- Created at --- is not set on
- Travis configuratie om Prefix classes te gebruiken
---- Tests -----
Add more integration tests, remove @code-coverage-ignore on integration methods.
- internal link count [functionality] 2nd iteration
- incoming link count [functionality] 2nd iteration
---- Tables ----
- [id] UUID? Integer
- [source_id] Indexable
- [target_id] Indexable (NULL)
- [URL] the used URL in the copy
- [type] (internal/external)
- [id] UUID? Integer
- [indexable_id] UUID? Integer
- [keyword] String
- [score] Integer
- [order] Integer
---- Initial data ----
Do we want to pre-fill data (upgrade script)
Primary Term
Sync to table?
Model for wp_posts
-> load items.
---- Failure handling ----
- Disable functionality
- Provide feature to downgrade all migrations so restart will be attempted?
- Provide error logging for better debug (support)
---- Other -----
The commands have been placed in composer.json
and can be run using: composer prefix-dependencies
- ruckusing/ruckusing-migrations
- Can we use UUID?
- MySQL minimal version requirements?
- Autogenerated?
- Can the ORM handle these?
ORM does not support it out of the box, will need custom SQL implementation if we want to use the
method of MySQL. Callback on missing field data?
- Model to inject WordPress database table prefix the table names
Remove this file from the repository.