diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index 83d03235b23..650427a125b 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -1630,7 +1630,7 @@ Chyby: {3} Skipping because the "$(AspNetConfiguration)" configuration is not supported for this web project. You can use the AspNetConfiguration property to override the configuration used for building web projects, by adding /p:AspNetConfiguration=<value> to the command line. Currently web projects only support Debug and Release configurations. - Vynecháno, protože konfigurace $(AspNetConfiguration) není pro tento webový projekt podporována. Pomocí vlastnosti AspNetConfiguration můžete přepsat konfiguraci používanou k sestavování webových projektů, a to přidáním příkazu /p:AspNetConfiguration=<hodnota> do příkazového řádku. Webové projekty nyní podporují pouze konfigurace Debug a Release. + Vynecháno, protože konfigurace "$(AspNetConfiguration)" není pro tento webový projekt podporována. Pomocí vlastnosti AspNetConfiguration můžete přepsat konfiguraci používanou k sestavování webových projektů, a to přidáním příkazu /p:AspNetConfiguration=<hodnota> do příkazového řádku. Webové projekty nyní podporují pouze konfigurace Debug a Release. UE: This is not an error, so doesn't need an error code. LOCALIZATION: Do NOT localize "AspNetConfiguration", "Debug", "Release". diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.de.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.de.xlf index 3001fd096d9..e6a913e32bb 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.de.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.de.xlf @@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ The "{0}" resolver attempted to resolve the SDK "{1}". Warnings: {2} Errors: {3} - Der Konfliktlöser „{0}“ hat versucht, das SDK „{1}“ aufzulösen. + Der Konfliktlöser "{0}" hat versucht, das SDK "{1}" aufzulösen. Warnungen: {2} Fehler: {3} @@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ Fehler: {3} This is an unhandled exception in MSBuild -- PLEASE UPVOTE AN EXISTING ISSUE OR FILE A NEW ONE AT https://aka.ms/msbuild/unhandled {0} - Dies ist eine nicht behandelte Ausnahme in MSBuild. RUFEN SIE EIN VORHANDENES PROBLEM AUF, ODER ERSTELLEN SIE EIN NEUES UNTER https://aka.ms/msbuild/unhandled + Dies ist ein Ausnahmefehler in MSBuild. STIMMEN SIE EINEM VORHANDENEN ISSUE ZU, ODER ERSTELLEN SIE EIN NEUES ISSUE UNTER https://aka.ms/msbuild/unhandled {0} diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.es.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.es.xlf index f5f6b78041f..38ef5036baf 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.es.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.es.xlf @@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ The "{0}" resolver attempted to resolve the SDK "{1}". Warnings: {2} Errors: {3} - El resolvedor "{0}" intentó resolver el SDK "{1}". + El solucionador "{0}" intentó resolver el SDK "{1}". Advertencias: {2} Errores: {3} diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.fr.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.fr.xlf index 28c5c4c14b9..7ecf671540f 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.fr.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.fr.xlf @@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ Erreurs : {3} This is an unhandled exception in MSBuild -- PLEASE UPVOTE AN EXISTING ISSUE OR FILE A NEW ONE AT https://aka.ms/msbuild/unhandled {0} - Il s’agit d’une exception non gérée dans MSBuild –– VOTEZ POUR UN PROBLÈME EXISTANT OU ENTREZ UN NOUVEAU FICHIER À https://aka.ms/msbuild/unhandled. + Il s’agit d’une exception non prise en charge dans MSBuild –– VOTEZ POUR UN PROBLÈME EXISTANT OU CRÉEZ-EN UN SUR https://aka.ms/msbuild/unhandled {0} diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.it.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.it.xlf index db3bb216291..cc614a3a558 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.it.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.it.xlf @@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ The "{0}" resolver attempted to resolve the SDK "{1}". Warnings: {2} Errors: {3} - Il resolver "{0}" ha provato a risolvere l'SDK "{1}". + Il resolver "{0}" ha tentato di risolvere l'SDK "{1}". Avvisi: {2} Errori: {3} diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.pl.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.pl.xlf index b253894f759..864776c5006 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.pl.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.pl.xlf @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ ArchiveFile was obtained, but the final edited version was not set. - Uzyskano plik ArchiveFile, ale nie ustawiono ostatecznej edycji wersji. + Uzyskano plik ArchiveFile, ale nie ustawiono ostatecznej edytowanej wersji. @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ BuildEvent record number {0} was expected to read exactly {1} bytes from the stream, but read {2} instead. - Oczekiwano, że numer rekordu BuildEvent {0} odczyta ze strumienia liczbę bajtów równą dokładnie {1}, ale zamiast tego odczyta {2}. + Oczekiwano, że numer rekordu BuildEvent {0} odczyta ze strumienia liczbę bajtów równą dokładnie {1}, ale zamiast tego odczytał {2}. LOCALIZATION: {0} is an integer number denoting order. {1} is an integer denoting size. {2} is an integer value indicating number of bytes. @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Structured events and raw events cannot be replayed at the same time. - Nie można jednocześnie odtwarzać zdarzeń strukturalnych i nieprzetworzonych. + Nie można ponownie odtwarzać jednocześnie zdarzeń strukturalnych i zdarzeń pierwotnych. @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ Attempt to skip {0} bytes, only non-negative offset up to int.MaxValue is allowed. - Próba pominięcia {0} bajtów, tylko przesunięcie nieujemne do liczby całkowitej. Wartość MaxValue jest dozwolona. + Próba pominięcia {0} bajtów, tylko przesunięcie nieujemne do wartości int.MaxValue jest dozwolone. LOCALIZATION: {0} is integer number denoting number of bytes. 'int.MaxValue' should not be translated. @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ MSB4017: The build stopped unexpectedly because of an unexpected logger failure. {0} - MSB4017: Kompilacja została nieoczekiwanie zatrzymana z powodu nieoczekiwanego błędu rejestratora. + MSB4017: kompilacja została nieoczekiwanie zatrzymana z powodu nieoczekiwanego błędu rejestratora. {0} {StrBegin="MSB4017: "}UE: This message is used for a special exception that is thrown when a logger fails while logging an event (most likely because of a programming error in the logger). When a logger dies, we cannot proceed with the build, and we throw a @@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ Błędy: {3} The SDK "{0}" was successfully resolved by the "{1}" resolver to location "{2}" and version "{3}". - Zestaw SDK „{0}” został pomyślnie rozpoznany przez narzędzie Resolver „{1}” do lokalizacji „{2}” i wersji „{3}”. + Zestaw SDK „{0}” został pomyślnie rozpoznany przez narzędzie Resolver „{1}” w lokalizacji „{2}” i w wersji „{3}”. @@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ Błędy: {3} This is an unhandled exception in MSBuild -- PLEASE UPVOTE AN EXISTING ISSUE OR FILE A NEW ONE AT https://aka.ms/msbuild/unhandled {0} - Jest to nieobsługiwany wyjątek w aplikacji MSBuild -- ZAGŁOSUJ NA ISTNIEJĄCY PROBLEM LUB ZAGŁOSUJ NA NOWY NA https://aka.ms/msbuild/unhandled. + Jest to nieobsługiwany wyjątek na platformie MSBuild -- ZAGŁOSUJ NA ISTNIEJĄCY PROBLEM LUB ZAREJESTRUJ NOWY W WITRYNIE https://aka.ms/msbuild/unhandled. {0} diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.pt-BR.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.pt-BR.xlf index 7e767a652cb..c26eb2b35fc 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.pt-BR.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.pt-BR.xlf @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ MSB4017: The build stopped unexpectedly because of an unexpected logger failure. {0} - MSB4017: A compilação parou inesperadamente devido a uma falha do agente de log. + MSB4017: a compilação parou inesperadamente devido a uma falha do agente. {0} {StrBegin="MSB4017: "}UE: This message is used for a special exception that is thrown when a logger fails while logging an event (most likely because of a programming error in the logger). When a logger dies, we cannot proceed with the build, and we throw a @@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ Erros: {3} This is an unhandled exception in MSBuild -- PLEASE UPVOTE AN EXISTING ISSUE OR FILE A NEW ONE AT https://aka.ms/msbuild/unhandled {0} - Esta é uma exceção não tratada no MSBuild -- POR FAVOR, APOIE UM PROBLEMA EXISTENTE OU ARQUIVE UM NOVO EM https://aka.ms/msbuild/unhandled + Essa é uma exceção não tratada no MSBuild -- POR FAVOR, ATUALIZE UMA QUESTÃO EXISTENTE OU ENCAMINHE UMA NOVA EM https://aka.ms/msbuild/unhandled {0} diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ru.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ru.xlf index bf90a1bb435..413d96ad90b 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ru.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.ru.xlf @@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ Errors: {3} This is an unhandled exception in MSBuild -- PLEASE UPVOTE AN EXISTING ISSUE OR FILE A NEW ONE AT https://aka.ms/msbuild/unhandled {0} - Это необработанное исключение в MSBuild. Проголосуйте за существующую проблему или сообщите о новой по адресу https://aka.ms/msbuild/unhandled + Это необработанное исключение в MSBuild. ПРОГОЛОСУЙТЕ ЗА СУЩЕСТВУЮЩУЮ ПРОБЛЕМУ ИЛИ СООБЩИТЕ О НОВУЙ НА https://aka.ms/msbuild/unhandled {0} diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.tr.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.tr.xlf index ec82a4c4384..7bb2e2d9a16 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.tr.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.tr.xlf @@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ Hatalar: {3} This is an unhandled exception in MSBuild -- PLEASE UPVOTE AN EXISTING ISSUE OR FILE A NEW ONE AT https://aka.ms/msbuild/unhandled {0} - Bu, MSBuild'de işlenmeyen bir istisnadır -- LÜTFEN MEVCUT BİR SORUNU OYLAYIN VEYA https://aka.ms/msbuild/unhandled ADRESİNDE YENİ BİR SORUN DOSYALAYIN + Bu, MSBuild'de işlenmeyen bir istisnadır -- LÜTFEN MEVCUT BİR SORUNU OYLAYIN VEYA https://aka.ms/msbuild/unhandled ADRESİNDE YENİ BİR SORUN OLUŞTURUN {0} diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index d148cff64c7..a6fd082e52a 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -2551,7 +2551,7 @@ Utilization: {0} Average Utilization: {1:###.0} MSB4229: The value "{0}" is not valid for an Sdk specification. The attribute should be a semicolon-delimited list of Sdk-name/minimum-version pairs, separated by a forward slash. - MSB4229: 值“{0}”对 Sdk 规范无效。此属性应该是以分号分隔的Sdk-name/minimum-version 对(用正斜杠分隔)的列表。 + MSB4229: 值“{0}”对 Sdk 规范无效。此属性应该是以分号分隔的Sdk-name/minimum-version 对 (用正斜杠分隔) 的列表。 {StrBegin="MSB4229: "} diff --git a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index ef485bd062f..ea5e44adc41 100644 --- a/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/Build/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ MSB4017: The build stopped unexpectedly because of an unexpected logger failure. {0} - MSB4017: 因為未預期的記錄器失敗,建置未預期停止。 + MSB4017: 由於發生未預期的記錄器失敗,因此已中止組建。 {0} {StrBegin="MSB4017: "}UE: This message is used for a special exception that is thrown when a logger fails while logging an event (most likely because of a programming error in the logger). When a logger dies, we cannot proceed with the build, and we throw a diff --git a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf index fe8f7c4a859..00e2e647459 100644 --- a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.cs.xlf @@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ failed with {0} error(s) - selhalo s {0} chybami. + selhalo s {0} chybou/chybami. Part of Terminal Logger summary message: "Build {BuildResult_X} in {duration}s" failed with {0} error(s) and {1} warning(s) - selhalo s {0} chybami a {1} upozorněními. + selhalo s chybami (celkem {0}) a upozorněními (celkem {1}) Part of Terminal Logger summary message: "Build {BuildResult_X} in {duration}s" @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ succeeded with {0} warning(s) - akce proběhla úspěšně s {0} upozorněním(i). + uspělo s {0} upozorněním(i). Part of Terminal Logger summary message: "Build {BuildResult_X} in {duration}s" @@ -582,20 +582,17 @@ Když se nastaví na MessageUponIsolationViolation (nebo jeho krátký -logger:XMLLogger,MyLogger,Version=1.0.2,Culture=neutral -logger:XMLLogger,C:\Loggers\MyLogger.dll;OutputAsHTML - -logger:<protok_nást> Použít daný protokolovací nástroj k protokolování - událostí nástroje MSBuild. Chcete-li zadat více protokolovacích. - nástrojů, musíte je zadat jednotlivě. - Syntaxe hodnoty <protok_nást>: - [<třída_protok_nást>,]<sestavení_protok_nást> - [;<param_protok_nást>] - Syntaxe hodnoty <třída_protok_nást>: - [<část/úpl_obor_názvů>.]<náz_tř_protok_nást> - Syntaxe hodnoty <sestavení_protok_nást>: - {<název_sestavení>[,<strong name>] | <soubor_sestavení>} + -logger:<logger> Použít daný protokolovací nástroj k protokolování událostí nástroje MSBuild. Pokud chcete zadat + více protokolovacích nástrojů, musíte je zadat jednotlivě. + Syntaxe hodnoty <logger> je: + [<class>,]<assembly>[,<options>][;<parameters>] + Syntaxe hodnoty <logger class> je: + [<partial or full namespace>.]<logger class name> + Syntaxe hodnoty <logger assembly> je: + {<assembly name>[,<strong name>] | <assembly file>} Parametry protokolovacího nástroje určují, jak MSBuild vytvoří protokolovací nástroj. - Parametry <param_protok_nást> jsou volitelné a předávají se - protokolovacímu nástroji přesně v tom tvaru, v jakém - byly zadány. (Krátký tvar: -l) + Parametry <logger parameters> jsou volitelné a předávají se + protokolovacímu nástroji přesně v tom tvaru, v jakém byly zadány. (Krátký tvar: -l) Příklady: -logger:XMLLogger,MyLogger,Version=1.0.2,Culture=neutral -logger:XMLLogger,C:\Loggers\MyLogger.dll;OutputAsHTML @@ -864,23 +861,20 @@ Když se nastaví na MessageUponIsolationViolation (nebo jeho krátký -dl:XMLLogger,MyLogger,Version=1.0.2,Culture=neutral -dl:MyLogger,C:\My.dll*ForwardingLogger,C:\Logger.dll - -distributedlogger:<centr_protok_nást>*<předáv_protok_nást> - Použít zadaný protokolovací nástroj pro protokolování událostí - z nástroje MSBuild; ke každému uzlu připojit jinou instanci - protokolovacího nástroje. Chcete-li zadat více - protokolovacích nástrojů, uveďte je jednotlivě. + -distributedLogger:<central logger>*<forwarding logger> + Použít zadaný protokolovací nástroj pro protokolování událostí z nástroje MSBuild; ke každému uzlu připojit + jinou instanci protokolovacího nástroje. Pokud chcete zadat více + protokolovacích nástrojů, uveďte je jednotlivě. (Krátký tvar: -dl) - Syntaxe hodnoty <protok_nást>: - [<třída_protok_nást>,]<sestav_protok_nást> - [;<param_protok_nást>] - Syntaxe hodnoty <třída_protok_nást>: - [<část/úpl_obor_názvů>.]<náz_tř_protok_nást> - Syntaxe hodnoty <sestav_protok_nást>: - {<název_sestavení>[,<strong name>] | <soubor_sestavení>} + Syntaxe hodnoty <logger> je: + [<class>,]<assembly>[,<options>][;<parameters>] + Syntaxe hodnoty <logger class> je: + [<partial or full namespace>.]<logger class name> + Syntaxe hodnoty <logger assembly> je: + {<assembly name>[,<strong name>] | <assembly file>} Parametry protokolovacího nástroje určují, jak MSBuild vytvoří protokolovací nástroj. Parametry <param_protok_nást> jsou volitelné a předávají se - protokolovacímu nástroji přesně v zadaném tvaru. - (Krátký tvar: -l) + protokolovacímu nástroji přesně v zadaném tvaru. (Krátký tvar: -l) Příklady: -dl:XMLLogger,MyLogger,Version=1.0.2,Culture=neutral -dl:MyLogger,C:\My.dll*ForwardingLogger,C:\Logger.dll @@ -1068,7 +1062,7 @@ Když se nastaví na MessageUponIsolationViolation (nebo jeho krátký Verbosity=diagnostic;Encoding=UTF-8 -flp:Summary;Verbosity=minimal;LogFile=msbuild.sum - -flp1:warningsonly;logfile=msbuild.wrn + -flp1:warningsonly;logfile=msbuild.wrn -flp2:errorsonly;logfile=msbuild.err diff --git a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.de.xlf b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.de.xlf index 5e22ec6e196..74ac618d772 100644 --- a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.de.xlf +++ b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.de.xlf @@ -119,12 +119,11 @@ This flag is experimental and may not work as intended. - -reportFileAccesses[:True|Falsch] - Führt dazu, dass MSBuild Dateizugriffe an alle konfigurierten - meldet - Projektcache-Plug-Ins. + -reportFileAccesses[:True|False] + Führt dazu, dass MSBuild Dateizugriffe auf ein beliebiges konfiguriertes + Projektcache-Plug-In meldet. - Dieses Kennzeichen ist experimentell und funktioniert möglicherweise nicht wie vorgesehen. + Dieses Flag ist experimentell und funktioniert möglicherweise nicht wie vorgesehen. LOCALIZATION: "-reportFileAccesses" should not be localized. @@ -581,11 +580,11 @@ Dies ist ein restriktiverer Modus von MSBuild, da er erfordert, -logger:<Protokollierung> Mithilfe dieser Protokollierung werden Ereignisse von MSBuild protokolliert. Um mehrere Protokollierungen anzugeben, wird jede Protokollierung gesondert angegeben. Die Syntax für die <Protokollierung> lautet: - [<Klasse>,]<Assembly>[,<Optionen>][;<Parameter>] + [<Klasse>,]<assembly>[,<Optionen>][;<Parameter>] Die Syntax für die <Protokollierungsklasse> lautet: [<Teilweiser oder vollständiger Namespace>.]<Name der Protokollierungsklasse> Die Syntax für die <Protokollierungsassembly> lautet: - {<Assemblyname>[,<strong name>] | <Assemblydatei>} + {<assembly name>[,<strong name>] | <assembly file>} Die Protokollierungsoptionen geben an, wie MSBuild die Protokollierung erstellt. Die <Protokollierungsparameter> sind optional und werden genau so an die Protokollierung übergeben, wie sie eingegeben wurden. (Kurzform: -l) @@ -863,11 +862,11 @@ Dieses Protokollierungsformat ist standardmäßig aktiviert. gesondert angegeben. (Kurzform -dl) Die Syntax für die <Protokollierung> lautet: - [<Klasse>,]<Assembly>[,<Optionen>][;<Parameter>] + [<Klasse>,]<assembly>[,<Optionen>][;<Parameter>] Die Syntax für die <Protokollierungsklasse> lautet: [<Teilweiser oder vollständiger Namespace>.]<Name der Protokollierungsklasse> Die Syntax für die <Protokollierungsassembly> lautet: - {<Assemblyname>[,<strong name>] | <Assemblydatei>} + {<assembly name>[,<strong name>] | <assembly file>} Die Protokollierungsoptionen geben an, wie MSBuild die Protokollierung erstellt. Die <Protokollierungsparameter> sind optional und werden genau so an die Protokollierung übergeben, wie sie eingegeben wurden. (Kurzform: -l) diff --git a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.es.xlf b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.es.xlf index 4dac587cf5c..7ec6b54f704 100644 --- a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.es.xlf +++ b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.es.xlf @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ Hace que MSBuild informe de los accesos a los archivos a cualquier complemento de caché de proyectos. -Esta marca es experimental y puede que no funcione según lo previsto. + Esta marca es experimental y puede que no funcione según lo previsto. LOCALIZATION: "-reportFileAccesses" should not be localized. @@ -578,18 +578,14 @@ Esta marca es experimental y puede que no funcione según lo previsto. -logger:XMLLogger,C:\Loggers\MyLogger.dll;OutputAsHTML -logger:<registrador> Use este registrador para registrar eventos - de MSBuild. Para especificar varios registradores, especifique - cada uno de ellos por separado. + de MSBuild. Para especificar varios registradores, especifique cada uno de ellos por separado. La sintaxis de <registrador> es: - [<clase>,]<ensamblado>[,<opciones>][;<parámetros>] + [<clase>,]<assembly>[,<opciones>][;<parámetros>] La sintaxis de <clase del registrador> es: - [<espacio de nombres parcial o completo>.]<nombre de - clase del registrador> - La sintaxis de <ensamblado del registrador> es: - {<nombre del ensamblado>[,<strong name>] | <archivo - de ensamblado>} - Las opciones del registrador especifican cómo crea MSBuild - el registrador. + [<espacio de nombres parcial o completo>.]<nombre de clase del registrador> + La sintaxis de <ensamblado del registrador> es: + {<assembly name>[,<strong name>] | <assembly file>} + Las opciones del registrador especifican cómo crea MSBuild el registrador. Los <parámetros del registrador> son opcionales y se pasan al registrador tal como se escriben. (Forma corta: -l) Ejemplos: @@ -866,15 +862,12 @@ Esta marca es experimental y puede que no funcione según lo previsto. Para especificar varios registradores, especifique cada uno de ellos por separado. (Forma corta: -dl) La sintaxis de <registrador> es: - [<clase>,]<ensamblado>[,<opciones>][;<parámetros>] + [<clase>,]<assembly>[,<opciones>][;<parámetros>] La sintaxis de <clase del registrador> es: - [<espacio de nombres parcial o completo>.]<nombre - de la clase del registrador> + [<espacio de nombres parcial o completo>.]<nombre de la clase del registrador> La sintaxis de <ensamblado del registrador> es: - {<nombre del ensamblado>[,<strong name>] | <archivo - de ensamblado>} - Las opciones del registrador especifican cómo crea MSBuild - el registrador. + {<assembly name>[,<strong name>] | <assembly file>} + Las opciones del registrador especifican cómo crea MSBuild el registrador. Los <parámetros del registrador> son opcionales y se pasan al registrador tal como se escriben. (Forma corta: -l) Ejemplos: diff --git a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.fr.xlf b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.fr.xlf index 9886752a310..68b3a15005b 100644 --- a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.fr.xlf +++ b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.fr.xlf @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ -reportFileAccesses[:True|False] Entraîne le signalement par MSBuild des accès par fichiers aux plug-ins - cache de projet configurés. + de cache de projet configurés. Cet indicateur est expérimental et peut ne pas fonctionner comme prévu. @@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ Cet indicateur est expérimental et peut ne pas fonctionner comme prévu. Syntaxe de <classe de journalisation> : [<espace de noms partiels ou complets>.]<nom de la classe de journalisation> Syntaxe de <assembly de journalisation> : - {<nom d'assembly>[,<strong name>] | <fichier d'assembly>} + {<assembly name>[,<strong name>] | <assembly file>} Les options de journalisation spécifient la façon dont MSBuild crée le journaliseur. Les <paramètres de journalisation> sont facultatifs. Ils sont passés au journaliseur tels que vous les avez tapés. (Forme abrégée : -l) @@ -866,7 +866,7 @@ Remarque : verbosité des enregistreurs d’événements de fichiers Syntaxe de <classe de journalisation> : [<espace de noms partiels ou complets>.]<nom de la classe de journalisation> Syntaxe de <assembly de journalisation> : - {<nom d'assembly>[,<strong name>] | <fichier d'assembly>} + {<assembly name>[,<strong name>] | <assembly file>} Les options de journalisation spécifient la façon dont MSBuild crée le journaliseur. Les <paramètres de journalisation> sont facultatifs. Ils sont passés au journaliseur tels que vous les avez tapés. (Forme abrégée : -l) @@ -1339,7 +1339,7 @@ Remarque : verbosité des enregistreurs d’événements de fichiers MSBUILD : error MSB1014: Must provide an item name for the getItem switch. - MSBUILD : error MSB1014: Must provide an item name for the getItem switch. + MSBUILD : error MSB1014: Doit fournir un nom d'élément pour le commutateur getItem. {StrBegin="MSBUILD : error MSB1014: "}UE: This happens if the user does something like "msbuild.exe -getItem". The user must pass in an actual item name following the switch, as in "msbuild.exe -getItem:blah". @@ -1348,7 +1348,7 @@ Remarque : verbosité des enregistreurs d’événements de fichiers MSBUILD : error MSB1010: Must provide a property name for the getProperty switch. - MSBUILD : error MSB1010: Must provide a property name for the getProperty switch. + MSBUILD : error MSB1010: Doit fournir un nom de propriété pour le commutateur getProperty. {StrBegin="MSBUILD : error MSB1010: "}UE: This happens if the user does something like "msbuild.exe -getProperty". The user must pass in an actual property name following the switch, as in "msbuild.exe -getProperty:blah". @@ -1366,7 +1366,7 @@ Remarque : verbosité des enregistreurs d’événements de fichiers MSBUILD : error MSB1017: Must provide a target name for the getTargetResult switch. - MSBUILD : error MSB1017: Must provide a target name for the getTargetResult switch. + MSBUILD : error MSB1017: Doit fournir un nom de cible pour le commutateur getTargetResult. {StrBegin="MSBUILD : error MSB1017: "}UE: This happens if the user does something like "msbuild.exe -getTargetResult". The user must pass in an actual target name following the switch, as in "msbuild.exe -getTargetResult:blah". @@ -1631,7 +1631,7 @@ Remarque : verbosité des enregistreurs d’événements de fichiers MSBUILD : error MSB1063: Cannot access properties or items when building solution files or solution filter files. This feature is only available when building individual projects. - MSBUILD : error MSB1063: Cannot access properties or items when building solution files or solution filter files. This feature is only available when building individual projects. + MSBUILD : error MSB1063: Impossible d'accéder aux propriétés ou aux éléments lors de la création de fichiers de solution ou de fichiers de filtre de solution. Cette fonctionnalité est disponible uniquement lors de la génération de projets individuels. {StrBegin="MSBUILD : error MSB1063: "}UE: This happens if the user passes in a solution file when trying to access individual properties or items. The user must pass in a project file. LOCALIZATION: The prefix "MSBUILD : error MSBxxxx:" should not be localized. diff --git a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.it.xlf b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.it.xlf index d633ec372ff..62edb772c61 100644 --- a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.it.xlf +++ b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.it.xlf @@ -120,10 +120,10 @@ This flag is experimental and may not work as intended. -reportFileAccesses[:True|False] - Fa in modo che MSBuild segnali gli accessi ai file a qualsiasi file configurato + Fa in modo che MSBuild segnali gli accessi ai file a qualsiasi plug-in della cache del progetto. -Questo flag è sperimentale e potrebbe non funzionare come previsto. + Questo flag è sperimentale e potrebbe non funzionare come previsto. LOCALIZATION: "-reportFileAccesses" should not be localized. @@ -590,8 +590,8 @@ Questo flag è sperimentale e potrebbe non funzionare come previsto. [<classe>,]<assembly>[,<opzioni>][;<parametri>] La sintassi di <classe logger> è la seguente: [<spazio dei nomi parziale o completo>.]<nome classe logger> - La sintassi di <assembly logger> è la seguente: - {<nome assembly>[,<strong name>] | <file di assembly>} + La sintassi di <logger assembly> è la seguente: + {<assembly name>[,<strong name>] | <assembly file>} Le opzioni di logger consentono di specificare in che modo MSBuild crea il logger. I <parametri logger> sono facoltativi e vengono passati al logger così come vengono digitati. Forma breve: -l. @@ -872,8 +872,8 @@ Nota: livello di dettaglio dei logger di file [<classe>,]<assembly>[,<opzioni>][;<parametri>] La sintassi di <classe logger> è la seguente: [<spazio dei nomi parziale o completo>.]<nome classe logger> - La sintassi di <assembly logger> è la seguente: - {<nome assembly>[,<strong name>] | <file di assembly>} + La sintassi di <logger assembly> è la seguente: + {<assembly name>[,<strong name>] | <assembly file>} Le opzioni di logger consentono di specificare in che modo MSBuild crea il logger. I <parametri logger> sono facoltativi e vengono passati al logger così come vengono digitati. Forma breve: -l @@ -992,9 +992,8 @@ Nota: livello di dettaglio dei logger di file è la directory corrente. Per impostazione predefinita, ai file viene assegnato il nome "MSBuild<idnodo>.log". Il percorso dei file e altri parametri di fileLogger possono - essere specificati aggiungendo l'opzione + essere specificati aggiungendo l'opzione "-fileLoggerParameters". - "-fileLoggerParameters". Se il nome di un file di log viene impostato con l'opzione fileLoggerParameters, il logger distribuito userà il nome file come modello e aggiungerà l'ID del nodo per creare un @@ -1341,7 +1340,7 @@ Nota: livello di dettaglio dei logger di file MSBUILD : error MSB1067: Must provide a feature name for the featureavailability switch. - MSBUILD : error MSB1067: È necessario fornire un nome funzionalità per il passaggio a disponibilità funzionalità. + MSBUILD : error MSB1067: è necessario fornire un nome funzionalità per il passaggio a disponibilità di funzionalità. {StrBegin="MSBUILD : error MSB1067: "}UE: This happens if the user does something like "msbuild.exe -featureavailability". The user must pass in an actual feature name following the switch, as in "msbuild.exe -featureavailability:blah". @@ -2089,16 +2088,15 @@ Esegue la profilatura della valutazione di MSBuild e scrive -restoreProperty:IsRestore=true;MyProperty=value -restoreProperty:<n>=<v> - Imposta queste proprietà a livello di progetto o ne esegue - l'override solo durante il ripristino e non usa le - proprietà specificate con l'argomento -property. - <v> rappresenta il nome della proprietà e <v> il - valore della proprietà. Usare il punto e virgola o la - virgola per delimitare più proprietà o specificare ogni - proprietà separatamente. - Forma breve: -rp. - Esempio: - -restoreProperty:IsRestore=true;MyProperty=value + Imposta queste proprietà a livello di progetto o ne esegue + l'override solo durante il ripristino e non usa le + proprietà specificate con l'argomento -property. + <v> rappresenta il nome della proprietà e <v> il + valore della proprietà. Usare il punto e virgola o la + virgola per delimitare più proprietà o specificare ogni proprietà separatamente. + (Forma breve: -rp) + Esempio: + -restoreProperty:IsRestore=true;MyProperty=value LOCALIZATION: "-restoreProperty" and "-rp" should not be localized. diff --git a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf index ff16124ddbd..686748c8286 100644 --- a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.ja.xlf @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ -reportFileAccesses[:True|False] MSBuild が、構成されているプロジェクト キャッシュ プラグインへの - ファイル アクセスを報告します。 + ファイル アクセスを報告するようにします。 このフラグは実験的なものであり、意図したとおりに動作しない可能性があります。 @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ MSBUILD : error MSB1065: Terminal logger value is not valid. It should be one of 'auto', 'true', or 'false'. {0} - MSBUILD : error MSB1065: ターミナル ロガーの値が無効です。'auto'、'true'、または 'false' のいずれかである必要があります。 {0} + MSBUILD : error MSB1065: ターミナル ロガーの値が無効です。'auto'、'true'、または 'false' のいずれかである必要があります。{0} {StrBegin="MSBUILD : error MSB1065: "} UE: This message does not need in-line parameters because the exception takes care of displaying the invalid arg. diff --git a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf index dd8ec661d08..ddebf3ab442 100644 --- a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.ko.xlf @@ -580,11 +580,11 @@ -logger:<로거> 이 로거를 사용하여 MSBuild의 이벤트를 기록합니다. 여러 로거를 지정하려면 각 로거를 개별적으로 지정합니다. <로거> 구문은 다음과 같습니다. - [<클래스>,]<어셈블리>[,<옵션>][;<매개 변수>] + [<클래스>,]<assembly>[,<옵션>][;<매개 변수>] <로거 클래스> 구문은 다음과 같습니다. [<부분 또는 전체 네임스페이스>.]<로거 클래스 이름> <로거 어셈블리> 구문은 다음과 같습니다. - {<어셈블리 이름>[,<strong name>] | <어셈블리 파일>} + {<assembly name>[,<strong name>] | <assembly file>} 로거 옵션은 MSBuild가 로거를 만드는 방법을 지정합니다. <로거 매개 변수>는 선택 사항이고 입력한 대로 정확히 로거에 전달됩니다. (약식: -l) @@ -862,11 +862,11 @@ 로거를 지정하려면 각 로거를 개별적으로 지정합니다. (약식 -dl) <로거> 구문은 다음과 같습니다. - [<클래스>,]<어셈블리>[,<옵션>][;<매개 변수>] + [<클래스>,]<assembly>[,<옵션>][;<매개 변수>] <로거 클래스> 구문은 다음과 같습니다. [<부분 또는 전체 네임스페이스>.]<로거 클래스 이름> <로거 어셈블리> 구문은 다음과 같습니다. - {<어셈블리 이름>[,<strong name>] | <어셈블리 파일>} + {<assembly name>[,<strong name>] | <assembly file>} 로거 옵션은 MSBuild가 로거를 만드는 방법을 지정합니다. <로거 매개 변수>는 선택 사항이고 입력한 대로 정확히 로거에 전달됩니다. (약식: -l) diff --git a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.pl.xlf b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.pl.xlf index 6e010c6afe3..fb1b6dec832 100644 --- a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.pl.xlf +++ b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.pl.xlf @@ -120,10 +120,10 @@ This flag is experimental and may not work as intended. -reportFileAccesses[:True|False] - Powoduje, że program MSBuild zgłasza dostępy do wszystkich skonfigurowanych plików + Powoduje, że platforma MSBuild zgłasza dostępy do wszystkich skonfigurowanych wtyczek pamięci podręcznej projektu. -Ta flaga jest eksperymentalna i może nie działać zgodnie z oczekiwaniami. + Ta flaga jest eksperymentalna i może nie działać zgodnie z oczekiwaniami. LOCALIZATION: "-reportFileAccesses" should not be localized. @@ -582,17 +582,14 @@ Ta flaga jest eksperymentalna i może nie działać zgodnie z oczekiwaniami. -logger:XMLLogger,MyLogger,Version=1.0.2,Culture=neutral -logger:XMLLogger,C:\Loggers\MyLogger.dll;OutputAsHTML - -logger:<rejestrator> Umożliwia użycie podanego rejestratora do rejestrowania - zdarzeń pochodzących z programu MSBuild. Aby określić - wiele rejestratorów, określ każdy z nich osobno. + -logger:<rejestrator> Umożliwia użycie podanego rejestratora do rejestrowania zdarzeń pochodzących + z programu MSBuild. Aby określić wiele rejestratorów, określ każdy z nich osobno. Składnia elementu <rejestrator>: - [<klasa rejestratora>,]<zestaw rejestratora> - [;<parametry rejestratora>] + [<klasa rejestratora>,]<assembly> [;<parametry rejestratora>] Składnia elementu <klasa rejestratora>: - [<częściowa lub pełna przestrzeń nazw>.] - <nazwa klasy rejestratora> + [<częściowa lub pełna przestrzeń nazw>.] <nazwa klasy rejestratora> Składnia elementu <zestaw rejestratora>: - {<nazwa zestawu>[,<strong name>] | <plik zestawu>} + {<assembly name>[,<strong name>] | <assembly file>} Wartości <parametry rejestratora> są opcjonalne i są przekazywane do rejestratora dokładnie tak, jak zostały wpisane. (Krótka wersja: -l) @@ -871,11 +868,11 @@ Ta flaga jest eksperymentalna i może nie działać zgodnie z oczekiwaniami. wiele rejestratorów, określ każdy z nich osobno. (Krótka wersja: -dl) Składnia elementu <rejestrator>: - [<klasa rejestratora>,]<zestaw rejestratora>[;<parametry rejestratora>] + [<klasa rejestratora>,]<assembly>[;<parametry rejestratora>] Składnia elementu <klasa rejestratora>: [<częściowa lub pełna przestrzeń nazw>.]<nazwa klasy rejestratora> Składnia elementu <zestaw rejestratora>: - {<nazwa zestawu>[,<strong name>] | <plik zestawu>} + {<assembly name>[,<strong name>] | <assembly file>} Wartości <parametry rejestratora> są opcjonalne i są przekazywane do rejestratora dokładnie tak, jak zostały wpisane. (Krótka wersja: -l) @@ -987,13 +984,11 @@ Ta flaga jest eksperymentalna i może nie działać zgodnie z oczekiwaniami. create a log file for each node. -distributedFileLogger - Rejestruje dane wyjściowe kompilacji w wielu plikach - dziennika, po jednym pliku na węzeł programu MSBuild. - Początkową lokalizacją tych plików jest bieżący katalog. - Domyślnie pliki mają nazwę + Rejestruje dane wyjściowe kompilacji w wielu plikach dziennika,po jednym pliku + na węzeł programu MSBuild. Początkową lokalizacją tych plików + jest bieżący katalog. Domyślnie pliki mają nazwę „MSBuild<identyfikator węzła>.log”. Lokalizację plików i inne parametry rejestratora plików można określić - przez dodanie przełącznika „-fileLoggerParameters”. Jeśli nazwa pliku zostanie ustawiona za pomocą przełącznika diff --git a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.pt-BR.xlf b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.pt-BR.xlf index fd52acfedc7..5b12a8d74c8 100644 --- a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.pt-BR.xlf +++ b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.pt-BR.xlf @@ -120,8 +120,9 @@ This flag is experimental and may not work as intended. -reportFileAccesses[:True|False] - Faz com que o MSBuild relate acessos a arquivos para qualquer plug-in - de cache de projeto configurado. + Faz com que o MSBuild relate acessos a arquivos a qualquer + configurado + plug-ins de cache do projeto. Este sinalizador é experimental e pode não funcionar conforme o esperado. diff --git a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.ru.xlf b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.ru.xlf index 46e56814216..27ad009b870 100644 --- a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.ru.xlf +++ b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.ru.xlf @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ ({0:F1}s) - ({0:F1}s) + ({0:F1}с) {0}: duration in seconds with 1 decimal point @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ MSBUILD : error MSB1065: Terminal logger value is not valid. It should be one of 'auto', 'true', or 'false'. {0} - MSBUILD : error MSB1065: Terminal logger value is not valid. It should be one of 'auto', 'true', or 'false'. {0} + MSBUILD : error MSB1065: Недопустимое значение средства ведения журнала терминала. Это должно быть одно из следующих значений: "auto", "ИСТИНА" или "ЛОЖЬ". {0} {StrBegin="MSBUILD : error MSB1065: "} UE: This message does not need in-line parameters because the exception takes care of displaying the invalid arg. @@ -1356,7 +1356,7 @@ MSBUILD : error MSB1068: Must provide a file for the getResultOutputFile switch. - MSBUILD : error MSB1068: необходимо указать файл для параметра getResultOutputFile. + MSBUILD : error MSB1068: необходимо предоставить файл для переключателя getResultOutputFile. {StrBegin="MSBUILD : error MSB1068: "}UE: This happens if the user does something like "msbuild.exe -getResultOutputFile". The user must pass in an actual file following the switch, as in "msbuild.exe -getTargetResult:blah -getResultOutputFile:blah.txt". diff --git a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.tr.xlf b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.tr.xlf index 6fcdffc386d..52a46bd9af1 100644 --- a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.tr.xlf +++ b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.tr.xlf @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ ({0:F1}s) - ({0:F1}s) + ({0:F1} sn) {0}: duration in seconds with 1 decimal point @@ -580,13 +580,13 @@ -logger:<günlükçü> MSBuild'deki olayları günlüğe almak için bu günlükçüyü kullanın. Birden fazla günlükçü belirtmek için her günlükçüyü ayrı ayrı belirtin. <günlükçü> söz dizimi şöyledir: - [<sınıf>,]<derleme>[,<seçenekler>][;<parametreler>] + [<class>,]<assembly>[,<options>][;<parameters>] <günlükçü sınıfı > söz dizimi şöyledir: [<kısmi veya tam ad alanı >.]<günlükçü sınıfı adı> <günlükçü derlemesi> söz dizimi şöyledir: - {<derleme adı>[,<strong name>] | <derleme dosyası>} + {<assembly name>[,<strong name>] | <assembly file>} Günlükçü seçenekleri, MSBuild'in günlükçüyü oluşturma biçimini belirtir. - <günlükçü parametreleri > isteğe bağlıdır ve tam olarak + <günlükçü parametreleri > isteğe bağlıdır ve tam olarak yazdığınız şekliyle günlükçüye geçirilir. (Kısa biçim: -l) Örnekler: -logger:XMLLogger,MyLogger,Version=1.0.2,Culture=neutral @@ -862,11 +862,11 @@ günlükçü belirtmek için her günlükçüyü ayrı ayrı belirtin. (Kısa biçim -dl) <günlükçü> söz dizimi şöyledir: - [<sınıf>,]<derleme>[,<seçenekler>][;<parametreler>] + [<sınıf>,]<assembly>[,<seçenekler>][;<parametreler>] <günlükçü sınıfı> söz dizimi şöyledir: [<kısmi veya tam ad alanı>.]<günlükçü sınıfı adı> <günlükçü derlemesi> söz dizimi şöyledir: - {<derleme adı>[,<strong name>] | <derleme dosyası>} + {<assembly name>[,<strong name>] | <assembly file>} Günlükçü seçenekleri, MSBuild'in günlükçüyü oluşturma biçimini belirtir. <günlükçü parametreleri> isteğe bağlıdır ve tam olarak yazdığınız şekliyle günlükçüye geçirilir. (Kısa biçim: -l) @@ -893,10 +893,9 @@ -ignoreProjectExtensions:.sln -ignoreProjectExtensions:<uzantılar> - Hangi proje dosyasının oluşturulacağı belirlenirken - yoksayılacak uzantıların listesi. Birden çok uzantıyı - birbirinden ayırmak için noktalı virgül veya - virgül kullanın. + Hangi proje dosyasının oluşturulacağı belirlenirken + yoksayılacak uzantıların listesi. Birden çok uzantıyı + birbirinden ayırmak için noktalı virgül veya virgül kullanın. (Kısa biçim: -ignore) Örnek: -ignoreProjectExtensions:.sln @@ -986,7 +985,6 @@ Dosyaların konumu ve fileLogger'ın diğer parametreleri "/fileLoggerParameters" anahtarının eklenmesi yoluyla belirtilebilir. - Günlük dosyası adı fileLoggerParameters anahtarı aracılığıyla ayarlanırsa dağıtılmış günlükçü fileName değerini şablon olarak kullanıp her düğümün günlük dosyasını @@ -1033,32 +1031,31 @@ -fileLoggerParameters[n]:<parametreler> Dosya günlükçüleri için ek parametreler sağlar. - Bu anahtarın olması karşılık gelen -fileLogger[n] + Bu anahtarın olması karşılık gelen -fileLogger[n] anahtarının olduğu anlamına gelir. "n" varsa, 1-9 arasında bir rakam olabilir. - Dağıtılmış dosya günlükçüleri varsa -fileLoggerParameters - bunlar tarafından da kullanılır; -distributedFileLogger - açıklamasına bakın. + Dağıtılmış dosya günlükçüleri varsa -fileLoggerParameters + bunlar tarafından da kullanılır; -distributedFileLogger açıklamasına bakın. (Kısa biçim: -flp[n]) - Konsol günlükçüsü için listelenenlerle aynı parametreler + Konsol günlükçüsü için listelenenlerle aynı parametreler kullanılabilir. Kullanılabilecek bazı ek parametreler: - LogFile--Oluşturma günlüğünün yazılacağı günlük + LogFile--Oluşturma günlüğünün yazılacağı günlük dosyasının yolu. - Append--Derleme günlüğünün gün dosyasının sonuna mı - ekleneceğini yoksa üzerine mi yazılacağını - belirler. Anahtar ayarlandığında oluşturma günlüğü - dosyanın sonuna eklenir. Anahtar ayarlanmadığında - varolan günlük dosyasının üzerine yazılır. + Append--Derleme günlüğünün gün dosyasının sonuna mı + ekleneceğini yoksa üzerine mi yazılacağını + belirler. Anahtar ayarlandığında oluşturma günlüğü + dosyanın sonuna eklenir. Anahtar ayarlanmadığında + varolan günlük dosyasının üzerine yazılır. Varsayılan: günlük dosyasının sonuna eklenmez. - Encoding--Dosyanın kodlamasını belirtir; örneğin, + Encoding--Dosyanın kodlamasını belirtir; örneğin, UTF-8, Unicode veya ASCII Varsayılan ayrıntı düzeyi ayarı Detailed'dır. Örnekler: -fileLoggerParameters:LogFile=MyLog.log;Append; Verbosity=diagnostic;Encoding=UTF-8 - -flp:Summary;Verbosity=minimal;LogFile=msbuild.sum - -flp1:warningsonly;logfile=msbuild.wrn + -flp:Summary;Verbosity=minimal;LogFile=msbuild.sum + -flp1:warningsonly;logfile=msbuild.wrn -flp2:errorsonly;logfile=msbuild.err @@ -1082,8 +1079,7 @@ -nr:true -nodeReuse:<parametreler> - MSBuild düğümlerinin yeniden kullanımını etkinleştirir - veya devre dışı bırakır. + MSBuild düğümlerinin yeniden kullanımını etkinleştirir veya devre dışı bırakır. Parametreler: True --Derleme tamamlandıktan sonra düğümler kalır ve izleyen derlemelerde yeniden kullanılır (varsayılan) @@ -1432,7 +1428,7 @@ MSBUILD : error MSB1066: Specify one or more parameters for the terminal logger if using the -terminalLoggerParameters switch - MSBUILD : error MSB1066: -terminalLoggerParameters anahtarı kullanılıyorsa terminal günlükçüsü için bir veya birden çok parametre belirtin + MSBUILD : error MSB1066: terminalLoggerParameters anahtarı kullanılıyorsa terminal günlükçüsü için bir veya birden çok parametre belirtin {StrBegin="MSBUILD : error MSB1066: "} UE: This happens if the user does something like "msbuild.exe -termionalLoggerParameters:". The user must pass in one or more parameters diff --git a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf index 85f89d32be5..2e64124c6d3 100644 --- a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Build {0} in {1}s - 在 {1} 秒内生成 {0} + 在 {1} 中生成 {0} Overall build summary {0}: BuildResult_X (below) @@ -1510,7 +1510,7 @@ {0}{1} {2} ({3}s) - {0}{1} {2} ({3} 秒) + {0}{1} {2} ({3}) Project finished summary. {0}: indentation - few spaces to visually indent row @@ -1588,14 +1588,14 @@ Restore complete ({0}s) - 还原完成({0} 秒) + 还原完成({0}) {0}: duration in seconds with 1 decimal point Restore {0} in {1}s - 在 {1} 秒内还原 {0} + 在 {1} 中还原 {0} Restore summary when finished with warning or error {0}: BuildResult_X (below) diff --git a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf index 62f632fc19a..6a70c9a06b1 100644 --- a/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/MSBuild/Resources/xlf/Strings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -580,11 +580,11 @@ -logger:<記錄器> 使用此記錄器可記錄 MSBuild 的事件。 若要指定多個記錄器,請各別指定每個記錄器。 <記錄器> 語法為: - [<類別>,]<組件>[,<選項>][;<參數>] + [<class>,]<assembly>[,<options>][;<parameters>] <記錄器類別> 語法為: [<一部分或完整的命名空間>.]<記錄器類別名稱> <記錄器組件> 語法為: - {<組件名稱>[,<strong name>] | <組件檔案>} + {<assembly name>[,<strong name>] | <assembly file>} 記錄器選項會指定 MSBuild 建立記錄器的方式。 <記錄器參數> 是選擇性參數,其會依您輸入的內容, 完全一樣地傳遞到記錄器。(簡短形式: -l) @@ -862,11 +862,11 @@ 若要指定多個記錄器,請各別指定每個記錄器。 (簡短形式 -dl) <記錄器> 語法為: - [<類別>,]<組件>[,<選項>][;<參數>] + [<class>,]<assembly>[,<options>][;<parameters>] <記錄器類別> 語法為: [<一部分或完整的命名空間>.]<記錄器類別名稱> <記錄器組件> 語法為: - {<組件名稱>[,<strong name>] | <組件檔案>} + {<assembly name>[,<strong name>] | <assembly file>} 記錄器選項會指定 MSBuild 建立記錄器的方式。 <記錄器參數> 是選擇性參數,其會依您輸入的內容, 完全一樣地傳遞到記錄器。(簡短形式: -l) diff --git a/src/Shared/Resources/xlf/Strings.shared.cs.xlf b/src/Shared/Resources/xlf/Strings.shared.cs.xlf index b8eb609791a..adcdc9b419a 100644 --- a/src/Shared/Resources/xlf/Strings.shared.cs.xlf +++ b/src/Shared/Resources/xlf/Strings.shared.cs.xlf @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ MSB5029: The value "{0}" of the "{1}" attribute in element <{2}> in file "{3}" is a wildcard that results in enumerating all files on the drive, which was likely not intended. Check that referenced properties are always defined and that the project and current working directory are not at the drive root. - MSB5029: Hodnota {0} atributu {1} v elementu <{2}> v souboru {3}je zástupný znak, jehož výsledkem je výčet všech souborů na jednotce, což pravděpodobně nebylo zamýšleno. Zkontrolujte, zda jsou odkazované vlastnosti vždy definovány a zda projekt a aktuální pracovní adresář nejsou v kořenovém adresáři jednotky. + MSB5029: Hodnota {0} atributu {1} v elementu <{2}> v souboru {3} je zástupný znak, jehož výsledkem je výčet všech souborů na jednotce, což pravděpodobně nebylo zamýšleno. Zkontrolujte, zda jsou odkazované vlastnosti vždy definovány a zda projekt a aktuální pracovní adresář nejsou v kořenovém adresáři jednotky. {StrBegin="MSB5029: "}UE: This is a generic message that is displayed when we find a project element that has a drive enumerating wildcard value for one of its attributes e.g. <Compile Include="$(NotAlwaysDefined)\**\*.cs"> -- if the property is undefined, the value of Include should not result in enumerating all files on drive. diff --git a/src/Tasks/GetAssembliesMetadata.cs b/src/Tasks/GetAssembliesMetadata.cs index d5f67c62f36..520b979be03 100644 --- a/src/Tasks/GetAssembliesMetadata.cs +++ b/src/Tasks/GetAssembliesMetadata.cs @@ -50,12 +50,14 @@ public override bool Execute() // During DTB the referenced project may not has been built yet, so we need to check if the assembly already exists. if (File.Exists(assemblyPath)) { - AssemblyInformation assemblyInformation = new(assemblyPath); - AssemblyAttributes attributes = assemblyInformation.GetAssemblyMetadata(); - - if (attributes != null) + using (AssemblyInformation assemblyInformation = new(assemblyPath)) { - assembliesMetadata.Add(CreateItemWithMetadata(attributes)); + AssemblyAttributes attributes = assemblyInformation.GetAssemblyMetadata(); + + if (attributes != null) + { + assembliesMetadata.Add(CreateItemWithMetadata(attributes)); + } } } } diff --git a/src/Tasks/Resources/xlf/Strings.es.xlf b/src/Tasks/Resources/xlf/Strings.es.xlf index eef9d9a6a5e..bb642bc1dc9 100644 --- a/src/Tasks/Resources/xlf/Strings.es.xlf +++ b/src/Tasks/Resources/xlf/Strings.es.xlf @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ MSB3654: Delay signing requires that at least a public key be specified. Please either supply a public key using the KeyFile or KeyContainer properties, or disable delay signing. - MSB3654: La firma retardada requiere que se especifique al menos una clave pública. Proporcione una clave pública mediante las propiedades KeyFile o KeyContainer, o deshabilite la firma retardada. + MSB3654: La firma retrasada requiere que se especifique al menos una clave pública. Proporcione una clave pública mediante las propiedades KeyFile o KeyContainer, o deshabilite la firma retrasada. {StrBegin="MSB3654: "} @@ -2307,7 +2307,7 @@ MSB3295: Failed to load an assembly. Please make sure you have disabled strong name verification for your public key if you want to generate delay signed wrappers. {0} - MSB3295: No se pudo cargar un ensamblado. Asegúrese de que deshabilitó la comprobación de nombres seguros para su clave pública si desea generar contenedores de firma retardada. {0} + MSB3295: No se pudo cargar un ensamblado. Asegúrese de que deshabilitó la comprobación de nombres seguros para su clave pública si desea generar contenedores de firma con retraso. {0} {StrBegin="MSB3295: "} @@ -2516,7 +2516,7 @@ MSB3353: Public key necessary for delay signing was not specified. - MSB3353: No se especificó la clave pública necesaria para la firma retardada. + MSB3353: No se especificó la clave pública necesaria para la firma con retraso. {StrBegin="MSB3353: "} diff --git a/src/Tasks/Resources/xlf/Strings.it.xlf b/src/Tasks/Resources/xlf/Strings.it.xlf index 27b03e70d2e..0caa71beb21 100644 --- a/src/Tasks/Resources/xlf/Strings.it.xlf +++ b/src/Tasks/Resources/xlf/Strings.it.xlf @@ -123,12 +123,12 @@ MSB3991: '{0}' is not set or empty. When {1} is false, make sure to set a non-empty value for '{0}'. - MSB3991: '{0}' non è impostato o è vuoto. Quando {1} è false, assicurarsi di impostare un valore non vuoto per '{0}'. + MSB3991: “{0}” non è impostato o è vuoto. Quando {1} è false, assicurarsi di impostare un valore non vuoto per "{0}". {StrBegin="MSB3991: "} MSB3992: '{0}' is not set. When {1} is true, make sure to set a value for '{0}'. - MSB3992: '{0}' non è impostato. Quando {1} è true, assicurarsi di impostare un valore per '{0}'. + MSB3992: "{0}" non impostato. Quando {1} è true, assicurarsi di impostare un valore per "{0}". {StrBegin="MSB3992: "}