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Faalagorn edited this page Jul 1, 2019 · 12 revisions


  1. Install game normally.

  2. Obtain FALLOUT.EXE from either the DOS version, official 1.1 DOS patch or unofficial 1.2 Fixd.

    Neither of these patches can be bundled with steam-dos, but we can download either one automatically and unpack during pre-run phase (emulate iscriptevaluator.exe). Progress on this task is tracked in: #17 -- dreamer_

  3. Obtain a DOS Extender, originally shipped with DOS4GW 1.97, but DOS32A 9.12 works as well, make sure the name is DOS4GW.EXE.

    • DOS32A is using permissive license, so we can bundle it with steam-dos (TODO: double check) -- dreamer_
    • Not sure if we should bundle binary file (and probably use git-lfs for that) or try to cross-compile ourselves - to be investigated -- dreamer_
  4. Obtain HMIDET.386 and HMIDRV.386. Originally shipped with the game, but could also be found from Human Machine Interactive website – they are also mirrored here (without them, sound will probably not work).

    • Maybe Lutris already distributes it? I have legal access to those files through Fallout 1 on CD-Action CD -- dreamer_
    • There might be multiple versions of those files floating around - i was wondering what these files actually are, so:
      • HMIDET.i386 - provides detection of various sound solutions popular in early 90s, developed by company called "Human Machine Interfaces". Great company name, but so generic that I can't find anything about them. Probably can be easily replaced by as stub.
      • HMIDRV.i386 - accompanying set of drivers, seems like up to several hundred bytes per driver. It's entirely possible they were already reimplemented by someone -- dreamer_
  5. Either use SOUND.EXE if you have a DOS copy to configure sound deviece, or manually edit fallout.cfg to include device=57344, dma=1, irq=7 and port=544 (other values might work as well, feel free to experiment).

    I will implement setting these values in cfg file automatically, but outside of master until we'll have fully working solution -- dreamer_

  6. Finally launch the game with the following command line parameter SDOS_RUN_EXE=FALLOUT.EXE %command%.

    I will implement a tweak for Fallout to make this automatic, but outside of master until we'll have fully working solution -- dreamer_


Steam version comes without music ISO bundled. According to PCGW, it's possible to restore music funcionality (maybe it's already bundled in pak files)? -- dreamer_

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