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Thoughts and inspirations to advance the dribdat collective and set up a host organization to back the project.
An Open Collective is the current organizational principle of the project at opencollective.com/dribdat - with virtual structure and transparent budget. We can also very much inspire ourselves from Open Collective as a project.
[Strategic Focus] API, Open Collective as a platform · Issue #5140 · opencollective/opencollective Today, Open Collective is mostly a "website" and we would like to evolve in the direction of becoming more a "platform"
Post-Industrial "Labor" I’m a supporter of RadicalXChange and their mission of exploring new ways of structuring society.
The associative/cooperative model is trendy and attractive in many ways. Open source friendly, championing software freedoms and important causes, we could set up a Swiss Verein (association) or Genossenschaft (co-op) committed to the goals of supporting this project. It would probably be the best way to continue on a non-profit-oriented model.
The Vera List Center Seminar 8: Work in the Cultural Economy We Want: Cooperatives
UnFound Accelerator – open for applications - Do you have a clear and compelling idea for an ethical digital business? Are you interested in setting it up as a co‑operative? Then we'd love to hear from you!
"Es gibt viele Menschen mit innovativen, gemeinwohlorientierten Ideen. In der Regel fallen sie ohne Anbindung an Organisationen oder Institutionen durch das Raster klassischer Förderlogiken. Der Prototype Fund unterstützt diese Personen dabei, ihre Ideen einen Schritt weiter zu bringen. Er schafft Zeit und Raum, damit sie ihren Ideen nachgehen, diese explorieren und auch Fehler machen können" -- https://www.stiftung-mercator.ch/journal/neue-wege-der-foerderung
Förderung Die Hirschmann-Stiftung ist eine gemeinnützige schweizerische Stiftung mit Sitz in Zug.
Catalyst Cooperative Catalyst is a small data analysis cooperative working on electricity regulation and climate change.
SUPERMARKT× Coops & DAOs / Platform Coops Community Call
Journalism and action to open up the public sector The Civio Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization based in Spain which monitors public authorities
Canadian Open Data Society Organizations Supporting Open Data — Canadian Open Data Society
The question was considered on whether it would make sense to set up a "charitable" (Gemeinnützige) LLC to finance and administer development of a product. Whether a limited liability company is classified as a non-profit organisation depends on the decision of the competent tax authority. It would be best to ask them directly (i.e. Bern or Basel) which conditions have to be fulfilled (e.g. certain clauses in the articles of association) before founding a gGmbH company
It certainly is important in any product to explore the revenue model...
The Strategic approaches model, OPENNEXT, 2022, under CC-BY-SA.
To dogfood it...
Outseta "We scratched our own itch and built the tech stack we wish existed when we first started building SaaS start-ups."
And find some angels...
"Consider starting your own business. I'm aiming to help people like yourself startup:" https://cxo.industries/
Purpose - What is Steward Ownership?
A fair data economy is built upon collaboration - Sitra Preface Data is an increasingly important raw material for economic growth.
Teamshares Create $10 billion of new wealth for lower income Americans through employee ownership.
hirn® - Data Anlaysis as a Service (DAaaS) Ein Kind stellt im Schnitt 500 Fragen am Tag.
Weder staatlicher Fisch noch Vogel AG Die Probleme der Postauto AG zeigen: Bezahlt der Staat am Ende sowieso, bringen pseudoprivatwirtschaftliche Anreize oft nichts ausser Ärger und Bürokratie.
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- https://ofn-user-guide.gitbook.io/ofn-handbook/who-are-we
- https://openfoodnetwork.org/a-new-way-of-working/
- https://investinopen.org/landscape-of-digital-infrastructure-funding-dii/
- https://investinopen.org/blog/funding-open-infrastructure-a-survey-of-available-data-sources/
- https://graham-boyd.biz/rebuild-the-economy-leadership-and-you/
- https://civicactions.com/