This can take a long time (you can check https://oss.sonatype.org/#stagingRepositories for progress)
- Close the milestone for this release and start a new one.
- Checkout the newly released tag.
- SCP docs to gustav:
scp -r docs/target/paradox/site/main/* gustav.akka.io:www/docs/akka-stream-kafka/<new-version>/ scp -r core/target/api/* gustav.akka.io:www/api/akka-stream-kafka/<new-version>/
- Update the current links on gustav:
ln -snf <new-version> current in www/api/akka-stream-kafka/ and www/docs/akka-stream-kafka
If you don't have access to gustav ask someone from the core akka team to do it or give you access.