- 本排名只统计nuget下载量大于2万的package - This ranking only includes projects which have 20k nuget download at least
- 本排名是按照nuget下载量降序排列 - This ranking ordered in descending by nuget download number
- 所有实时数据均来自Github和nuget, 由于Gitee未提供数据自动获取接口,暂不做统计 - All real-time data is from Github and Nuget. Gitee doesn't provide automatic fetching API for this.
- 判断是否是中国开源项目的标准:主要贡献者是华人或中国人 - How to determine if it's a China OSS project: Major contributors are Chinese
- 本列表去除了Github repo已处于archived状态的项目 - This ranking doesn't include any archived projects
- WebSocket4Net
- EasyCaching
- Xunit.DependencyInjection
- AspectCore Framework
- SqlSugar
- CSRedis
- MiniExcel
- FreeSql
- BootstrapBlazor
- Senparc.Weixin
- Npoi.Mapper
- SharpSnmpLib
- TensorFlow.NET
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.AutoHistory
- NumSharp
- Furion
- Magicodes.IE.Core
- AntDesignBlazor
- Socket.IO client for .NET
- NewLife.Core
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.UnitOfWork
- Masa.Blazor
- BeetleX
- SmartSql
- SuperSocket
- BotSharp
- FreeRedis
- Masuit.Tools
- CherubNLP
- HslCommunication
- Casbin.NET
- MiniWord
- WeihanLi.Common
- Natasha
- NewLife.XCode
- jieba.NET
- FastHttpApi
- HandyControl
- NewLife.Redis
- SunnyUI
- Cyq.Data
- Rougamou.Fody
- NanUI
- WeihanLi.Npoi
- Panuon.UI.Silver
- PaySharp
- sdmap
- Surging
- Toxy
- Onvif.Core
- NPOI.Extension
- FluentExcel
- HZH Controls
- ToastFish
- Tai