methodCache) {
+ this.mapperInterface = mapperInterface;
+ this.methodCache = methodCache;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
+ BaseEsMapperImpl> baseEsMapperInstance = BaseCache.getBaseEsMapperInstance(mapperInterface);
+ if (Object.class.equals(method.getDeclaringClass())) {
+ return method.invoke(baseEsMapperInstance, args);
+ }
+ // 这里如果后续需要像MP那样 从xml生成代理的其它方法,则可增强method,此处并不需要
+ // 增强default方法
+ return cachedInvoker(method, baseEsMapperInstance).invoke(proxy, method, args);
+ }
+ private EsMapperMethodInvoker cachedInvoker(Method method, BaseEsMapperImpl> baseEsMapperInstance)
+ throws Throwable {
+ try {
+ return methodCache.computeIfAbsent(method, m -> {
+ if (!m.isDefault()) {
+ return new PlainMethodInvoker(baseEsMapperInstance);
+ }
+ try {
+ if (privateLookupInMethod == null) {
+ return new DefaultMethodInvoker(getMethodHandleJava8(method));
+ }
+ return new DefaultMethodInvoker(getMethodHandleJava9(method));
+ } catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | InvocationTargetException |
+ NoSuchMethodException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ }
+ });
+ } catch (RuntimeException re) {
+ Throwable cause = re.getCause();
+ throw cause == null ? re : cause;
+ }
+ }
+ private MethodHandle getMethodHandleJava9(Method method)
+ throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
+ final Class> declaringClass = method.getDeclaringClass();
+ return ((MethodHandles.Lookup) privateLookupInMethod.invoke(null, declaringClass,
+ MethodHandles.lookup())).findSpecial(declaringClass, method.getName(),
+ MethodType.methodType(method.getReturnType(), method.getParameterTypes()), declaringClass);
+ }
+ private MethodHandle getMethodHandleJava8(Method method)
+ throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, InvocationTargetException {
+ final Class> declaringClass = method.getDeclaringClass();
+ return lookupConstructor.newInstance(declaringClass, ALLOWED_MODES).unreflectSpecial(method, declaringClass);
+ }
+ interface EsMapperMethodInvoker {
+ Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable;
+ }
+ private static class PlainMethodInvoker implements EsMapperMethodInvoker {
+ private final BaseEsMapperImpl> baseEsMapperInstance;
+ public PlainMethodInvoker(BaseEsMapperImpl> baseEsMapperInstance) {
+ this.baseEsMapperInstance = baseEsMapperInstance;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
+ return method.invoke(baseEsMapperInstance, args);
+ }
+ }
+ private static class DefaultMethodInvoker implements EsMapperMethodInvoker {
+ private final MethodHandle methodHandle;
+ public DefaultMethodInvoker(MethodHandle methodHandle) {
+ this.methodHandle = methodHandle;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
+ return methodHandle.bindTo(proxy).invokeWithArguments(args);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/easy-es-test/src/main/java/org/dromara/easyes/test/mapper/ b/easy-es-test/src/main/java/org/dromara/easyes/test/mapper/
index c078d21..e9339c0 100644
--- a/easy-es-test/src/main/java/org/dromara/easyes/test/mapper/
+++ b/easy-es-test/src/main/java/org/dromara/easyes/test/mapper/
@@ -1,12 +1,22 @@
package org.dromara.easyes.test.mapper;
import org.dromara.easyes.core.core.BaseEsMapper;
+import org.dromara.easyes.core.core.EsWrappers;
import org.dromara.easyes.test.entity.Document;
+import java.util.List;
* mapper 相当于Mybatis-plus的mapper
* Copyright © 2021 xpc1024 All Rights Reserved
public interface DocumentMapper extends BaseEsMapper {
+ default List testDefaultMethod() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = EsWrappers.lambdaQuery(Document.class)
+ .eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档4").match(Document::getContent, "内容");
+ return selectList(wrapper);
+ }
diff --git a/easy-es-test/src/test/java/org/dromara/easyes/test/all/ b/easy-es-test/src/test/java/org/dromara/easyes/test/all/
index 5c0397e..8190dd0 100644
--- a/easy-es-test/src/test/java/org/dromara/easyes/test/all/
+++ b/easy-es-test/src/test/java/org/dromara/easyes/test/all/
@@ -34,21 +34,30 @@
-import org.junit.jupiter.api.*;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.MethodOrderer;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Order;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestMethodOrder;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
-import java.util.*;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Optional;
import static org.dromara.easyes.common.constants.BaseEsConstants.KEYWORD_SUFFIX;
- * 全部核心功能测试-除手动挡索引相关API
- * 以下测试用例,需要开启自动挡
+ * 全部核心功能测试-除手动挡索引相关API 以下测试用例,需要开启自动挡
* Copyright © 2022 xpc1024 All Rights Reserved
@@ -56,905 +65,883 @@
@SpringBootTest(classes = TestEasyEsApplication.class)
public class AllTest {
- @Resource
- private DocumentMapper documentMapper;
- @Test
- @Order(0)
- public void testCreateIndex() {
- // 0.前置操作 创建索引 需确保索引托管模式处于manual手动挡,若为自动挡则会冲突.
- boolean success = documentMapper.createIndex();
- Assertions.assertTrue(success);
- }
- // 1.新增
- @Test
- @Order(1)
- public void testInsert() {
- // 测试插入数据
- Document document = new Document();
- document.setEsId("1");
- document.setCaseTest("Test");
- document.setTitle("测试文档1");
- document.setContent("测试内容1我是大家发达酸辣粉家里都是测试阿拉拉肥发的是就测试时风刀霜剑阿凯刘非打死了交付率及时点法律就反倒是测测试初拉力肌肥大来极氪吉利发送代理费逻辑逻辑发骚鸡,测试发力了哦哦我");
- document.setCreator("老汉1");
- document.setIpAddress("");
- document.setLocation("40.171975,116.587105");
- document.setGmtCreate("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")));
- document.setCustomField("自定义字段1");
- document.setNullField("id为1的数据不是null,除此之外其它都是");
- Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(39.084509D, 41.187328D, 70.610461D, 20.498353D);
- document.setGeoLocation(rectangle.toString());
- document.setStarNum(1);
- document.setMultiField("葡萄糖酸钙口服溶液");
- document.setEnglish("Calcium Gluconate");
- document.setBigNum(new BigDecimal("66.66"));
- int successCount = documentMapper.insert(document);
- Assertions.assertEquals(successCount, 1);
- }
- @Test
- @Order(2)
- public void testBatchInsert() {
- List documentList = new ArrayList<>();
- for (int i = 2; i < 23; i++) {
- Document document = new Document();
- document.setEsId(Integer.toString(i));
- document.setTitle("测试文档" + i);
- document.setContent("测试内容" + i);
- document.setCreator("老汉" + i);
- document.setGmtCreate("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")));
- document.setCustomField("自定义字段" + i);
- Point point = new Point(13.400544 + i, 52.530286 + i);
- document.setGeoLocation(point.toString());
- document.setStarNum(i);
- if (i == 2) {
- document.setLocation("40.17836693398477,116.64002551005981");
- document.setStarNum(1);
- } else if (i == 3) {
- document.setLocation("40.19103839805197,116.5624013764374");
- } else if (i == 4) {
- document.setLocation("40.13933715136454,116.63441990026217");
- }
- documentList.add(document);
- }
- int count = documentMapper.insertBatch(documentList);
- Assertions.assertEquals(documentList.size(), count);
- }
- // 2.修改
- @Test
- @Order(3)
- public void testUpdateById() {
- Document document = new Document();
- document.setEsId("1");
- document.setTitle("测试文档1标题被更新了");
- int count = documentMapper.updateById(document);
- Assertions.assertEquals(1, count);
- }
- @Test
- @Order(4)
- public void testUpdateByWrapper() {
- LambdaEsUpdateWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsUpdateWrapper<>();
- wrapper.eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档2");
- wrapper.set(Document::getContent, "测试文档内容2的内容被更新了");
- int count = documentMapper.update(null, wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(1, count);
- }
- @Test
- @Order(4)
- public void testUpdateByChainWrapper() {
- int count = EsWrappers.lambdaChainUpdate(documentMapper)
- .eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档3")
- .set(Document::getContent, "测试文档内容3的内容被修改了")
- .update();
- Assertions.assertEquals(1, count);
- }
- @Test
- @Order(4)
- public void testUpdateBySetSearchSourceBuilder() {
- LambdaEsUpdateWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsUpdateWrapper<>();
- SearchSourceBuilder searchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder();
- searchSourceBuilder.query(QueryBuilders.termQuery(FieldUtils.val(Document::getTitle) + KEYWORD_SUFFIX, "测试文档2"));
- wrapper.setSearchSourceBuilder(searchSourceBuilder);
- Document document = new Document();
- document.setContent("测试文档内容2的内容再次被更新了");
- int count = documentMapper.update(document, wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(1, count);
- }
- @Test
- @Order(5)
- public void testUpdateByWrapperAndEntity() {
- LambdaEsUpdateWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsUpdateWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉");
- Document document = new Document();
- document.setCustomField("被更新的自定义字段");
- int count = documentMapper.update(document, wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(22, count);
- }
- // 3.查询
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testSQL() {
- // 注意 sql中的from后面跟的是要被查询的索引名,也可以是索引别名(效果一样) 由于索引名可能会变,所以此处我采用别名ee_default_alias进行查询
- String sql = "select count(*) from ee_default_alias where star_num > 0";
- String jsonResult = documentMapper.executeSQL(sql);
- System.out.println(jsonResult);
- Assertions.assertNotNull(jsonResult);
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testDSL() {
- String dsl = "{\"query\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"term\":{\"title.keyword\":{\"value\":\"测试文档3\",\"boost\":1.0}}}],\"adjust_pure_negative\":true,\"boost\":1.0}},\"track_total_hits\":2147483647,\"highlight\":{\"pre_tags\":[\"\"],\"post_tags\":[\" \"],\"fragment_size\":2,\"fields\":{\"content\":{\"type\":\"unified\"}}}}";
- String jsonResult = documentMapper.executeDSL(dsl);
- System.out.println(jsonResult);
- Assertions.assertNotNull(jsonResult);
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testSelectOne() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getContent, "内容")
- .orderByAsc(Document::getStarNum, Document::getEsId)
- .limit(1);
- Document document = documentMapper.selectOne(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals("测试文档1标题被更新了", document.getTitle());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testOne() {
- // 链式调用
- Document document = EsWrappers.lambdaChainQuery(documentMapper).eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档3").one();
- Assertions.assertEquals(document.getContent(), "测试文档内容3的内容被修改了");
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testSelectById() {
- Document document = documentMapper.selectById(1);
- Assertions.assertEquals("1", document.getEsId());
- Assertions.assertEquals("老汉1", document.getCreator());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testSelectBatchIds() {
- List documents = documentMapper.selectBatchIds(Arrays.asList("1", "2"));
- Assertions.assertEquals(2, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testSelectList() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getCustomField, "字段");
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(22, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testIgnoreCase() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.eq(Document::getCaseTest, "test");
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(1, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testIp() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.eq(Document::getIpAddress, "");
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(documents.size(), 1);
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testSelectCount() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getCustomField, "字段");
- Long count = documentMapper.selectCount(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(22L, count);
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testSelectCountDistinct() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getCustomField, "字段");
- wrapper.distinct(Document::getStarNum);
- Long count = documentMapper.selectCount(wrapper, true);
- Assertions.assertEquals(21L, count);
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionAllEq() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- Map map = new HashMap<>();
- map.put("title", "测试文档3");
- map.put("creator.keyword", "老汉3");
- map.put("starNum", 3);
- wrapper.allEq(map);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(1, documents.size());
- Assertions.assertEquals("测试文档3", documents.get(0).getTitle());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionEq() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档10");
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(1, documents.size());
- Assertions.assertEquals("测试文档10", documents.get(0).getTitle());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionGt() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
-, 20);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(2, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionGe() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
-, 20);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(3, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionLt() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
-, 3);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(2, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionLe() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.le(Document::getStarNum, 3);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(3, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionBetween() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.between(Document::getStarNum, 1, 10);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(10, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionLike() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
-, "试文档");
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(22, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionLikeLeft() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.likeLeft(Document::getTitle, "文档10");
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(1, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionLikeRight() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.likeRight(Document::getTitle, "测试文");
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(22, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionIsNotNull() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.isNotNull(Document::getNullField);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(1, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionExists() {
- // exists等价于isNotNull 在es中更推荐此种语法
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.exists(Document::getNullField);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(1, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionIn() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
-, "1", "2", "3");
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(3, documents.size());
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper1 = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
-, 7, 8);
- List documents1 = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper1);
- Assertions.assertEquals(2, documents1.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionGroupBy() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getContent, "测试")
- .groupBy(Document::getStarNum);
- SearchResponse response =;
- ParsedLongTerms parsedLongTerms = response.getAggregations()
- .get("starNumTerms");
- Terms.Bucket bucket = parsedLongTerms.getBuckets().get(0);
- Assertions.assertTrue(bucket.getKey().equals(1L) && bucket.getDocCount() == 2L);
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionMax() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getContent, "测试")
- .max(Document::getStarNum);
- SearchResponse response =;
- ParsedMax parsedMax = response.getAggregations()
- .get("starNumMax");
- Assertions.assertTrue(parsedMax.getValue() > 21);
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionMin() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getContent, "测试")
- .min(Document::getStarNum);
- SearchResponse response =;
- ParsedMin parsedMin = response.getAggregations()
- .get("starNumMin");
- Assertions.assertTrue(parsedMin.getValue() > 0 && parsedMin.getValue() < 2);
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionSum() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getContent, "测试")
- .sum(Document::getStarNum);
- SearchResponse response =;
- ParsedSum parsedSum = response.getAggregations()
- .get("starNumSum");
- Assertions.assertTrue(parsedSum.getValue() >= 252);
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionAvg() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getContent, "测试")
- .avg(Document::getStarNum);
- SearchResponse response =;
- ParsedAvg parsedAvg = response.getAggregations()
- .get("starNumAvg");
- Assertions.assertTrue(parsedAvg.getValue() > 11 && parsedAvg.getValue() < 12);
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionDistinct() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getContent, "测试")
- .distinct(Document::getStarNum);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(21, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionLimit() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉")
- .limit(2, 5);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(5, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionFromAndSize() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉")
- .from(20)
- .size(2);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(2, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionIndex() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉")
- .index(EntityInfoHelper.getEntityInfo(Document.class).getIndexName());
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(22, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testSetSearchSourceBuilder() {
- // 测试混合查询的另一种方式
- SearchSourceBuilder searchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder();
- searchSourceBuilder.query(QueryBuilders.matchQuery(FieldUtils.val(Document::getCreator), "老汉"));
- Optional.ofNullable(EntityInfoHelper.getEntityInfo(Document.class))
- .flatMap(i -> Optional.ofNullable(i.getMaxResultWindow()))
- .ifPresent(searchSourceBuilder::size);
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.setSearchSourceBuilder(searchSourceBuilder);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(22, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionAnd() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
-, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11)
- .and(w -> w.eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档10").match(Document::getCreator, "老汉"));
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(1, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionOr() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
-, 1, 10, 12, 13)
- .or(i -> i.eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档11").eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档10"));
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(5, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionOrInner() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档10")
- .or()
- .eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档20");
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(2, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionFilter() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.eq(Document::getStarNum, 10)
- .filter().eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档10");
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(1, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testConditionNot() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
-, 10, 11, 12, 13)
- .and(i -> i.not().eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档10").not().eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档11"));
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(2, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testPageQuery() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉");
- EsPageInfo pageInfo = documentMapper.pageQuery(wrapper, 1, 5);
- Assertions.assertEquals(5, pageInfo.getSize());
- Assertions.assertEquals(22, pageInfo.getTotal());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testChainPage() {
- // 链式
- EsPageInfo pageInfo = EsWrappers.lambdaChainQuery(documentMapper)
- .match(Document::getCreator, "老汉")
- .page(1, 5);
- Assertions.assertEquals(5, pageInfo.getSize());
- Assertions.assertEquals(22, pageInfo.getTotal());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testSearchAfter() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper lambdaEsQueryWrapper = EsWrappers.lambdaQuery(Document.class);
- lambdaEsQueryWrapper.size(10);
- lambdaEsQueryWrapper.orderByDesc(Document::getEsId, Document::getStarNum);
- SAPageInfo saPageInfo = documentMapper.searchAfterPage(lambdaEsQueryWrapper, null, 10);
- //第一页
- System.out.println(saPageInfo);
- Assertions.assertEquals(10, saPageInfo.getList().size());
- //获取下一页
- List nextSearchAfter = saPageInfo.getNextSearchAfter();
- SAPageInfo next = documentMapper.searchAfterPage(lambdaEsQueryWrapper, nextSearchAfter, 10);
- Assertions.assertEquals(10, next.getList().size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testFilterField() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档10")
- .select(Document::getEsId, Document::getContent);
- Document document = documentMapper.selectOne(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertNotNull(document.getContent());
- Assertions.assertNotNull(document.getEsId());
- Assertions.assertNull(document.getTitle());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testNotFilterField() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档10")
- .notSelect(Document::getEsId, Document::getContent);
- Document document = documentMapper.selectOne(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertNull(document.getContent());
- Assertions.assertNull(document.getEsId());
- Assertions.assertNotNull(document.getTitle());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testOrderByDesc() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉");
- wrapper.orderByDesc(Document::getStarNum);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals("22", documents.get(0).getEsId());
- Assertions.assertEquals("21", documents.get(1).getEsId());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testOrderByAsc() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉");
- wrapper.orderByAsc(Document::getStarNum, Document::getEsId);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals("1", documents.get(0).getEsId());
- Assertions.assertEquals("22", documents.get(21).getEsId());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testOrderBy() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉");
- List orderByParams = new ArrayList<>();
- OrderByParam orderByParam = new OrderByParam();
- orderByParam.setOrder("star_num");
- orderByParam.setSort("DESC");
- orderByParams.add(orderByParam);
- wrapper.orderBy(orderByParams);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals("22", documents.get(0).getEsId());
- Assertions.assertEquals("21", documents.get(1).getEsId());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testOrderByDistanceAsc() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- GeoPoint centerPoint = new GeoPoint(41.0, 116.0);
- wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉")
- .geoDistance(Document::getLocation, 168.8, centerPoint)
- .orderByDistanceAsc(Document::getLocation, centerPoint);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals("3", documents.get(0).getEsId());
- Assertions.assertEquals("4", documents.get(3).getEsId());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testOrderByDistanceDesc() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- GeoPoint centerPoint = new GeoPoint(41.0, 116.0);
- wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉")
- .geoDistance(Document::getLocation, 168.8, centerPoint)
- .orderByDistanceDesc(Document::getLocation, centerPoint);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals("4", documents.get(0).getEsId());
- Assertions.assertEquals("3", documents.get(3).getEsId());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testOrderByDistanceMulti() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- GeoPoint centerPoint = new GeoPoint(41.0, 116.0);
- GeoPoint centerPoint1 = new GeoPoint(42.0, 118.0);
- wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉")
- .geoDistance(Document::getLocation, 168.8, centerPoint)
- .orderByDistanceDesc(Document::getLocation, centerPoint)
- .orderByDistanceDesc(Document::getLocation, centerPoint1);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals("4", documents.get(0).getEsId());
- Assertions.assertEquals("3", documents.get(3).getEsId());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testSortByScore() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉11");
- wrapper.sortByScore();
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals("11", documents.get(0).getEsId());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testSort() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉");
- FieldSortBuilder fieldSortBuilder = SortBuilders.
- fieldSort(FieldUtils.getRealField(
- FieldUtils.val(Document::getStarNum),
- EntityInfoHelper.getEntityInfo(Document.class).getMappingColumnMap()));
- fieldSortBuilder.order(SortOrder.DESC);
- wrapper.sort(fieldSortBuilder);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals("22", documents.get(0).getEsId());
- Assertions.assertEquals("21", documents.get(1).getEsId());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testMatch() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉");
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(22, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testMatchPhrase() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.matchPhrase(Document::getContent, "测试");
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertTrue(documents.size() > 0);
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper1 = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper1.matchPhrase(Document::getContent, "内容测试");
- List documents1 = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper1);
- Assertions.assertTrue(documents1.size() <= 0);
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testMatchAllQuery() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.matchAllQuery();
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(22, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testMatchPhrasePrefixQuery() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.matchPhrasePrefixQuery(Document::getContent, "测试");
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(22, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testMultiMatchQuery() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.multiMatchQuery("老汉", Document::getContent, Document::getCreator, Document::getCustomField);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(22, documents.size());
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper1 = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper1.multiMatchQuery("更新", Document::getContent, Document::getCreator);
- List documents1 = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper1);
- Assertions.assertEquals(1, documents1.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testQueryStringQuery() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.queryStringQuery("老汉");
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(22, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testPrefixQuery() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.prefixQuery(Document::getContent, "测试");
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(22, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testHighLight() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getContent, "测试");
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertTrue(documents.get(0).getHighlightContent().contains("测试"));
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testGeoBoundingBox() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- GeoPoint leftTop = new GeoPoint(41.187328D, 115.498353D);
- GeoPoint bottomRight = new GeoPoint(39.084509D, 117.610461D);
- wrapper.geoBoundingBox(Document::getLocation, leftTop, bottomRight);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(4, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testGeoDistance() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- GeoPoint geoPoint = new GeoPoint(41.0, 116.0);
- wrapper.geoDistance(Document::getLocation, 168.8, DistanceUnit.KILOMETERS, geoPoint);
- GeoDistanceSortBuilder geoDistanceSortBuilder = SortBuilders.geoDistanceSort(FieldUtils.val(Document::getLocation), geoPoint)
- .unit(DistanceUnit.KILOMETERS)
- .geoDistance(GeoDistance.ARC)
- .order(SortOrder.DESC);
- wrapper.sort(geoDistanceSortBuilder);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(4, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testGeoPolygon() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- List geoPoints = new ArrayList<>();
- GeoPoint geoPoint = new GeoPoint(40.178012, 116.577188);
- GeoPoint geoPoint1 = new GeoPoint(40.169329, 116.586315);
- GeoPoint geoPoint2 = new GeoPoint(40.178288, 116.591813);
- geoPoints.add(geoPoint);
- geoPoints.add(geoPoint1);
- geoPoints.add(geoPoint2);
- wrapper.geoPolygon(Document::getLocation, geoPoints);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(1, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testGeoShape() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- Circle circle = new Circle(13, 14, 100);
- wrapper.geoShape(Document::getGeoLocation, circle, ShapeRelation.DISJOINT);
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(22, documents.size());
- }
- @Test
- @Order(6)
- public void testMultiFieldSelect() {
- // 药品 中文名叫葡萄糖酸钙口服溶液 英文名叫 Calcium Gluconate 汉语拼音为 putaotangsuangaikoufurongye
- // 用户可以通过模糊检索,例如输入 Calcium 或 葡萄糖 或 putaotang时对应药品均可以被检索到
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match("english", "Calcium")
- .or()
- .match("multi_field.zh", "葡萄糖")
- .or()
- .match("multi_field.pinyin", "putaotang");
- List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- System.out.println(documents);
- }
- // 4.删除
- @Test
- @Order(7)
- public void testDeleteById() {
- int count = documentMapper.deleteById("1");
- Assertions.assertEquals(1, count);
- }
- @Test
- @Order(8)
- public void testDeleteBatchIds() {
- List idList = Arrays.asList("2", "3", "4");
- int count = documentMapper.deleteBatchIds(idList);
- Assertions.assertEquals(3, count);
- }
- @Test
- @Order(9)
- public void testDeleteByWrapper() {
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉");
- int count = documentMapper.delete(wrapper);
- Assertions.assertEquals(18, count);
- }
- @Test
- @Order(10)
- public void testDeleteIndex() {
- boolean deleted = documentMapper.deleteIndex(EntityInfoHelper.getEntityInfo(Document.class).getIndexName());
- boolean lockDeleted = documentMapper.deleteIndex(BaseEsConstants.LOCK_INDEX);
- Assertions.assertTrue(deleted);
- Assertions.assertTrue(lockDeleted);
- }
- @Test
- @Order(9)
- public void testComplex() {
- // SQL写法
- // where business_type = 1 and (state = 9 or (state = 8 and bidding_sign = 1)) or (business_type = 2 and state in (2,3))
- // RestHighLevelClient写法
- List values = Arrays.asList(2, 3);
- BoolQueryBuilder boolQueryBuilder = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
- boolQueryBuilder.must(QueryBuilders.termQuery("business_type", 1));
- boolQueryBuilder.must(QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(QueryBuilders.termQuery("state", 9))
- .should(QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(QueryBuilders.termQuery("state", 8)).must(QueryBuilders.termQuery("bidding_sign", 1))));
- boolQueryBuilder.should(QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(QueryBuilders.termQuery("business_type", 2)).must(QueryBuilders.termsQuery("state", values)));
- System.out.println(boolQueryBuilder);
- System.out.println("--------------------");
- // MP及EE写法
- LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
- wrapper.eq("business_type", 1)
- .and(a -> a.eq("state", 9).or(b -> b.eq("state", 8).eq("bidding_sign", 1)))
- .or(i -> i.eq("business_type", 2).in("state", 2, 3));
- documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
- }
+ @Resource
+ private DocumentMapper documentMapper;
+ @Test
+ @Order(0)
+ public void testCreateIndex() {
+ // 0.前置操作 创建索引 需确保索引托管模式处于manual手动挡,若为自动挡则会冲突.
+ boolean success = documentMapper.createIndex();
+ Assertions.assertTrue(success);
+ }
+ // 1.新增
+ @Test
+ @Order(1)
+ public void testInsert() {
+ // 测试插入数据
+ Document document = new Document();
+ document.setEsId("1");
+ document.setCaseTest("Test");
+ document.setTitle("测试文档1");
+ document.setContent(
+ "测试内容1我是大家发达酸辣粉家里都是测试阿拉拉肥发的是就测试时风刀霜剑阿凯刘非打死了交付率及时点法律就反倒是测测试初拉力肌肥大来极氪吉利发送代理费逻辑逻辑发骚鸡,测试发力了哦哦我");
+ document.setCreator("老汉1");
+ document.setIpAddress("");
+ document.setLocation("40.171975,116.587105");
+ document.setGmtCreate("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")));
+ document.setCustomField("自定义字段1");
+ document.setNullField("id为1的数据不是null,除此之外其它都是");
+ Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(39.084509D, 41.187328D, 70.610461D, 20.498353D);
+ document.setGeoLocation(rectangle.toString());
+ document.setStarNum(1);
+ document.setMultiField("葡萄糖酸钙口服溶液");
+ document.setEnglish("Calcium Gluconate");
+ document.setBigNum(new BigDecimal("66.66"));
+ int successCount = documentMapper.insert(document);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(successCount, 1);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(2)
+ public void testBatchInsert() {
+ List documentList = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int i = 2; i < 23; i++) {
+ Document document = new Document();
+ document.setEsId(Integer.toString(i));
+ document.setTitle("测试文档" + i);
+ document.setContent("测试内容" + i);
+ document.setCreator("老汉" + i);
+ document.setGmtCreate("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")));
+ document.setCustomField("自定义字段" + i);
+ Point point = new Point(13.400544 + i, 52.530286 + i);
+ document.setGeoLocation(point.toString());
+ document.setStarNum(i);
+ if (i == 2) {
+ document.setLocation("40.17836693398477,116.64002551005981");
+ document.setStarNum(1);
+ } else if (i == 3) {
+ document.setLocation("40.19103839805197,116.5624013764374");
+ } else if (i == 4) {
+ document.setLocation("40.13933715136454,116.63441990026217");
+ }
+ documentList.add(document);
+ }
+ int count = documentMapper.insertBatch(documentList);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(documentList.size(), count);
+ }
+ // 2.修改
+ @Test
+ @Order(3)
+ public void testUpdateById() {
+ Document document = new Document();
+ document.setEsId("1");
+ document.setTitle("测试文档1标题被更新了");
+ int count = documentMapper.updateById(document);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(1, count);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(4)
+ public void testUpdateByWrapper() {
+ LambdaEsUpdateWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsUpdateWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档2");
+ wrapper.set(Document::getContent, "测试文档内容2的内容被更新了");
+ int count = documentMapper.update(null, wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(1, count);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(4)
+ public void testUpdateByChainWrapper() {
+ int count = EsWrappers.lambdaChainUpdate(documentMapper).eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档3")
+ .set(Document::getContent, "测试文档内容3的内容被修改了").update();
+ Assertions.assertEquals(1, count);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(4)
+ public void testUpdateBySetSearchSourceBuilder() {
+ LambdaEsUpdateWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsUpdateWrapper<>();
+ SearchSourceBuilder searchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder();
+ searchSourceBuilder.query(
+ QueryBuilders.termQuery(FieldUtils.val(Document::getTitle) + KEYWORD_SUFFIX, "测试文档2"));
+ wrapper.setSearchSourceBuilder(searchSourceBuilder);
+ Document document = new Document();
+ document.setContent("测试文档内容2的内容再次被更新了");
+ int count = documentMapper.update(document, wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(1, count);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(5)
+ public void testUpdateByWrapperAndEntity() {
+ LambdaEsUpdateWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsUpdateWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉");
+ Document document = new Document();
+ document.setCustomField("被更新的自定义字段");
+ int count = documentMapper.update(document, wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(22, count);
+ }
+ // 3.查询
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testSQL() {
+ // 注意 sql中的from后面跟的是要被查询的索引名,也可以是索引别名(效果一样) 由于索引名可能会变,所以此处我采用别名ee_default_alias进行查询
+ String sql = "select count(*) from ee_default_alias where star_num > 0";
+ String jsonResult = documentMapper.executeSQL(sql);
+ System.out.println(jsonResult);
+ Assertions.assertNotNull(jsonResult);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testDSL() {
+ String dsl = "{\"query\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"term\":{\"title.keyword\":{\"value\":\"测试文档3\",\"boost\":1.0}}}],\"adjust_pure_negative\":true,\"boost\":1.0}},\"track_total_hits\":2147483647,\"highlight\":{\"pre_tags\":[\"\"],\"post_tags\":[\" \"],\"fragment_size\":2,\"fields\":{\"content\":{\"type\":\"unified\"}}}}";
+ String jsonResult = documentMapper.executeDSL(dsl);
+ System.out.println(jsonResult);
+ Assertions.assertNotNull(jsonResult);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testSelectOne() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.match(Document::getContent, "内容").orderByAsc(Document::getStarNum, Document::getEsId).limit(1);
+ Document document = documentMapper.selectOne(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals("测试文档1标题被更新了", document.getTitle());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testOne() {
+ // 链式调用
+ Document document = EsWrappers.lambdaChainQuery(documentMapper).eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档3").one();
+ Assertions.assertEquals(document.getContent(), "测试文档内容3的内容被修改了");
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testSelectById() {
+ Document document = documentMapper.selectById(1);
+ Assertions.assertEquals("1", document.getEsId());
+ Assertions.assertEquals("老汉1", document.getCreator());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testSelectBatchIds() {
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectBatchIds(Arrays.asList("1", "2"));
+ Assertions.assertEquals(2, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testSelectList() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.match(Document::getCustomField, "字段");
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(22, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testIgnoreCase() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.eq(Document::getCaseTest, "test");
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(1, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testIp() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.eq(Document::getIpAddress, "");
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(documents.size(), 1);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testSelectCount() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.match(Document::getCustomField, "字段");
+ Long count = documentMapper.selectCount(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(22L, count);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testSelectCountDistinct() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.match(Document::getCustomField, "字段");
+ wrapper.distinct(Document::getStarNum);
+ Long count = documentMapper.selectCount(wrapper, true);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(21L, count);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionAllEq() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ Map map = new HashMap<>();
+ map.put("title", "测试文档3");
+ map.put("creator.keyword", "老汉3");
+ map.put("starNum", 3);
+ wrapper.allEq(map);
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(1, documents.size());
+ Assertions.assertEquals("测试文档3", documents.get(0).getTitle());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionEq() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档10");
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(1, documents.size());
+ Assertions.assertEquals("测试文档10", documents.get(0).getTitle());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionGt() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+, 20);
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(2, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionGe() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+, 20);
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(3, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionLt() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+, 3);
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(2, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionLe() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.le(Document::getStarNum, 3);
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(3, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionBetween() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.between(Document::getStarNum, 1, 10);
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(10, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionLike() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+, "试文档");
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(22, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionLikeLeft() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.likeLeft(Document::getTitle, "文档10");
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(1, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionLikeRight() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.likeRight(Document::getTitle, "测试文");
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(22, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionIsNotNull() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.isNotNull(Document::getNullField);
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(1, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionExists() {
+ // exists等价于isNotNull 在es中更推荐此种语法
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.exists(Document::getNullField);
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(1, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionIn() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+, "1", "2", "3");
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(3, documents.size());
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper1 = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+, 7, 8);
+ List documents1 = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper1);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(2, documents1.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionGroupBy() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.match(Document::getContent, "测试").groupBy(Document::getStarNum);
+ SearchResponse response =;
+ ParsedLongTerms parsedLongTerms = response.getAggregations().get("starNumTerms");
+ Terms.Bucket bucket = parsedLongTerms.getBuckets().get(0);
+ Assertions.assertTrue(bucket.getKey().equals(1L) && bucket.getDocCount() == 2L);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionMax() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.match(Document::getContent, "测试").max(Document::getStarNum);
+ SearchResponse response =;
+ ParsedMax parsedMax = response.getAggregations().get("starNumMax");
+ Assertions.assertTrue(parsedMax.getValue() > 21);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionMin() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.match(Document::getContent, "测试").min(Document::getStarNum);
+ SearchResponse response =;
+ ParsedMin parsedMin = response.getAggregations().get("starNumMin");
+ Assertions.assertTrue(parsedMin.getValue() > 0 && parsedMin.getValue() < 2);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionSum() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.match(Document::getContent, "测试").sum(Document::getStarNum);
+ SearchResponse response =;
+ ParsedSum parsedSum = response.getAggregations().get("starNumSum");
+ Assertions.assertTrue(parsedSum.getValue() >= 252);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionAvg() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.match(Document::getContent, "测试").avg(Document::getStarNum);
+ SearchResponse response =;
+ ParsedAvg parsedAvg = response.getAggregations().get("starNumAvg");
+ Assertions.assertTrue(parsedAvg.getValue() > 11 && parsedAvg.getValue() < 12);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionDistinct() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.match(Document::getContent, "测试").distinct(Document::getStarNum);
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(21, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionLimit() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉").limit(2, 5);
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(5, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionFromAndSize() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉").from(20).size(2);
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(2, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionIndex() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉")
+ .index(EntityInfoHelper.getEntityInfo(Document.class).getIndexName());
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(22, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testSetSearchSourceBuilder() {
+ // 测试混合查询的另一种方式
+ SearchSourceBuilder searchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder();
+ searchSourceBuilder.query(QueryBuilders.matchQuery(FieldUtils.val(Document::getCreator), "老汉"));
+ Optional.ofNullable(EntityInfoHelper.getEntityInfo(Document.class))
+ .flatMap(i -> Optional.ofNullable(i.getMaxResultWindow())).ifPresent(searchSourceBuilder::size);
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.setSearchSourceBuilder(searchSourceBuilder);
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(22, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionAnd() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11)
+ .and(w -> w.eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档10").match(Document::getCreator, "老汉"));
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(1, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionOr() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+, 1, 10, 12, 13)
+ .or(i -> i.eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档11").eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档10"));
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(5, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionOrInner() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档10").or().eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档20");
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(2, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionFilter() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.eq(Document::getStarNum, 10).filter().eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档10");
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(1, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testConditionNot() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+, 10, 11, 12, 13)
+ .and(i -> i.not().eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档10").not().eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档11"));
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(2, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testPageQuery() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉");
+ EsPageInfo pageInfo = documentMapper.pageQuery(wrapper, 1, 5);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(5, pageInfo.getSize());
+ Assertions.assertEquals(22, pageInfo.getTotal());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testChainPage() {
+ // 链式
+ EsPageInfo pageInfo = EsWrappers.lambdaChainQuery(documentMapper).match(Document::getCreator, "老汉")
+ .page(1, 5);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(5, pageInfo.getSize());
+ Assertions.assertEquals(22, pageInfo.getTotal());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testSearchAfter() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper lambdaEsQueryWrapper = EsWrappers.lambdaQuery(Document.class);
+ lambdaEsQueryWrapper.size(10);
+ lambdaEsQueryWrapper.orderByDesc(Document::getEsId, Document::getStarNum);
+ SAPageInfo saPageInfo = documentMapper.searchAfterPage(lambdaEsQueryWrapper, null, 10);
+ //第一页
+ System.out.println(saPageInfo);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(10, saPageInfo.getList().size());
+ //获取下一页
+ List nextSearchAfter = saPageInfo.getNextSearchAfter();
+ SAPageInfo next = documentMapper.searchAfterPage(lambdaEsQueryWrapper, nextSearchAfter, 10);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(10, next.getList().size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testFilterField() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档10").select(Document::getEsId, Document::getContent);
+ Document document = documentMapper.selectOne(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertNotNull(document.getContent());
+ Assertions.assertNotNull(document.getEsId());
+ Assertions.assertNull(document.getTitle());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testNotFilterField() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.eq(Document::getTitle, "测试文档10").notSelect(Document::getEsId, Document::getContent);
+ Document document = documentMapper.selectOne(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertNull(document.getContent());
+ Assertions.assertNull(document.getEsId());
+ Assertions.assertNotNull(document.getTitle());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testOrderByDesc() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉");
+ wrapper.orderByDesc(Document::getStarNum);
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals("22", documents.get(0).getEsId());
+ Assertions.assertEquals("21", documents.get(1).getEsId());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testOrderByAsc() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉");
+ wrapper.orderByAsc(Document::getStarNum, Document::getEsId);
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals("1", documents.get(0).getEsId());
+ Assertions.assertEquals("22", documents.get(21).getEsId());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testOrderBy() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉");
+ List orderByParams = new ArrayList<>();
+ OrderByParam orderByParam = new OrderByParam();
+ orderByParam.setOrder("star_num");
+ orderByParam.setSort("DESC");
+ orderByParams.add(orderByParam);
+ wrapper.orderBy(orderByParams);
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals("22", documents.get(0).getEsId());
+ Assertions.assertEquals("21", documents.get(1).getEsId());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testOrderByDistanceAsc() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ GeoPoint centerPoint = new GeoPoint(41.0, 116.0);
+ wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉").geoDistance(Document::getLocation, 168.8, centerPoint)
+ .orderByDistanceAsc(Document::getLocation, centerPoint);
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals("3", documents.get(0).getEsId());
+ Assertions.assertEquals("4", documents.get(3).getEsId());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testOrderByDistanceDesc() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ GeoPoint centerPoint = new GeoPoint(41.0, 116.0);
+ wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉").geoDistance(Document::getLocation, 168.8, centerPoint)
+ .orderByDistanceDesc(Document::getLocation, centerPoint);
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals("4", documents.get(0).getEsId());
+ Assertions.assertEquals("3", documents.get(3).getEsId());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testOrderByDistanceMulti() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ GeoPoint centerPoint = new GeoPoint(41.0, 116.0);
+ GeoPoint centerPoint1 = new GeoPoint(42.0, 118.0);
+ wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉").geoDistance(Document::getLocation, 168.8, centerPoint)
+ .orderByDistanceDesc(Document::getLocation, centerPoint)
+ .orderByDistanceDesc(Document::getLocation, centerPoint1);
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals("4", documents.get(0).getEsId());
+ Assertions.assertEquals("3", documents.get(3).getEsId());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testSortByScore() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉11");
+ wrapper.sortByScore();
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals("11", documents.get(0).getEsId());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testSort() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉");
+ FieldSortBuilder fieldSortBuilder = SortBuilders.fieldSort(
+ FieldUtils.getRealField(FieldUtils.val(Document::getStarNum),
+ EntityInfoHelper.getEntityInfo(Document.class).getMappingColumnMap()));
+ fieldSortBuilder.order(SortOrder.DESC);
+ wrapper.sort(fieldSortBuilder);
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals("22", documents.get(0).getEsId());
+ Assertions.assertEquals("21", documents.get(1).getEsId());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testMatch() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.match(Document::getCreator, "老汉");
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertEquals(22, documents.size());
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ public void testMatchPhrase() {
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
+ wrapper.matchPhrase(Document::getContent, "测试");
+ List documents = documentMapper.selectList(wrapper);
+ Assertions.assertTrue(documents.size() > 0);
+ LambdaEsQueryWrapper