- fix responsive layout on mobile for habits and wishlist when has archived items
- actually working redeem link for wishlist items (#52)
- redeem link for wishlist items (#52)
- sound effect for habit / task completion (#53)
- fail habit create or edit if frequency is not set (#54)
- archive task when completed (#50)
- dark mode toggle (#48)
- notification badge for tasks (#51)
- archiving habits and wishlists (#44)
- wishlist item now supports redeem count (#36)
- pomodoro skip should update label
- added support for tasks (#41)
- completed habits atom should not store partially completed habits (#46)
- settings to adjust week start day for calendar (#45)
- start pomodoro from habit view
- complete past habit in calendar view (#32)
- auto cut github release for new version
- improved UI for habits and wishlist on mobile
- fix pomodoro break timer from triggering completions
- don't show progress on pomodoro for single completion habit
- PWA support to allow installing app to mobile (#39)
- right click context menu for habits
- Pomodoro clock
- disable today's earned SSR (#38)
- flexible recurrence rule using natural language (#1)
- add modal state not cleared after adding habit (#34)
- daily overview habit count should not show target completions
- habits and wishlist presentation in daily overview
- transactions note
- coin statistics
- fix performance
- fix responsive layout for header and coins page in small viewport
- show today earned coins in balance and header
- habits now support daily completion target (e.g. 7 cups of water)
- Added emoji picker for habit and wishlist names
- habit completion now stores as ISO format
- show total coins in header
- pagination for coin transactions history
- profile button
- settings to update profile image
- Move settings and about to under profile button
- fix navigation
- fix timezone for "today's transactions"
- use jotai for all state management
- fixed settings unable to change
- make links clickable in habit, wishlist and calendar
- docker-compose.yaml
- timezone settings
- use jotai for state management
- completing habits now respect timezone settings
- coin and settings display now respect timezone settings
- performance improvements by caching settings
- new effect when redeeming wishlist
- updated Dockerfile to include CHANGELOG
- About modal
- display changelog and version info
- show number of redeemable wishlist items on dashboard
- Settings:
- added button to show settings
- coin display settings
- Features:
- Enabled calendar in large viewport
- format big coin number
- Features:
- dashboard
- habits
- coins
- wishlist
- Demo
- License