diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System.Private.CoreLib.Shared.projitems b/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System.Private.CoreLib.Shared.projitems
index 233d19f0d5b5f4..06cdf585cced69 100644
--- a/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System.Private.CoreLib.Shared.projitems
+++ b/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System.Private.CoreLib.Shared.projitems
@@ -307,6 +307,7 @@
diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Byte.cs b/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Byte.cs
index 0302bc2bc649dd..6d123da2b4792d 100644
--- a/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Byte.cs
+++ b/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Byte.cs
@@ -278,6 +278,9 @@ object IConvertible.ToType(Type type, IFormatProvider? provider)
public static (byte Quotient, byte Remainder) DivRem(byte left, byte right) => Math.DivRem(left, right);
+ ///
+ public static (byte Quotient, byte Remainder) DivRem(byte left, byte right, DivisionRounding rounding) => Math.DivRem(left, right);
public static byte LeadingZeroCount(byte value) => (byte)(BitOperations.LeadingZeroCount(value) - 24);
diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/DivisionRounding.cs b/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/DivisionRounding.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..268e514d0883ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/DivisionRounding.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+namespace System
+ public enum DivisionRounding
+ {
+ Truncate = 0,
+ Floor = 1,
+ Ceiling = 2,
+ AwayFromZero = 3,
+ Euclidean = 4,
+ }
diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Int32.cs b/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Int32.cs
index f71b84138ecfb5..91a9850cea283c 100644
--- a/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Int32.cs
+++ b/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Int32.cs
@@ -296,6 +296,9 @@ object IConvertible.ToType(Type type, IFormatProvider? provider)
public static (int Quotient, int Remainder) DivRem(int left, int right) => Math.DivRem(left, right);
+ ///
+ public static (int Quotient, int Remainder) DivRem(int left, int right, DivisionRounding rounding) => Math.DivRem(left, right, rounding);
public static int LeadingZeroCount(int value) => BitOperations.LeadingZeroCount((uint)value);
diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Math.cs b/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Math.cs
index 32c3eee4712bfc..5a85489ad6be10 100644
--- a/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Math.cs
+++ b/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Math.cs
@@ -501,6 +501,129 @@ public static (nuint Quotient, nuint Remainder) DivRem(nuint left, nuint right)
return (quotient, left - (quotient * right));
+ /// Produces the quotient and the remainder of two signed 32-bit numbers.
+ /// The dividend.
+ /// The divisor.
+ /// The rounding type.
+ /// The quotient and the remainder of the specified numbers.
+ [NonVersionable]
+ [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
+ public static (int Quotient, int Remainder) DivRem(int left, int right, DivisionRounding rounding)
+ {
+ switch (rounding)
+ {
+ case DivisionRounding.Truncate:
+ return DivRem(left, right);
+ case DivisionRounding.Floor:
+ return DivRemFloor(left, right);
+ case DivisionRounding.Ceiling:
+ return DivRemCeiling(left, right);
+ case DivisionRounding.AwayFromZero:
+ return DivRemAwayFromZero(left, right);
+ case DivisionRounding.Euclidean:
+ return DivRemEuclidean(left, right);
+ default:
+ ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException_InvalidEnumValue(rounding);
+ return default;
+ };
+ }
+ [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
+ private static (int quotient, int remainder) DivRemFloor(int left, int right)
+ {
+ int quotient = left / right;
+ int remainder = left - (quotient * right);
+ if (remainder != 0)
+ {
+ return FloorRounding(left, right, quotient, remainder);
+ }
+ return (quotient, remainder);
+ }
+ [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
+ private static (int quotient, int remainder) FloorRounding(int left, int right, int quotient, int remainder)
+ {
+ if (Sign(left) != Sign(right))
+ {
+ quotient--;
+ remainder += right;
+ }
+ return (quotient, remainder);
+ }
+ [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
+ private static (int Quotient, int Remainder) DivRemCeiling(int left, int right)
+ {
+ int quotient = left / right;
+ int remainder = left - (quotient * right);
+ if (remainder != 0)
+ {
+ return CeilingRounding(left, right, quotient, remainder);
+ }
+ return (quotient, remainder);
+ }
+ [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
+ private static (int quotient, int remainder) CeilingRounding(int left, int right, int quotient, int remainder)
+ {
+ if (Sign(left) == Sign(right))
+ {
+ quotient++;
+ remainder -= right;
+ }
+ return (quotient, remainder);
+ }
+ [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
+ private static (int Quotient, int Remainder) DivRemAwayFromZero(int left, int right)
+ {
+ int quotient = left / right;
+ int remainder = left - (quotient * right);
+ if (remainder != 0)
+ {
+ if (Sign(left) == Sign(right))
+ {
+ quotient++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ quotient--;
+ }
+ }
+ remainder = left - (quotient * right);
+ return (quotient, remainder);
+ }
+ [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
+ private static (int Quotient, int Remainder) DivRemEuclidean(int left, int right)
+ {
+ int quotient = left / right;
+ int remainder = left - (quotient * right);
+ if (remainder != 0)
+ {
+ if (right > 0)
+ {
+ return FloorRounding(left, right, quotient, remainder);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return CeilingRounding(left, right, quotient, remainder);
+ }
+ }
+ return (quotient, remainder);
+ }
public static decimal Ceiling(decimal d)
diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Numerics/IBinaryInteger.cs b/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Numerics/IBinaryInteger.cs
index a150b61e2c40e4..abfe1b6604518e 100644
--- a/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Numerics/IBinaryInteger.cs
+++ b/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Numerics/IBinaryInteger.cs
@@ -20,6 +20,125 @@ static virtual (TSelf Quotient, TSelf Remainder) DivRem(TSelf left, TSelf right)
return (quotient, (left - (quotient * right)));
+ ///
+ /// Computes the quotient and remainder of two values.
+ /// Throws an if is invalid.
+ ///
+ /// The value which divides.
+ /// The value which divides .
+ ///
+ /// The quotient and remainder of divided-by .
+ ///
+ static virtual (TSelf Quotient, TSelf Remainder) DivRem(TSelf left, TSelf right, DivisionRounding rounding)
+ {
+ switch (rounding)
+ {
+ case DivisionRounding.Truncate:
+ return TSelf.DivRem(left, right);
+ case DivisionRounding.Floor:
+ return DivRemFloor(left, right);
+ case DivisionRounding.Ceiling:
+ return DivRemCeiling(left, right);
+ case DivisionRounding.AwayFromZero:
+ return DivRemAwayFromZero(left, right);
+ case DivisionRounding.Euclidean:
+ return DivRemEuclidean(left, right);
+ default:
+ ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException_InvalidEnumValue(rounding);
+ return default;
+ };
+ }
+ private static (TSelf quotient, TSelf remainder) DivRemFloor(TSelf left, TSelf right)
+ {
+ TSelf quotient = left / right;
+ TSelf remainder = left - (quotient * right);
+ if (remainder != TSelf.Zero)
+ {
+ return FloorRounding(left, right, quotient, remainder);
+ }
+ return (quotient, remainder);
+ }
+ private static (TSelf quotient, TSelf remainder) FloorRounding(TSelf left, TSelf right, TSelf quotient, TSelf remainder)
+ {
+ if (TSelf.Sign(left) != TSelf.Sign(right))
+ {
+ quotient--;
+ remainder += right;
+ }
+ return (quotient, remainder);
+ }
+ private static (TSelf Quotient, TSelf Remainder) DivRemCeiling(TSelf left, TSelf right)
+ {
+ TSelf quotient = left / right;
+ TSelf remainder = left - (quotient * right);
+ if (remainder != TSelf.Zero)
+ {
+ return CeilingRounding(left, right, quotient, remainder);
+ }
+ return (quotient, remainder);
+ }
+ private static (TSelf quotient, TSelf remainder) CeilingRounding(TSelf left, TSelf right, TSelf quotient, TSelf remainder)
+ {
+ if (TSelf.Sign(left) == TSelf.Sign(right))
+ {
+ quotient++;
+ remainder -= right;
+ }
+ return (quotient, remainder);
+ }
+ private static (TSelf Quotient, TSelf Remainder) DivRemAwayFromZero(TSelf left, TSelf right)
+ {
+ TSelf quotient = left / right;
+ TSelf remainder = left - (quotient * right);
+ if (remainder != TSelf.Zero)
+ {
+ if (TSelf.Sign(left) == TSelf.Sign(right))
+ {
+ quotient++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ quotient--;
+ }
+ }
+ remainder = left - (quotient * right);
+ return (quotient, remainder);
+ }
+ private static (TSelf Quotient, TSelf Remainder) DivRemEuclidean(TSelf left, TSelf right)
+ {
+ TSelf quotient = left / right;
+ TSelf remainder = left - (quotient * right);
+ if (remainder != TSelf.Zero)
+ {
+ if (right > TSelf.Zero)
+ {
+ return FloorRounding(left, right, quotient, remainder);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return CeilingRounding(left, right, quotient, remainder);
+ }
+ }
+ return (quotient, remainder);
+ }
/// Computes the number of leading zero bits in a value.
/// The value whose leading zero bits are to be counted.
/// The number of leading zero bits in .
diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime/ref/System.Runtime.cs b/src/libraries/System.Runtime/ref/System.Runtime.cs
index e7e61105315e09..28f707c2f0ad29 100644
--- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime/ref/System.Runtime.cs
+++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime/ref/System.Runtime.cs
@@ -944,6 +944,7 @@ public static void SetByte(System.Array array, int index, byte value) { }
public static byte CreateSaturating(TOther value) where TOther : System.Numerics.INumberBase { throw null; }
public static byte CreateTruncating(TOther value) where TOther : System.Numerics.INumberBase { throw null; }
public static (byte Quotient, byte Remainder) DivRem(byte left, byte right) { throw null; }
+ public static (byte Quotient, byte Remainder) DivRem(byte left, byte right, System.DivisionRounding rounding) { throw null; }
public bool Equals(byte obj) { throw null; }
public override bool Equals([System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.NotNullWhenAttribute(true)] object? obj) { throw null; }
public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; }
@@ -2369,6 +2370,14 @@ protected DivideByZeroException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo i
public DivideByZeroException(string? message) { }
public DivideByZeroException(string? message, System.Exception? innerException) { }
+ public enum DivisionRounding
+ {
+ Truncate = 0,
+ Floor = 1,
+ Ceiling = 2,
+ AwayFromZero = 3,
+ Euclidean = 4,
+ }
public readonly partial struct Double : System.IComparable, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IEquatable, System.IFormattable, System.IParsable, System.ISpanFormattable, System.ISpanParsable, System.IUtf8SpanFormattable, System.IUtf8SpanParsable, System.Numerics.IAdditionOperators, System.Numerics.IAdditiveIdentity, System.Numerics.IBinaryFloatingPointIeee754, System.Numerics.IBinaryNumber, System.Numerics.IBitwiseOperators, System.Numerics.IComparisonOperators, System.Numerics.IDecrementOperators, System.Numerics.IDivisionOperators, System.Numerics.IEqualityOperators, System.Numerics.IExponentialFunctions, System.Numerics.IFloatingPoint, System.Numerics.IFloatingPointConstants, System.Numerics.IFloatingPointIeee754, System.Numerics.IHyperbolicFunctions, System.Numerics.IIncrementOperators, System.Numerics.ILogarithmicFunctions, System.Numerics.IMinMaxValue, System.Numerics.IModulusOperators, System.Numerics.IMultiplicativeIdentity, System.Numerics.IMultiplyOperators, System.Numerics.INumber, System.Numerics.INumberBase, System.Numerics.IPowerFunctions, System.Numerics.IRootFunctions, System.Numerics.ISignedNumber, System.Numerics.ISubtractionOperators, System.Numerics.ITrigonometricFunctions, System.Numerics.IUnaryNegationOperators, System.Numerics.IUnaryPlusOperators
private readonly double _dummyPrimitive;
@@ -3886,6 +3895,7 @@ public InsufficientMemoryException(string? message, System.Exception? innerExcep
public static int CreateSaturating(TOther value) where TOther : System.Numerics.INumberBase { throw null; }
public static int CreateTruncating(TOther value) where TOther : System.Numerics.INumberBase { throw null; }
public static (int Quotient, int Remainder) DivRem(int left, int right) { throw null; }
+ public static (int Quotient, int Remainder) DivRem(int left, int right, System.DivisionRounding rounding) { throw null; }
public bool Equals(int obj) { throw null; }
public override bool Equals([System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.NotNullWhenAttribute(true)] object? obj) { throw null; }
public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; }
@@ -4471,6 +4481,7 @@ public static partial class Math
public static (byte Quotient, byte Remainder) DivRem(byte left, byte right) { throw null; }
public static (short Quotient, short Remainder) DivRem(short left, short right) { throw null; }
public static (int Quotient, int Remainder) DivRem(int left, int right) { throw null; }
+ public static (int Quotient, int Remainder) DivRem(int left, int right, System.DivisionRounding rounding) { throw null; }
public static int DivRem(int a, int b, out int result) { throw null; }
public static (long Quotient, long Remainder) DivRem(long left, long right) { throw null; }
public static long DivRem(long a, long b, out long result) { throw null; }
@@ -11138,6 +11149,7 @@ public partial interface IBinaryFloatingPointIeee754 : System.IComparable
public partial interface IBinaryInteger : System.IComparable, System.IComparable, System.IEquatable, System.IFormattable, System.IParsable, System.ISpanFormattable, System.ISpanParsable, System.Numerics.IAdditionOperators, System.Numerics.IAdditiveIdentity, System.Numerics.IBinaryNumber, System.Numerics.IBitwiseOperators, System.Numerics.IComparisonOperators, System.Numerics.IDecrementOperators, System.Numerics.IDivisionOperators, System.Numerics.IEqualityOperators, System.Numerics.IIncrementOperators, System.Numerics.IModulusOperators, System.Numerics.IMultiplicativeIdentity, System.Numerics.IMultiplyOperators, System.Numerics.INumber, System.Numerics.INumberBase, System.Numerics.IShiftOperators, System.Numerics.ISubtractionOperators, System.Numerics.IUnaryNegationOperators, System.Numerics.IUnaryPlusOperators where TSelf : System.Numerics.IBinaryInteger?
static virtual (TSelf Quotient, TSelf Remainder) DivRem(TSelf left, TSelf right) { throw null; }
+ static virtual (TSelf Quotient, TSelf Remainder) DivRem(TSelf left, TSelf right, System.DivisionRounding rounding) { throw null; }
int GetByteCount();
int GetShortestBitLength();
static virtual TSelf LeadingZeroCount(TSelf value) { throw null; }
diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Runtime/tests/System.Runtime.Extensions.Tests/System/Math.cs b/src/libraries/System.Runtime/tests/System.Runtime.Extensions.Tests/System/Math.cs
index 7d8606b799d649..54ddd757f809f3 100644
--- a/src/libraries/System.Runtime/tests/System.Runtime.Extensions.Tests/System/Math.cs
+++ b/src/libraries/System.Runtime/tests/System.Runtime.Extensions.Tests/System/Math.cs
@@ -1939,6 +1939,95 @@ public static void DivRemInt32(int dividend, int divisor, int expectedQuotient,
+ [Theory]
+ // Truncate
+ [InlineData(2147483647, 2000, 1073741, 1647, DivisionRounding.Truncate)]
+ [InlineData(13952, 2000, 6, 1952, DivisionRounding.Truncate)]
+ [InlineData(0, 2000, 0, 0, DivisionRounding.Truncate)]
+ [InlineData(-14032, 2000, -7, -32, DivisionRounding.Truncate)]
+ [InlineData(-2147483648, 2000, -1073741, -1648, DivisionRounding.Truncate)]
+ [InlineData(2147483647, -2000, -1073741, 1647, DivisionRounding.Truncate)]
+ [InlineData(13952, -2000, -6, 1952, DivisionRounding.Truncate)]
+ [InlineData(13952, 0, 0, 0, DivisionRounding.Truncate)]
+ [InlineData(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, 1, 0, DivisionRounding.Truncate)]
+ [InlineData(int.MaxValue, 1, int.MaxValue, 0, DivisionRounding.Truncate)]
+ [InlineData(int.MaxValue, 0, 0, 0, DivisionRounding.Truncate)]
+ [InlineData(1, int.MaxValue, 0, 1, DivisionRounding.Truncate)]
+ [InlineData(0, 0, 0, 0, DivisionRounding.Truncate)]
+ // Floor Tests
+ [InlineData(2147483647, 2000, 1073741, 1647, DivisionRounding.Floor)]
+ [InlineData(13952, 2000, 6, 1952, DivisionRounding.Floor)]
+ [InlineData(0, 2000, 0, 0, DivisionRounding.Floor)]
+ [InlineData(-14032, 2000, -8, 1968, DivisionRounding.Floor)]
+ [InlineData(-2147483648, 2000, -1073742, 352, DivisionRounding.Floor)]
+ [InlineData(2147483647, -2000, -1073742, -353, DivisionRounding.Floor)]
+ [InlineData(13952, -2000, -7, -48, DivisionRounding.Floor)]
+ [InlineData(13952, 0, 0, 0, DivisionRounding.Floor)]
+ [InlineData(int.MaxValue, 0, 0, 0, DivisionRounding.Floor)]
+ [InlineData(int.MaxValue, 1, int.MaxValue, 0, DivisionRounding.Floor)]
+ [InlineData(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, 1, 0, DivisionRounding.Floor)]
+ [InlineData(1, int.MaxValue, 0, 1, DivisionRounding.Floor)]
+ [InlineData(0, 0, 0, 0, DivisionRounding.Floor)]
+ // Ceiling Tests
+ [InlineData(2147483647, 2000, 1073742, -353, DivisionRounding.Ceiling)]
+ [InlineData(13952, 2000, 7, -48, DivisionRounding.Ceiling)]
+ [InlineData(0, 2000, 0, 0, DivisionRounding.Ceiling)]
+ [InlineData(-14032, 2000, -7, -32, DivisionRounding.Ceiling)]
+ [InlineData(-2147483648, 2000, -1073741, -1648, DivisionRounding.Ceiling)]
+ [InlineData(2147483647, -2000, -1073741, 1647, DivisionRounding.Ceiling)]
+ [InlineData(13952, -2000, -6, 1952, DivisionRounding.Ceiling)]
+ [InlineData(13952, 0, 0, 0, DivisionRounding.Ceiling)]
+ [InlineData(int.MaxValue, 0, 0, 0, DivisionRounding.Ceiling)]
+ [InlineData(int.MaxValue, 1, int.MaxValue, 0, DivisionRounding.Ceiling)]
+ [InlineData(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, 1, 0, DivisionRounding.Ceiling)]
+ [InlineData(1, int.MaxValue, 1, -2147483646, DivisionRounding.Ceiling)]
+ [InlineData(0, 0, 0, 0, DivisionRounding.Ceiling)]
+ // AwayFromZero Tests
+ [InlineData(2147483647, 2000, 1073742, -353, DivisionRounding.AwayFromZero)]
+ [InlineData(13952, 2000, 7, -48, DivisionRounding.AwayFromZero)]
+ [InlineData(0, 2000, 0, 0, DivisionRounding.AwayFromZero)]
+ [InlineData(-14032, 2000, -8, 1968, DivisionRounding.AwayFromZero)]
+ [InlineData(-2147483648, 2000, -1073742, 352, DivisionRounding.AwayFromZero)]
+ [InlineData(2147483647, -2000, -1073742, -353, DivisionRounding.AwayFromZero)]
+ [InlineData(13952, -2000, -7, -48, DivisionRounding.AwayFromZero)]
+ [InlineData(13952, 0, 0, 0, DivisionRounding.AwayFromZero)]
+ [InlineData(int.MaxValue, 0, 0, 0, DivisionRounding.AwayFromZero)]
+ [InlineData(int.MaxValue, 1, int.MaxValue, 0, DivisionRounding.AwayFromZero)]
+ [InlineData(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, 1, 0, DivisionRounding.AwayFromZero)]
+ [InlineData(1, int.MaxValue, 1, -2147483646, DivisionRounding.AwayFromZero)]
+ [InlineData(0, 0, 0, 0, DivisionRounding.AwayFromZero)]
+ // Euclidean Tests
+ [InlineData(2147483647, 2000, 1073741, 1647, DivisionRounding.Euclidean)]
+ [InlineData(13952, 2000, 6, 1952, DivisionRounding.Euclidean)]
+ [InlineData(0, 2000, 0, 0, DivisionRounding.Euclidean)]
+ [InlineData(-14032, 2000, -8, 1968, DivisionRounding.Euclidean)]
+ [InlineData(-2147483648, 2000, -1073742, 352, DivisionRounding.Euclidean)]
+ [InlineData(2147483647, -2000, -1073741, 1647, DivisionRounding.Euclidean)]
+ [InlineData(13952, -2000, -6, 1952, DivisionRounding.Euclidean)]
+ [InlineData(13952, 0, 0, 0, DivisionRounding.Euclidean)]
+ [InlineData(int.MaxValue, 0, 0, 0, DivisionRounding.Euclidean)]
+ [InlineData(int.MaxValue, 1, int.MaxValue, 0, DivisionRounding.Euclidean)]
+ [InlineData(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, 1, 0, DivisionRounding.Euclidean)]
+ [InlineData(1, int.MaxValue, 0, 1, DivisionRounding.Euclidean)]
+ [InlineData(0, 0, 0, 0, DivisionRounding.Euclidean)]
+ public static void DivRemWithRoundingInt32(int dividend, int divisor, int expectedQuotient, int expectedRemainder, DivisionRounding divisionRounding)
+ {
+ if (divisor == 0)
+ {
+ Assert.Throws(() => Math.DivRem(dividend, divisor, divisionRounding));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var (actualQuotient, actualRemainder) = Math.DivRem(dividend, divisor, divisionRounding);
+ Assert.Equal(expectedQuotient, actualQuotient);
+ Assert.Equal(expectedRemainder, actualRemainder);
+ }
+ if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
+ {
+ // DivRemWithRoundingNativeInt(dividend, divisor, expectedQuotient, expectedRemainder, divisionRounding);
+ }
+ }
[InlineData(uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue, 1, 0)]
[InlineData(uint.MaxValue, 1, uint.MaxValue, 0)]
@@ -2050,6 +2139,25 @@ private static void DivRemNativeInt(nint dividend, nint divisor, nint expectedQu
+ /*
+ * Not yet implemented
+ *
+ [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)]
+ private static void DivRemWithRoundingNativeInt(nint dividend, nint divisor, nint expectedQuotient, nint expectedRemainder, DivisionRounding divisionRounding)
+ {
+ if (divisor == 0)
+ {
+ Assert.Throws(() => Math.DivRem(dividend, divisor, divisionRounding));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var (actualQuotient, actualRemainder) = Math.DivRem(dividend, divisor, divisionRounding);
+ Assert.Equal(expectedQuotient, actualQuotient);
+ Assert.Equal(expectedRemainder, actualRemainder);
+ }
+ }
+ */
private static void DivRemNativeUInt(nuint dividend, nuint divisor, nuint expectedQuotient, nuint expectedRemainder)
diff --git a/src/libraries/apicompat/ApiCompatBaseline.NetCoreAppLatestStable.xml b/src/libraries/apicompat/ApiCompatBaseline.NetCoreAppLatestStable.xml
index 2ce9abc316b77d..0dbd35bc851b16 100644
--- a/src/libraries/apicompat/ApiCompatBaseline.NetCoreAppLatestStable.xml
+++ b/src/libraries/apicompat/ApiCompatBaseline.NetCoreAppLatestStable.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@