This module will allow you to use json files to decorate your serverless code. Those json files will be used to generate out a valid SAM Template.
tldr; Check out the simple example here
Place your function.json
description file next to your code so it makes it simple to add a new function to your API Gateway and no more cutting and pasting large chunks of YAML in your sam template.
Here is an example of a Web Socket API Gateway route handler.
"functionName": "GetUserFunction",
"routeKey": "get-user",
"apiId": "ApiBuiltBySamHelper",
"handler": "user/index.getHandler",
"codeUri": "./",
"policies": ["AmazonAPIGatewayInvokeFullAccess", "AmazonAPIGatewayAdministrator"]
That little description will generate out all of this YAML for you:
# Route
# Key: get-user route handler
# Handler: GetUserFunction
Type: AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Route
ApiId: !Ref ApiBuiltBySamHelper
RouteKey: get-user
AuthorizationType: NONE
OperationName: GetUserFunctionRoute
Target: !Join
- '/'
- - 'integrations'
- !Ref GetUserFunctionInteg
Type: AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Integration
ApiId: !Ref ApiBuiltBySamHelper
Description: GetUserFunction Integration
IntegrationType: AWS_PROXY
arn:aws:apigateway:${AWS::Region}:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/${ GetUserFunction.Arn }/invocations
Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission
- ApiBuiltBySamHelper
- GetUserFunction
Action: lambda:InvokeFunction
FunctionName: !Ref GetUserFunction
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: user/index.getHandler
Timeout: 30
Runtime: nodejs8.10
CodeUri: ./
- AmazonAPIGatewayInvokeFullAccess
- AmazonAPIGatewayAdministrator
You can also define the API Gateway API in your package.json file with this simple little addition:
"api": [
"apiId": "ApiBuiltBySamHelper",
"apiName": "my-api-from-sam",
"stageName": "v1",
"stageDescription": "Version 1 of the api.",
"routeSelectionExpression": "$request.body.action",
"type": "websocket"
The function.json
and addition to the package.json
file generates 82 lines of syntatcitcally correct SAM Template YaML.
Install the helper into your serverless application.
yarn add aws-websocket-sam-helper
Optionally, you may want to add to your package.json a scripts entry that lets you run the helper.
"scripts": {
"generate-sam-template": "sam-helper"
This will allow you to regenerate your template.yaml file with the command:
yarn generate-sam-template
You need to describe your API Gateway and your Functions. Everything else will be handled for you.
Add an api
key to your package.json
file to describe your API Gateway(s).
"api": [
"apiId": "ApiBuiltBySamHelper",
"apiName": "my-api-from-sam",
"stageName": "v1",
"stageDescription": "Version 1 of the api.",
"routeSelectionExpression": "$request.body.action",
"type": "websocket"
property | description |
apiId | This is the identifier for this API Gateway. When describing a Function you will refer to this ID. This ID is only used when creating relationships in your template.yaml file. |
apiName | This name will display in your AWS API Gateway Console. You must name the API so that it meeds the api name constraints. |
stageName | When deploying, what is the name of the stage. This is the start of your API Gateway URL. |
stageDescription | Describe the stage. |
routeSelectionExpression | See the API Gateway documentation for this. This expression describes where in the WebSocket message to look for a value which will contain your route key. |
type | websocket or rest, currently only websocket is supported at this time. |
Anywhere in your project folder structure you can define function.json
files (or *.function.json
). The contents of this file describe your Lambda function and relate it to an API Gateway Route or Endpoint.
"functionName": "GetUserFunction",
"routeKey": "get-user",
"apiId": "ApiBuiltBySamHelper",
"handler": "user/index.getHandler",
"codeUri": "./",
"policies": ["AmazonAPIGatewayInvokeFullAccess", "AmazonAPIGatewayAdministrator"]
For example, if you have a sub folder in your project named user
and you have an index.js
file that defines your Lambda with an export named getHandler
the above json file will hook it up to your API Gateway named ApiBuildBySamHelper
property | description | default | required |
functionName | A YAML compatible function name. This is used in the SAM Template to refer to your function. It is suggested to use a Proper or Camel case syntax of just upper and lower case letters. | yes | |
routeKey | For a web socket route handler this is the key that will route a message to this lambda. | yes (for websocket) | |
apiId | The api id you configured in your package.json to identify the api gateway. This connects this function to the APIGW | yes | |
handler | This is the location of the exported lambda function. Note the format is {relative_file_path}/{javascript_file_name}.{exported_function_name} | index.handler | no |
codeUri | Defined the root of the deployed lambda code. | ./ | no |
policies | Any AWS Policies you want defined on your lambda. | no | |
timeout | Max time in seconds that your Lambda can stay alive. | 30 | no |
runtime | Any valid Lambda Runtime value. | nodejs8.10 | no |
environmentVariables | An object representing key value pairs of Environment Variables you wish to add to the Lambda. ex: { name: 'NODE_ENV', value: 'dev' } | no |
The way you use sam-helper
is customizable. Executing sam-helper with no arguments uses a sane set of default values which should cover most situations. However, for the more advanced users you can also do things like use your own handlebars formatted YaML snippets to compose your template.yaml
or output the rendered yaml to a file of your choosing.
argument | description |
-V | Version. Display the version of the sam-helper . |
-t or --template-path | The directory containing your custom template files. |
--no-write-file | Only output the rendered template to the console. |
--output-filename | The name of the file to write the rendered template to. Default value is template.yaml |
--starting-path | The starting path to search for *function.json files in your project. Default value is . (your project root) |
--api-definition-file | A file that contains your api definitions. If not specified, your package.json is inspected for an api property and tht is used. |
Use your own template files:
sam-helper --template-path ./my-templates
Only write output to console:
sam-helper --no-write-file
Start looking for source code in a sub directory on your project:
sam-helper --starting-path ./src/lambdas
NOTE: by default the cli will search all folders in your project root and every sub directory included in them. Skipping node_modules