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Server owner guide

Ben Armstrong edited this page Jun 23, 2020 · 26 revisions

Here are some tips for Server owners not covered in the help:

Server-wide iNat settings

There are some server-wide settings that are turned off by default which you may wish to review & enabled for your server.

Check ,inat show [setting] to check each setting.

Preview observation links

Turn on automatic preview of observation links for the whole server with ,inat set autoobs server on.

Lookup taxa surrounded by dots

Turn on lookup of taxa surrounded by dots with ,inat set dot_taxon server on.

See ,help dot_taxon for more information about the feature.

Custom commands

Many users have submitted their requests for custom commands to be added for the iNaturalist Discord server. A custom command is something a server owner can add themselves, i.e. it doesn't require any programming to add. Most of these are shortcuts to various web searches, usually to find more about a taxon (e.g. xeno-canto for birdsongs, shown in the example that follows). These definitions only exist on the server where they are added, so if you want them on your server, you'll need to define them yourself.

You need the core customcom cog to define and use these. Those who have invited SyntheticBee's Dronefly already have this cog loaded. See the Red DiscordBot documentation for help.

For a complete list of custom commmands defined on the iNaturalist Discord, join the server and go to channel #bot-stuff, then use ,cc list. Use ,cc show to show the response for each custom command, e.g. ,cc show xc should show a display like:

Command: xc
Author: SyntheticBee
Created: 16/01/2020 13:47:28
Type: Normal

Then define the same custom command on your server, e.g.

,cc add xc{0:query}

Repeat that for each listed custom command that you want to define on your own server.

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