diff --git a/eng/pipelines/common/global-build-job.yml b/eng/pipelines/common/global-build-job.yml index 7e24fd3d045d5..b870ba34757c2 100644 --- a/eng/pipelines/common/global-build-job.yml +++ b/eng/pipelines/common/global-build-job.yml @@ -147,7 +147,10 @@ jobs: steps: - checkout: self clean: true - fetchDepth: $(checkoutFetchDepth) + # If running in source build mode, a git stash will be used for the inner clone. Avoid setting a fetch depth, + # as a stash of a shallow cloned repo is not currently supported. + ${{ if ne(parameters.isSourceBuild, true) }}: + fetchDepth: $(checkoutFetchDepth) - ${{ if and(eq(parameters.isOfficialBuild, true), notin(parameters.osGroup, 'osx', 'maccatalyst', 'ios', 'iossimulator', 'tvos', 'tvossimulator')) }}: - template: /eng/pipelines/common/restore-internal-tools.yml