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Howdy, we're open for business. Please watch your step.

This repo contains a handful set of examples of how to implement a new or existing d3 visualization with the clojurescript strokes library.

Current Contents:

  • example-template for starting a new project
  • venn-simple as a hello world (also a good template)
  • general-update-pattern follows a d3 update tutorial
  • simple-bar port of the bar graph from bostock's slide
  • voronoi-clipping is a small voronoi program
  • rotating-voronoi is a more complicated voronoi example
  • histo-grow is an example of using a histogram
  • zip-decode adapted version of nelson's d3 zipcode shower
  • blah-blah-blah is the slide software for clojure/west
  • highlighter is a slide utility for showing/hiding text
  • shared - linked d3 lib for all samples (is there a better way?)

Online examples:

To get started, clone this repo, copy your favorite example,

lein cljsbuild auto

and then open public/index.html and start hacking.

Questions, feedback, and merge requests welcome.