This page is intended to help new comers boot up to programming and then gradually take them to competitive programming.
- A Newbie's Question
- Approach to become Good Programmer
- What problems should I start solving first?
- Frequently asked questions
- Ask your doubt
- Practice easy problems
- Solving your first problem in C
- Solving your first problem in C++
- Solving your first problem in Java
- Standford Courses
- Introduction to Algorithms
- Codecademy
- Udacity
- NPTEL-Data Structures And Algorithms(IIT Delhi)
- CodeMonkey - Write Code. Catch Bananas. Save the World
- Introduction to Algorithms
- Introduction to Graphs
- Computing Factorials of a huge number in C/C++
- MAXimal - All algorithms are given brief descriptions and program in C++
- Anyone Can Code
- Introduction to Competitive Programming Contests
- List of Topics for programming Competitions
- MIT Open Courseware: Video lectures
- Skiena's Algorithms Lectures
- Topcoder Algorithm Tutorials
- Awesome C++
- The C++ Annotations
- C++ Reference
- Essential C - Important C Concepts
- Essential C++ - Important C++ and OOPs Concepts
- Pointers in C Basics
- Pointers and Memory - Types, Allocation in C/C++
- STL Documentation
- STL-Algorithm Documentation
- TopCoder STL Tutorial Part 1
- TopCoder STL Tutorial Part 2
Do you know better resources that are not included on this page?
- Please read Contributing to this repository
- First fork the repo
- You can add links of different sources on different topics.
- You can also create topics and add different resources to it.
- Make sure that links that you provide are related to the topic!
- send us a pull request.
- We will also be happy to add Collaborators to the projects. Feel free to edit the "getting" and "getting-started.html" file and start contributing.
- If you face any issue send us an email.