- Updated dependency versions
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Composer 2 compatibility.
- Update composer.json to require version 2 of laminas/laminas-dependency-plugin to be Composer 2 compatible.
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Keywords in composer.json
- Requirement for PHP v7.4 or higher
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Updated 3rd party dependencies to latest version
- Updated License
- Updated .gitignore
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Missing dependency
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Laminas and Mezzio migration.
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Support
- Nothing
Corrected factory and config provider.
- Factory for plain
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing
Initial release
- Everything
- Nothing
- Nothing
- Nothing