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Install Minerva

hjk41 edited this page Apr 1, 2015 · 12 revisions

Install Minerva

Requirements and Dependencies


Minerva is built and tested on Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS, although it should also work for any *nix system, as long as you have the correct libraries installed.


Minerva depends on several packages. If they are not in the system search path, please set variable EXTERN_INCLUDE_PATH and EXTERN_LIB_PATH in accordingly.

  • CUDA 6.5
  • cuDNN v2

In addition, Minerva also depends on the following packages. Since system package managers usually have poor support for them, the script can be used to help resolve. Running this script will download and install them in the deps directory relative to the root of the repository.

  • Boost
  • Boost.NumPy
  • glog
  • gflags
  • Protocol Buffers and its Python binding

Following packages are needed for use with Owl (Minerva's python binding). You could disable it by passing --disable-owl during configure if you only need c++ library (and thus none of the followings is needed).

  • Python library (python-dev)
  • LMDB and its Python binding
  • NumPy
  • SciPy

Please consult for a sample configuration of the paths.

Building Minerva

  1. Set CXX_COMPILER, and C_COMPILER in g++-4.8 is strongly recommended.
  2. Set CUDA_ROOT to the root directory of CUDA SDK, if you have installed it to some non-default location; set CUDNN_ROOT to the root directory of CUDNN package.
  3. If you are using the provided, then all the dependencies should be tracked by cmake; Otherwise, set EXTERN_INCLUDE_PATH, and EXTERN_LIB_PATH in to reflect any dependency not in the system search path. If there are more than one, use a semicolon-separated list.
  4. Run ./configure --prefix=/path/to/install <other_options>.
  5. Change directory into release (or debug for more verbose logging) and run make.

After these steps, Minerva should be successfully built and linked on your system. But to run the Python interpreter with Owl (Minerva's python binding) enabled, you have to source at the root of the repository. This will set the environment variables for Python to find Owl. You can then run to start an interactive shell, or run Python scripts directly.

More on building

If you want to install Minerva into another location, run make install in release. And then run ./ install --user. This will install Owl package into your local folder. You could then test it by python -c 'import owl'. Please make sure that and all dependent libraries could be found during runtime such as LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

You could also specify options during configuration:

  1. Build debug version: add --build-debug
  2. Build mnist examples in c++: add --build-apps
  3. Build unit tests: add --build-tests (GoogleTest is required).
  4. Build without owl library: add --disable-owl

Minerva is not unusual in this approach; ssh-agent, pip, opam and many others also work similarly. This allows a local version of the Minerva system and its dependencies, while still giving the ability to run from anywhere.

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