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[WIP] Unreal Source Explained

Unreal Source Explained (USE) is an Unreal source code analysis, based on profilers.
For full Table of Contents and more infomation, see the repo in github.



In order to debug your shaders in the GPU debuggers, you should modify Engine/Config/ConsoleVariables.ini:

; Uncomment to get detailed logs on shader compiles and the opportunity to retry on errors

; Uncomment when running with a graphical debugger (but not when profiling)

For GPU Scene, it's disabled by default in mobile, you can enable it by setting r.Mobile.SupportGPUScene=1 in your project's DefaultEngine.ini.


Like Blueprint, Material Editor is also a node-based visual scripiting envrironment, for creating Material Shader.

Each node is an Expression, you can use various kinds of expressions (e.g., Texture Sample, Add, etc.) to write your own shader logic. Exprssions eventually flow into the Result Node (e.g., M_Char_Barbrous above) via Pins (e.g., Base Color, Metallic). Material shader can promote variables into Parameters.

Material Instance is subclass of Material Shader. It's data oriented and only specify the input argument of parent material shader. Changes made to material shader will cause shader recompilation, while changes of material instance won't.


Unreal duplicates most rendering-related things into 2 threads, the game thread and the rendering thread.

Most rendering codes are in 3 modules, Engine, Renderer and RenderCore. During C++ linking,

  • Renderer depends on Engine and RenderCore,(link)
  • Engine only depends on RenderCore,(link)
  • RenderCore doesn't depend on other two.

Following is some important rendering-related classes, you can summarize it by these patterns:

  • U** are all in game thread,
    • all of their codes are in Engine module,
  • F** are all in rendering thread,
    • however, F**Proxy, FMaterial and FSceneView's codes are all in Engine module, they are literaly the one-way data bridge from GameThread to RenderingThread
    • others' codes are in Renderer or RenderCore module.
Game Thread Rendering Thread Rendering Thread
Engine Module Engine Module Renderer Module
World (Scene):
UWorld FScene
UPrimitiveComponent FPrimitiveSceneProxy FPrimitiveSceneInfo
inehrited from FPrimitiveSceneProxy,
has FVertexyFactory and UMaterialInterface
- has multiple FSceneView
- transient and create every frame
inherited from FSceneView
ULocalPlayer FSceneViewState
ULightComponent FLightSceneProxy FLightSceneInfo
Material and Shader:
derived class: UMaterial and UMaterialInstance
derived class: FMaterialResource and FMaterialRenderProxy
derived class: FMaterialShaderType
derived class: FMaterialShader
- transient and create every frame
- derived class: FMobileSceneRenderer

Unreal uses mtlpp, a C++ Metal wrapper, to glue its RHI codes and Metal APIs together.

New Mesh Drawing Pipeline

For better support of massive primitives, GPU driven pipeline and ray-tracing, Epic has refactored and introduce a new Mesh Drawing Pipeline(MDP) in 4.22. And Epic gave a talk about it.

The new pipeline is summarized by Epic as:

Compared to the old immediate mode pipeline, the new MDP is kinda retain mode. It adds new FMeshDrawCommand to cache the draw commands, then merge and sort them. FMeshPassProcessor replaces the old Drawing Policy to generate commands.

The new MDP is all about caching. Here is its 3 different caching code paths,

Unreal Rendering Flow

Here is my conclusion about Unreal Rendering Flow:

Which in summary is,

  • on game thread, FRendererModule::BeginRenderingViewFamily() dispatches FMobileSceneRenderer_Render() to the render thread,
  • FMobileSceneRenderer::Render() is the "main" function for all kinds of rendering techniques,
  • In FScene::UpdateAllPrimitiveSceneInfos(), completely static prmitives are cache both FMeshBatch and FMeshDrawCommand, once they are AddToScene()ed.
  • FMobileSceneRenderer::InitViews() computes visibility, and for static primitive whose vertex factory depends on the view, can only cahce its FMeshBatch, and generating FMeshDrawCommand in InitViews()
    • InitViews() also kicks off FMeshDrawCommandPassSetupTask::AnyThreadTask() to task thread to sort-and-merge ALL mesh draw commands, of this frame.
  • later on, different rendering techiniques, FMobileSceneRenderer::RenderMobileBasePass() or FMobileSceneRenderer::RenderTranslucency() submit a sub-range draw command based on the sorted-and-merged mesh draw commands.
  • At last, the frame buffer is presented on FRHICommandList::EndDrawingViewport().

Primitive Scene Proxy

FPrimitiveSceneProxy(link) is just the rendering thread counterpart of UPrimitiveComponent. Both of them is intended to be subclassed to support different primitive types, for example,

UPrimitiveComponent FPrimitiveSceneProxy
UStaticMeshComponent FStaticMeshSceneProxy
USkeletalMeshComponent FSkeletalMeshSceneProxy
UHierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent FHierarchicalStaticMeshSceneProxy
ULandscapeComponent FLandscapeComponentSceneProxy
... ...

Mesh Batch

1 UStaticMesh has several LODs (FStaticMeshLODResources, InStaticMesh->RenderData->LODResources[InLODIndex]).

1 LOD has several Draw Sections (FStaticMeshSection, InStaticMesh->RenderData->LODResources[InLODIndex].Sections[InSectionIndex]). 1 Draw Section usually generates 1 drawcall, which specify drawing which triangles with which material index.

struct FStaticMeshSection {
	/** The index of the material with which to render this section. */
	int32 MaterialIndex;

	/** Range of vertices and indices used when rendering this section. */
	uint32 FirstIndex;
	uint32 NumTriangles;
	uint32 MinVertexIndex;
	uint32 MaxVertexIndex;

In FStaticMeshSceneProxy::GetMeshElement(), 1 Draw Section's actual rendering data is extracted into 1 corresponding 1 Mesh Batch (FMeshBatch) and mesh batch's 1 Mesh Batch Element (FMeshBatchElement).

1 FMeshBatch cantains all infomations about all passes‘ information of one primitive, including the vertex buffer (in vertex factory) and material, etc. It has an array of FMeshBatchElement, whose length is usually 1. Each element describes one pass' information, such as instancing count, uniform buffer, index buffer, and first index into the index buffer.

 * A batch of mesh elements, all with the same material and vertex buffer
struct FMeshBatch
	TArray<FMeshBatchElement,TInlineAllocator<1> > Elements;
	uint32 ReverseCulling : 1;
	uint32 bDisableBackfaceCulling : 1;
	 * Pass feature relevance flags.
	uint32 CastShadow		: 1;	// Whether it can be used in shadow renderpasses.
	uint32 bUseForMaterial	: 1;	// Whether it can be used in renderpasses requiring material outputs.
	uint32 bUseForDepthPass : 1;	// Whether it can be used in depth pass.
	uint32 bUseAsOccluder	: 1;	// Hint whether this mesh is a good occluder.

	/** Vertex factory for rendering, required. */
	const FVertexFactory* VertexFactory;

	/** Material proxy for rendering, required. */
	const FMaterialRenderProxy* MaterialRenderProxy;

For static mesh batches, they are stored in their primitive, see the ownership chain (root at the top)

  • FPrimitiveSceneInfo* FPrimitiveSceneProxy::PrimitiveSceneInfo
  • TArray<FStaticMeshBatch> FPrimitiveSceneInfo::StaticMeshes

and they are collected once they are added to the scene, and cached,

For dynamic mesh batches, FMeshElementCollector FSceneRenderer::MeshCollector(link) stores an array of FMeshBatch.
During each frame in InitView(), FSceneRenderer calls FPrimitiveSceneProxy::GetDynamicMeshElements() to generate the dynamic FMeshBatch ,

Mesh Draw Command

FMeshDrawCommand(link) describes a mesh's one pass draw call, captured between Mesh Batch (and Mesh Batch Element for IB, etc.) and the RHI. It just contains the only data needed to draw.

class FMeshDrawCommand
	/** Resource bindings */
	FMeshDrawShaderBindings ShaderBindings;
	FVertexInputStreamArray VertexStreams;
	FRHIIndexBuffer* IndexBuffer;

	/** PSO */
	FGraphicsMinimalPipelineStateId CachedPipelineId;

	/** Draw command parameters */
	uint32 FirstIndex;
	uint32 NumPrimitives;
	uint32 NumInstances;

Mesh draw commands are generated by these following calls,

Calltree always end up in FMeshPassProcessor::BuildMeshDrawCommands()(link), where all FMeshDrawCommand are created and extracted from FMeshBatch and FMeshBatchElement, like the following POI code snippet,

template<typename PassShadersType, typename ShaderElementDataType>
void FMeshPassProcessor::BuildMeshDrawCommands(
	const FMeshBatch& RESTRICT MeshBatch,
	uint64 BatchElementMask,
	const FPrimitiveSceneProxy* RESTRICT PrimitiveSceneProxy,
	const FMaterialRenderProxy& RESTRICT MaterialRenderProxy,
	const FMaterial& RESTRICT MaterialResource,
	PassShadersType PassShaders,
	const ShaderElementDataType& ShaderElementData, ...)
	const FVertexFactory* RESTRICT VertexFactory = MeshBatch.VertexFactory;
	const FPrimitiveSceneInfo* RESTRICT PrimitiveSceneInfo = PrimitiveSceneProxy ? PrimitiveSceneProxy->GetPrimitiveSceneInfo() : nullptr;

	FMeshDrawCommand SharedMeshDrawCommand;

	// POI: almost all shaders, resources are from FMeshBatch::MaterialRenderProxy.
	FGraphicsMinimalPipelineStateInitializer PipelineState;
	PipelineState.PrimitiveType = (EPrimitiveType)MeshBatch.Type;
	PipelineState.ImmutableSamplerState = MaterialRenderProxy.ImmutableSamplerState;
	EVertexInputStreamType InputStreamType = EVertexInputStreamType::Default;
	if ((MeshPassFeatures & EMeshPassFeatures::PositionOnly) != EMeshPassFeatures::Default)				InputStreamType = EVertexInputStreamType::PositionOnly;
	if ((MeshPassFeatures & EMeshPassFeatures::PositionAndNormalOnly) != EMeshPassFeatures::Default)	InputStreamType = EVertexInputStreamType::PositionAndNormalOnly;
	FRHIVertexDeclaration* VertexDeclaration = VertexFactory->GetDeclaration(InputStreamType);
	SharedMeshDrawCommand.SetShaders(VertexDeclaration, PassShaders.GetUntypedShaders(), PipelineState);
	PipelineState.RasterizerState = GetStaticRasterizerState<true>(MeshFillMode, MeshCullMode);
	PipelineState.BlendState = DrawRenderState.GetBlendState();

	VertexFactory->GetStreams(FeatureLevel, InputStreamType, SharedMeshDrawCommand.VertexStreams);
	SharedMeshDrawCommand.PrimitiveIdStreamIndex = VertexFactory->GetPrimitiveIdStreamIndex(InputStreamType);

	int32 DataOffset = 0;
	if (PassShaders.VertexShader.IsValid()) {
		FMeshDrawSingleShaderBindings ShaderBindings = SharedMeshDrawCommand.ShaderBindings.GetSingleShaderBindings(SF_Vertex, DataOffset);
		PassShaders.VertexShader->GetShaderBindings(Scene, FeatureLevel, PrimitiveSceneProxy, MaterialRenderProxy, MaterialResource, DrawRenderState, ShaderElementData, ShaderBindings);
	if (PassShaders.PixelShader.IsValid()) {
		FMeshDrawSingleShaderBindings ShaderBindings = SharedMeshDrawCommand.ShaderBindings.GetSingleShaderBindings(SF_Pixel, DataOffset);
		PassShaders.PixelShader->GetShaderBindings(Scene, FeatureLevel, PrimitiveSceneProxy, MaterialRenderProxy, MaterialResource, DrawRenderState, ShaderElementData, ShaderBindings);

	// POI: generates MeshDrawCommand for each BatchElement
	const int32 NumElements = MeshBatch.Elements.Num();
	for (int32 BatchElementIndex = 0; BatchElementIndex < NumElements; BatchElementIndex++) {
		if ((1ull << BatchElementIndex) & BatchElementMask) {
			const FMeshBatchElement& BatchElement = MeshBatch.Elements[BatchElementIndex];
			FMeshDrawCommand& MeshDrawCommand = DrawListContext->AddCommand(SharedMeshDrawCommand, NumElements);

			DataOffset = 0;
			if (PassShaders.VertexShader.IsValid()) {
				FMeshDrawSingleShaderBindings VertexShaderBindings = MeshDrawCommand.ShaderBindings.GetSingleShaderBindings(SF_Vertex, DataOffset);
				FMeshMaterialShader::GetElementShaderBindings(PassShaders.VertexShader, Scene, ViewIfDynamicMeshCommand, VertexFactory, InputStreamType, FeatureLevel, PrimitiveSceneProxy, MeshBatch, BatchElement, ShaderElementData, VertexShaderBindings, MeshDrawCommand.VertexStreams);
			if (PassShaders.PixelShader.IsValid()) {
				FMeshDrawSingleShaderBindings PixelShaderBindings = MeshDrawCommand.ShaderBindings.GetSingleShaderBindings(SF_Pixel, DataOffset);
				FMeshMaterialShader::GetElementShaderBindings(PassShaders.PixelShader, Scene, ViewIfDynamicMeshCommand, VertexFactory, EVertexInputStreamType::Default, FeatureLevel, PrimitiveSceneProxy, MeshBatch, BatchElement, ShaderElementData, PixelShaderBindings, MeshDrawCommand.VertexStreams);

			int32 DrawPrimitiveId;
			int32 ScenePrimitiveId;
			GetDrawCommandPrimitiveId(PrimitiveSceneInfo, BatchElement, DrawPrimitiveId, ScenePrimitiveId);

			// POI: Initialize MeshDrawCommand from this BatchElement (IB, Offset, NumPrimitives)
			DrawListContext->FinalizeCommand(MeshBatch, BatchElementIndex, DrawPrimitiveId, ScenePrimitiveId, MeshFillMode, MeshCullMode, SortKey, PipelineState, &ShadersForDebugging, MeshDrawCommand);

For Static draw commands, they are initiated from FScene::AddPrimitive(), which of cause, right after the primitive is added to the scene. They are stored in FScene, see the ownership chain (root at the top),

  • Scene: FScene* FSceneRenderer::Scene
  • FCachedPassMeshDrawList FScene::CachedDrawLists[EMeshPass::Num];
  • Static mesh draw commands: TSparseArray<FMeshDrawCommand> FCachedPassMeshDrawList::MeshDrawCommands

For static mesh whose vertex factory is view-dependant (shadow, etc.), their mesh draw commands are stored in FViewInfo, so these draw commands are generated in FMobileSceneRenderer::InitViews() or FSceneRenderer::ComputeViewVisibility(), and both of them go to GenerateMobileBasePassDynamicMeshDrawCommands(). Dynamic draw commands are stored in the FViewInfo, see the ownership chain (root at the top),

  • View, TArray<FViewInfo> FSceneRenderer::Views
  • TStaticArray<FParallelMeshDrawCommandPass, EMeshPass::Num> FViewInfo::ParallelMeshDrawCommandPasses
  • FMeshDrawCommandPassSetupTaskContext FParallelMeshDrawCommandPass::TaskContext,
  • Dynamic draw commands: FDynamicMeshDrawCommandStorage FMeshDrawCommandPassSetupTaskContext::MeshDrawCommandStorage
  • TChunkedArray<FMeshDrawCommand> FDynamicMeshDrawCommandStorage::MeshDrawCommands

After that, both static and dynamic draw commands share the same remaining code path from FMobileBasePassMeshProcessor::AddMeshBatch() to FMeshPassProcessor::BuildMeshDrawCommands<..>().

And in FMeshDrawCommandPassSetupTask::AnyThreadTask(), it finally handles movable mesh's mesh draw command.

TODO: FMobileSceneRenderer::Render()???