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File metadata and controls

346 lines (252 loc) · 9.72 KB

Allowy - the simple authorization for Ruby (and/or Rails)

Allowy is the authorization library that doesn't enforce tight DSL on you. It is very simple yet powerful.

Why another one?

I've been using really great cancan gem by Ryan Bates for a long time. It does its job amazingly well.

Allowy is basically the result of refactoring the CanCan Ability class. I then extracted it into a gem.

CanCan doesn't work very well for me when Ability definitions grow above 20 lines or so:

  • it becomes really hard to track down why something was (or not) allowed.
  • DSL enforces you to use ActiveRecord-like scopes or blocks. It gets harder to maintain.
  • The Ability class contains all the definitions for everything. Hard to test, hard to maintain unless you carefully refactor it.
  • Implicit permission - CanCan tries to be very smart (and is indeed) using aliases such as :manage but it makes even harder to understand it.
  • Implicit permission - you can use any symbol to check permissions. :love_people will do, even if you never defined it.
  • A little bit tight to ORM. When using with database such as neo4j, some small-ish things don't work. So I prefer to be explicit.
  • Testing an ability for a single class often depends on too many others.
  • Refacoring of the abilities feels like rolling your own authorization library.

So I decided to put up allowy to solve those issue for me.

Allowy better suites if you want more control over your authorization. It is inspired by CanCan, but was implemented with simplicity and explicitness in mind.


Add it to your Rails application's Gemfile:

gem 'allowy'

Then bundle install.

Or use allowy gem as usually.


I will be assuming a CMS-like system in the examples below. The Page class may be ActiveRecord, Mongoid or any other model of your choice. Doesn't matter.

Minimal setup

You define a set of permissions per class. If you want to safeguard Page class then define PageAccess class:

class PageAccess
  include Allowy::AccessControl

  # This will allow you to ask: `can? :view, page`
  # The truthy result of this function will grant access, otherwise not.
  def view?(page)
    page and page.published?

  def edit?(page)
    page and

# Then, in rails controller/view, you would use it:
can? :view, page
cannot? :edit, page
authorize! :view, page # raises Allowy::AccessDenied if can?(:view, page) returns false
can? :love_people, page # Will raise NoMethodError because `love_people` is not defined on the Access Control class


You can access current user, request data etc using the context method. In Rails, the context is set to the current controller, so you have full access to it (not only the current user!).

class PageAccess
  include Allowy::AccessControl

  def view?(page)
    return true if context.params[:hidden_hack_for_admin]
    context.user_signed_in? and page.published?

If you want to change the context in Rails then just override it in the controller or globally in the ApplicationController. The only requirement for the context is that it should mix-in the Allowy::Context module.

class CmsContext < Hash
  include Allowy::Context

class PagesController < ApplicationController
  def allowy_context {realy: 'anything', can_be: 'here', even: params}

Customising access class

The "access" class, by convention, will be determined by the class of the original object plus the "Access" suffix. It may be a problem if you decorate the class using draper gem or using similar approach where the actual class name is different.

The version 0.3 has built-in support for the draper gem and it should "just work".

But additionally it provides a customisation option for you if you need that.

So if you need to change the access class for your object you need to do the following:

# This will just work provided there's a PageAccess class
class PageDecorator < Draper::Decorator

class PageViewModel < SimpleDelegator
  # This will allow using PageViewModel as it would be just Page
  def self.source_class

If you simply don't like the Access suffix, you can override it by passing the access_suffix option to the Registry class. For example, in a typical Rails app you will need to override the current_allowy method on the ApplicationController like so:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  def current_allowy
    @current_allowy ||=, access_suffix: 'Permission')

The above will allow using UserPermission class name instead of UserAccess.

Early termination

If you have a pre-condition for any permission checks you can abort more complex logic by calling deny!('my reason to deny').

For example:

class PageAccess < DefaultAccess
  def view?(page)
    deny!(:no_user) unless current_user
    page and page.published? and domain_name =~ /^www\./i

This is very similar to:

class PageAccess < DefaultAccess
  def view?(page)
    return false unless current_user
    page and page.published? and domain_name =~ /^www\./i

Except that additional information on the exception will be available when calling authorize!.

This information is available from the Allowy::AccessDenied#payload.

More comprehensive example

You probably have multiple classes that you want to protect. I recommend creating your own base class or module to provide common context and maybe some utility methods:

class DefaultAccess
  include Allowy::AccessControl
  delegate :current_user,    :to => :context
  delegate :current_company, :to => :context

  def domain_name

Then you can create multiple access control classes:

class PageAccess < DefaultAccess
  # can? :view, page
  def view?(page)
    page and page.published? and domain_name =~ /^www\./i

  # can? :edit, page
  def edit?(page)
    view?(page) and # Notice how we can reuse other definitions!

  # can? :create, WikiPage
  def create?(page_class)
    # We can do something with WikiPage here if we need to
    return false if page_class.count >= 2 # only 2 wiki pages allowed
    # but can just ignore it and authorize based on current context only
    current_user and current_user.admin?

  # can? :search, Page, 'Ruby rocks!'
  def search?(clazz, phrase)
    # Apart from context, we can require to pass additional parameters
    create?(Page) and (phrase || '').match /rocks/i

In your controller:

class PagesController < ApplicationController
  def show
    @page = Page.find(params[:id])
    authorize! :view, @page # It will raise if declined
    # can?, cannot? can be used too

  # Add this to the ApplicationController to handle it globally
  rescue_from Allowy::AccessDenied do |exception|
    logger.debug "Access denied on #{exception.action} #{exception.subject.inspect}"
    redirect_to new_user_session_url if no_access.payload == :no_user
    render('shared/no_permission', message: exception.message)

In your views:

# app/views/pages/show.html.haml

= link_to "Edit", edit_page_path if can? :edit, @page

Testing with RSpec

To test the access control classes you can just instantiate those passing context as a parameter. Most of the time you will stub out the context, so the test isolation is a piece of cake.

You need to require 'allowy/rspec'. It will give you:

  • be_able_to RSpec matcher;
  • ignore_authorization! macro for controller specs;
  • should_authorize_for method for controller specs (can only be used with ignore_authorization!).
# spec/models/page_access.rb
# Example spec for the PageAccess
describe PageAccess do
  subject     { double(current_user: }
  let(:page)  { }

  describe "#view" do
    it { should_not be_able_to :view, page }

    # Or without the matcher
    it "should not allow" do
      subject.view?(page).should be_false

    context "I prefer RSpec contexts" do
      subject { user)).view?(page) }

      context "when logged in" do
        let(:user) { stub 'User' }
        context "and page is wiki" do
          before { page.stub(wiki?: true) }
          it { should be_true }
        context "and page is not wiki" do
          before { page.stub(wiki?: false) }
          it { should be_false }

      context "when anonim" do
        let(:user) { nil }
        it { should be_false }


# Example of a controller spec
describe PagesController do
  # This will always grant access, so you don't have to create too many objects
  # But make sure you test PageAccess separately as in the example above

  it "will always allow no matter what" do
    post(:create).should be_success

  it "checks the authorisation" do
    should_authorize_for(:create, page)

  it "checks the authorisation with plain RSpec if you don't like the macro" do
    allowy.should_receive(:authorize!).with(:create, page)


To start contributing (assuming you already cloned the repo in cd-d into it):

bundle install
# Now run the Ruby specs
bundle exec rspec spec/

Pull requests are very welcome, but please include the specs.