Purpose: Develop a Vibrant Network
- Work until 4:00 pm CET
- Community
- Facilitate group communication (chat, forum, newsletter etc) by Max – some interesting conversation in the chat
- Create information flows (wiki, map) by Max – we'll have the research group call just after ours
- Establish processes within the network (meetups, media) by Ela – nice group energy emerging, we can build on that
- Co-Create Events
- Web3 dgov track by Max – 50%+ agenda filled, more then enough in the process, i also try to request funding $2-4k from aragon and dao stack if needed (for recordings, flat, freebies and potentially 3 free tickets)
- Retreat in Ljubljana by Anja – was at the place, looks great, helpful people – will arrange everything. There would be a bday, but we'll tackle this. Concept paper looks great
- Dgov track and devcon by Max – checked Lane's vision, it's only for 3 hours and already filled with content. Asked how to help but no ideas for now.
- Launch dgov experiments
- Funding with Seed DAO by Tim – we have a first iteration of the document, Ela has created a table of contents. There's also content we should dive into. Need a session to distribute the work. Have a look at the document. Maybe Phoebe can PM
Ela: would like to see how you structure the document. What are the contents that are not clear yet? E.g. membership program, roles etc – need to look deeper into that. To see whether you feel comfortable. Nothing specific for you input. But we need to find the work rhythm.
Max / Feedback on the web3 agenda
Please provide and advice who we should ask
It's an ongoing thing. The more i'm engaging with the group the more I get the sense of the common goal. It's not documented or mapped down, but it's there. Trust we can get there through the collab work.
Martin: like the approach of letting things come. But would be nice to see what established practices we like to evaluate and know if things don't go so well.
Ela: is it about the content.
Martin: rather peer reviewing, as the process.
Ela: nice practice.
Phoebe: resonate with Martin. That's the idea behind the dgov Handbook. Using going horizontal as the framework. Linked resource for the process.
Martin: would love to peer review the handbook. (Phoebe will share).
Take the look and comment on the paper
Anja: what do you propose? Like short meetings
Phoebe: short meeting is ok. Have a reflection.
Max: right, while somebody wants to drive. E.g. mediation or what we can improve
Ela: like that,
Martin: should appreciate this. Liks short and sweet. But also can go through the team improvement, if we want.
Take for yourself