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Insert or Update

AlexLEWIS edited this page Aug 17, 2021 · 20 revisions

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1. IFreeSql.InsertOrUpdate

IFreeSql defines the InsertOrUpdate method, which uses the characteristics and functions of the database to implement the added or modified functions. (since 1.5.0)

Database Features Database Features
MySql on duplicate key update Dameng merge into
PostgreSQL on conflict do update Kingbase ES on conflict do update
SqlServer merge into Shentong Database merge into
Oracle merge into MsAccess not support
Sqlite replace into
Firebird merge into
  .SetSource(items) //Data to be processed
  //.IfExistsDoNothing() //If the data exists, do nothing (that means, insert the data if and only if the data does not exist)

When the entity class has auto-increment properties, batch InsertOrUpdate can be split into two executions at most. Internally, FreeSql will calculate the data without self-increment and with self-increment, and execute the two commands of insert into and merge into mentioned above (using transaction execution).

Note: the common repository in FreeSql.Repository also has InsertOrUpdate method, but their mechanism is different.

2. InsertOrUpdate in FreeSql.Repository

使用此方法需要引用 FreeSql.Repository 或 FreeSql.DbContext 功能包。

var repo = fsql.GetRepository<T>();





3. Batch Editing: BeginEdit

public void BeginEdit()
    var repo = fsql.GetRepository<BeginEdit01>();
    var cts = new[] {
        new BeginEdit01 { Name = "分类1" },
        new BeginEdit01 { Name = "分类1_1" },
        new BeginEdit01 { Name = "分类1_2" },
        new BeginEdit01 { Name = "分类1_3" },
        new BeginEdit01 { Name = "分类2" },
        new BeginEdit01 { Name = "分类2_1" },
        new BeginEdit01 { Name = "分类2_2" }

    repo.BeginEdit(cts); //开始对 cts 进行编辑

    cts.Add(new BeginEdit01 { Name = "分类2_3" });
    cts[0].Name = "123123";

    Assert.Equal(3, repo.EndEdit());
class BeginEdit01
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

上面的代码 EndEdit 方法执行的时候产生 3 条 SQL 如下:

INSERT INTO "BeginEdit01"("Id", "Name") VALUES('5f26bf07-6ac3-cbe8-00da-7dd74818c3a6', '分类2_3')

UPDATE "BeginEdit01" SET "Name" = '123123' 
WHERE ("Id" = '5f26bf00-6ac3-cbe8-00da-7dd01be76e26')

DELETE FROM "BeginEdit01" WHERE ("Id" = '5f26bf00-6ac3-cbe8-00da-7dd11bcf54dc')

场景:winform 加载表数据后,一顿添加、修改、删除操作之后,点击【保存】

提醒:该操作只对变量 cts 有效,不是针对全表对比更新。

4. On Duplicate Key Update (MySql only)

FreeSql.Provider.MySql 和 FreeSql.Provider.MySqlConnector 支持 MySql 特有的功能,On Duplicate Key Update。


class TestOnDuplicateKeyUpdateInfo {
    [Column(IsIdentity = true)]
    public int id { get; set; }
    public string title { get; set; }
    public DateTime time { get; set; }

var item = new TestOnDuplicateKeyUpdateInfo { id = 100, title = "title-100", time = DateTime.Parse("2000-01-01") };
//INSERT INTO `TestOnDuplicateKeyUpdateInfo`(`id`, `title`, `time`) VALUES(100, 'title-100', '2000-01-01 00:00:00.000')
//`title` = VALUES(`title`), 
//`time` = VALUES(`time`)

OnDuplicateKeyUpdate() 之后可以调用的方法:

方法名 描述
IgnoreColumns 忽略更新的列,机制和 IUpdate.IgnoreColumns 一样
UpdateColumns 指定更新的列,机制和 IUpdate.UpdateColumns 一样
Set 手工指定更新的列,与 IUpdate.Set 功能一样
SetRaw 作为 Set 方法的补充,可传入 SQL 字符串
ToSql 返回即将执行的 SQL 语句
ExecuteAffrows 执行,返回影响的行数

IInsert 与 OnDuplicateKeyUpdate 都有 IgnoreColumns、UpdateColumns 方法。

当插入实体/集合实体的时候,忽略了 time 列,代码如下:

    .IgnoreColumns(a => a.time)
//INSERT INTO `TestOnDuplicateKeyUpdateInfo`(`id`, `title`) VALUES(200, 'title-200')
//`title` = VALUES(`title`), 
//`time` = '2000-01-01 00:00:00.000'

我们发现,UPDATE time 部分变成了常量,而不是 VALUES(`time`),机制如下:

当 insert 部分中存在的列,在 update 中将以 VALUES(`字段`) 的形式设置;

当 insert 部分中不存在的列,在 update 中将为常量形式设置,当操作实体数组的时候,此常量为 case when ... end 执行(与 IUpdate 一样);

5. On Conflict Do Update (PostgreSQL only)

FreeSql.Provider.PostgreSQL 支持 PostgreSQL 9.5+ 特有的功能,On Conflict(id) Do Update。

使用方法 MySql OnDuplicateKeyUpdate 大致相同。

class TestOnConflictDoUpdateInfo {
    [Column(IsIdentity = true)]
    public int id { get; set; }
    public string title { get; set; }
    public DateTime? time { get; set; }

var items = new [] {
    new TestOnConflictDoUpdateInfo { id = 200, title = "title-200", time = DateTime.Parse("2000-01-01") },
    new TestOnConflictDoUpdateInfo { id = 201, title = "title-201", time = DateTime.Parse("2000-01-01") },
    new TestOnConflictDoUpdateInfo { id = 202, title = "title-202", time = DateTime.Parse("2000-01-01") }
    .IgnoreColumns(a => a.time)
//INSERT INTO ""testonconflictdoupdateinfo""(""id"", ""title"") VALUES(200, 'title-200'), (201, 'title-201'), (202, 'title-202')
//""title"" = EXCLUDED.""title"", 
//""time"" = CASE EXCLUDED.""id"" 
//WHEN 200 THEN '2000-01-01 00:00:00.000000' 
//WHEN 201 THEN '2000-01-01 00:00:00.000000' 
//WHEN 202 THEN '2000-01-01 00:00:00.000000' END::timestamp
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