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Web Design Challenge


This repository took everything I learned about HTML and CSS to create a dashboard website visualizing the work I did on a previous repository, In that repository, I used citipy, a simple Python library, and the OpenWeatherMap API, to create a representative model of weather across 500+ world cities, which were of varying distance from the Equator.

Folders Overview

The assets folder contains pictures of ten cities that were generated from my temperature search of the 500+ cities.

Within the Resources folder, is the csv created out of the above search and holds the data for the above cities.

Last, the visualizations folder holds graphs that displayed relationships between various weather aspects and latitude.

Website Requirements

Below were the website requirements that I needed:

The website must consist of 7 pages total, including:

  • A landing page containing:

    • An explanation of the project.
    • Links to each visualizations page. It would have a sidebar containing preview images of each plot, and clicking an image would take the user to that visualization. Landing Page
  • Four visualization pages, each with:

    • A descriptive title and heading tag.
    • The plot/visualization itself for the selected comparison.
    • A paragraph describing the plot and its significance. Temp Visualization Page
  • A "Comparisons" page that:

    • Contains all of the visualizations on the same page so one could easily visually compare them.
    • Uses a Bootstrap grid for the visualizations.
      • The grid must be two visualizations across on screens medium and larger, and 1 across on extra-small and small screens. Comparisons Page
  • A "Data" page that:

    • Displays a responsive table that would contain the data used in my visualizations.
      • The table needed to be a bootstrap table component.
      • The data had to come from exporting my .csv file as HTML, or converting it to HTML. Data Page

The website must, at the top of every page, have a navigation menu that:

  • Has the name of the site on the left of the nav which would allow users to return to the landing page from any page.
  • Contains a dropdown menu on the right of the navbar named "Plots" that provides a link to each individual visualization page.
  • Provides two more text links on the right: "Comparisons," which links to the comparisons page, and "Data," which links to the data page.
  • Is responsive (using media queries).

Finally, the website had to be deployed to GitHub pages.

Additional Considerations

I took some liberty in the visual aspects of the websites by using the Bootstrap Theme Lux from Bootswatch.