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File metadata and controls

250 lines (222 loc) · 19 KB

📌 Please Note

A subset of the samples used in this paper overlap with samples used in Mathys et al (Nature, 2019). These samples were sequenced using V2 chemistry. Updated cell-level files (post-quality control) and individual-level metadata with this additional information are available for download from the Open Science Framework: cell-level data and individual-level metadata.

For supplemental analyses considering the chemistry differences, please refer to this Google Colab notebook: Supplemental Analyses Notebook.

This repository contains instructions for open data access and code to reproduce the analyses presented in

APOE4 impairs myelination via cholesterol dysregulation in oligodendrocytes

snRNAseq & lipidomic Data availability

  • If you would like to process the raw counts matrix and associated metadata, the fully-processed, annotated, and qc-ed data, or the annotated pre-qc lipidomic data, these files can be downloaded from the AD Knowledge Portal under Synapse ID syn38120890. FASTQ files can also be found under the same Synapse ID.

other Data availability

Reproduce analyses and plots

Follow these instructions to reproduce analyses and plots, as shown in the paper.

1. Download the repository by running:
git clone
2. Create the conda environments and install dependencies:

To create the first conda environment, run this in your terminal:

conda env create -f ./environment/apoe_env.yml
conda activate apoe4myelin_env

In your R console, run:

BiocManager::install("ComplexHeatmap", version="3.14") # preferred package version = 2.10.0
BiocManager::install("BiocParallel", version="3.14") # preferred package version = 1.28.3
BiocManager::install("SingleCellExperiment", version="3.14") # preferred package version = 1.16.0
BiocManager::install("limma", version="3.14") # preferred package version = 3.50.3
BiocManager::install("GSVA", version="3.14") # preferred package version = 1.42.0
BiocManager::install("edgeR", version="3.14") # preferred package version = 3.36.0
BiocManager::install("fgsea", version="3.14") # preferred package version = 1.20.0

Create the second custom conda environment by running:

conda create -n actionet_legacy_env  -c conda-forge r-devtools

Install the ACTIONet package (legacy version) from github by running the following:

conda activate actionet_legacy_env

In your R console, run this:

3a. If you'd like to perform your own QC and celltype annotation from scratch
  1. Download the raw counts matrix and associated metadata from Synapse here. Please note, a data-use agreement must be submitted to access these data. Follow instructions on Synapse here.
3b. If you'd like to recapitulate our QC and celltype annotation
  1. create actionet_legacy_env conda environment as described in point 2
  2. Follow instructions from point 3c.5 to access and download the /single_cell_data files marked by *. Download the raw_counts_data folder from Synapse, as described in point 3a.1.
  3. Navigate to the scripts folder, Now run:
conda activate actionet_legacy_env
Rscript ../scripts/generate_raw_sce_object.r 
Rscript ../scripts/qc_and_annotation.r 
3c. If you'd like to recapitulate any of the analyses presented in the paper
  1. create apoe4myelin_env conda environment as described in point 2
  2. follow instructions here to download the nebula package into the apoe4myelin_env environment
  3. follow instructions here to download the immunogenomics/presto package into the apoe4myelin_env environment
  4. Create the following /plots directory within this git repo
  1. download necessary data from OSF into a directory named /data within this git repo. Files marked with * must be downloaded to recapitulate analysis steps only. Some files can also be generated, as described in the Description/Origin column. This directory includes the following files:
Data File Description / Origin
pathway_databases/GO_Biological_Process_2018.txt from mayaan lab here
pathway_databases/HumanCyc_2016.txt from mayaan lab here
pathway_databases/KEGG_2019_Human.txt from mayaan lab here
pathway_databases/Reactome_2016.txt from mayaan lab here
iPSC_data/FPKM_table_AST.txt FPKM normalized counts from GEO accession number: GSE102956
iPSC_data/FPKM_table_MIC.txt FPKM normalized counts from GEO accession number: GSE102956
iPSC_data/FPKM_table_NEU.txt FPKM normalized counts from GEO accession number: GSE102956
iPSC_data/FPKM_table_OPC.txt see methods section "Bulk RNA-sequencing from isogenic iPSC-derived oligodendroglia" in our paper; run ../scripts/get_opc_ipsc_counts_table.r
iPSC_data/opc_ipsc_bulk_rnaseq_count_files/ see methods section "Bulk RNA-sequencing from isogenic iPSC-derived oligodendroglia" in our paper
single_cell_data/Cell_group_colors.rds * colors assigned manually
single_cell_data/expressed_genes_per_celltype.rds run ./scripts/get_expressed_genes_per_celltype.r
single_cell_data/Mapping.rds * colors assigned manually
single_cell_data/RefCellTypeMarkers.adultBrain.rds * Reference cell type marker genes were obtained from PsychENCODE, reported in Wang, D. et al. Comprehensive functional genomic resource and integrative model for the human brain. Science 362, (2018)
single_cell_data/ * downloaded from Panglao database (; Franzén, O., Gan, L.-M. & Björkegren, J. L. M. PanglaoDB: a web server for exploration of mouse and human single-cell RNA sequencing data. Database 2019, (2019).
differentially_expressed_genes/E4_nebula_associations_Oli.rds run ./scripts/nebula_degs.r
differentially_expressed_genes/oli_wilcox_results.rds run ./scripts/get_wilcox_degs.r
differentially_expressed_genes/oli_wilcox_results_AD.rds run ./scripts/get_wilcox_degs.r
differentially_expressed_genes/oli_wilcox_results_noAD.rds run ./scripts/get_wilcox_degs.r
differentially_expressed_genes/OPC_deg_statistics.txt see methods section "Bulk RNA-sequencing from isogenic iPSC-derived oligodendroglia" in our paper
supplementary_tables/ * pathway renaming and selection for figure 1 (manual) & other supplementary tables from the paper
  1. Download the single-cell- and lipidomic-related data from Synapse and add these data to the ./data directory according to the directories given in the table below. Files marked with * must be downloaded to recapitulate analysis steps only. Some files can also be generated, as described in the Description/Origin column.
Data File Description / Origin
single_cell_data/individual_level_averages_per_celltype/Ast.csv run ./scripts/get_individual_level_averages_object.r
single_cell_data/individual_level_averages_per_celltype/Ex.csv run ./scripts/get_individual_level_averages_object.r
single_cell_data/individual_level_averages_per_celltype/In.csv run ./scripts/get_individual_level_averages_object.r
single_cell_data/individual_level_averages_per_celltype/Mic.csv run ./scripts/get_individual_level_averages_object.r
single_cell_data/individual_level_averages_per_celltype/Oli.csv run ./scripts/get_individual_level_averages_object.r
single_cell_data/individual_level_averages_per_celltype/Opc.csv run ./scripts/get_individual_level_averages_object.r
single_cell_data/qc_counts_data/qc_column_metadata.csv * collected and shared by ROSMAP (Dr David Bennett and colleagues)
single_cell_data/qc_counts_data/qc_counts.mtx * see methods sections "Quality control for cell inclusion" and "Clustering analysis and QC filtering" in our paper, and ../scripts/qc_and_annotation.r
single_cell_data/qc_counts_data/qc_gene_names.txt * see methods section "snRNA-seq data preprocessing" in our paper
single_cell_data/raw_counts_data/column_metadata.csv collected and shared by ROSMAP (Dr David Bennett and colleagues)
single_cell_data/raw_counts_data/gene_names.csv see methods section "snRNA-seq data preprocessing" in our paper
single_cell_data/raw_counts_data/raw_counts.mtx see methods section "snRNA-seq data preprocessing" in our paper
cc_lipidomics/Lipidomics_RawData.csv * see methods section "Untargeted lipidomics of post-mortem corpus callosum" in our paper
cc_lipidomics/Lipidomics_RawData_2.csv * see methods section "Untargeted lipidomics of post-mortem corpus callosum" in our paper
pfc_lipidomics/ChE_summary_cyc_05312022_all_samples.csv * see methods section "Untargeted Lipidomics on post-mortem prefrontal cortex" in our paper
pfc_lipidomics/ROSMAP_Lipidomics_Emory_biospecimen_metadata.csv * accession through Synapse here
pfc_lipidomics/metadata_PFC_all_individuals_092520.tsv Contact us for this file or Use this file, or use Supplementary Table S8, Tab 2 as input
  1. create an empty directory in ./data titled other_analyses_outputs and an empty directory in .data titled supplementary_tables

  2. Now run the following code snippets to recapitulate the analysis:

Navigate to the scripts folder, run this first:

conda activate apoe4myelin_env
Rscript ../scripts/generate_qc_sce_object.r 
Rscript ../scripts/get_individual_level_averages_object.r 
Rscript ../scripts/make_metadata_file.r 
Rscript ../scripts/get_pathways.r
Rscript ../scripts/nebula_degs.r 
Rscript ../scripts/get_expressed_genes_per_celltype.r 
Rscript ../scripts/get_opc_ipsc_counts_table.r 

Figure 1

conda activate apoe4myelin_env
Rscript ../scripts/pathway_analyses.r 
Rscript ../scripts/get_figure_1_plots.r

Figure 2

conda activate apoe4myelin_env
Rscript ../scripts/dissecting_cholesterol_dysregulation.r
Rscript ../scripts/lipidomic_analysis_cc.r 
Rscript ../scripts/get_figure_2_plots.r  

Figure 4

conda activate apoe4myelin_env
Rscript ../scripts/get_wilcox_degs.r
Rscript ../scripts/get_figure_4_plots.r

Extended Data Figure 1

conda activate apoe4myelin_env
Rscript ../scripts/plots_for_extended_data_figure_1.r 

Extended Data Figure 2

conda activate apoe4myelin_env
Rscript ../scripts/fgsea_analysis.r
Rscript ../scripts/pseudo_bulk.r
Rscript ../scripts/plots_for_extended_data_figure_2.r 
Rscript ../scripts/e4_effects_stratification_by_AD.r
Rscript ../scripts/e4_stratification_plots.r

Extended Data Figure 3

conda activate apoe4myelin_env
Rscript ../scripts/lipidomic_analysis_pfc_get_data.r
Rscript ../scripts/lipidomic_analysis_pfc_make_plots.r

Extended Data Figure 5

conda activate apoe4myelin_env
Rscript ../scripts/comparison_of_ipsc_and_brain_get_scaled_matrices.r
Rscript ../scripts/comparison_of_ipsc_and_brain_plots.r
Rscript ../scripts/APOE_expression_oligodendrocytes.r
Rscript ../scripts/apoe_expression_ipsc.r  

Extended Data Figure 7

conda activate apoe4myelin_env
Rscript ../scripts/get_postmortem_er_stress_pathways.r
Rscript ../scripts/er_postmortem_plots.r  
Rscript ../scripts/ipsc_gene_perturbations.r  

Extended Data Figure 8

conda activate apoe4myelin_env
Rscript ../scripts/get_wilcox_myelin_plots.r

Or, run the full analysis pipeline:

conda activate apoe4myelin_env
chmod +x

If you use these data, please cite

Blanchard, J.W., Akay, L.A., Davila-Velderrain, J., von Maydell, D., et al. APOE4 impairs myelination via cholesterol dysregulation in oligodendrocytes. Nature (2022).

If you have any questions, notice any inconsistencies, need help, or would like to brainstorm future collaborations and ideas, please don't hesitate to reach out:,