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Getting started with OIOIDWS.Net

OIOIDWS.Net is a .Net-based reference implementation of the OIOIDWS 1.0.1a profile.

The OIOIDWS.Net components can be used by service providers to act as a Web Service Consumer (WSC) or Web Service Producer (WSP), using the SOAP or REST standard.

This is the codebase that the OIOIDWS.Net components are built from.

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Repository content

  • Build: Contains script to create and publish NuGet packages:
  • Examples: Contains examples that illustrates how to use OIOIDWS.Net.
    • Digst.OioIdws.Rest.Examples.AS: Example on how to run the Authentication Server in the REST variant of OIOIDWS. AS stands for Authorization Server and is the same term used in [OIO-IDWS-REST].
    • Digst.OioIdws.Rest.Examples.Client: Example on how to run the WSC/Client in the REST variant of OIOIDWS in the signature case scenario. In app.config it can be configured whether to use the Digst.OioIdws.Rest.Examples.ServerAndASCombined example or Digst.OioIdws.Rest.Examples.Server combined with Digst.OioIdws.Rest.Examples.AS example.
    • Digst.OioIdws.Rest.Examples.ClientNuget: Contains code that illustrates how to use OIOIDWS.Net.
    • Digst.OioIdws.Rest.Examples.ServerAndASCombined: Same as Digst.OioIdws.Rest.Examples.Client but based on the latest public available NuGet package.
    • Digst.OioIdws.Rest.Examples.ServerAndASCombinedNuget: Example on how to run the WSP/Server in the REST variant of OIOIDWS where the AS is running in the same process.
    • Digst.OioIdws.Rest.Examples.Server: Same as Digst.OioIdws.Rest.Examples.ServerCombined but based on the latest public available NuGet package.
    • Digst.Oioidws.WscBootstrapExample: Example on how to run the WSP/Server in the REST variant of OIOIDWS.
    • Digst.OioIdws.WscExample: Example on how to run the WSC/Client in the SOAP variant of OIOIDWS in the bootstrap token scenario. It shows how to build a small SAML 2.0 Service Provider (SP) that also acts as a Web Service Consumer (WSC). It requires the Digst.OioIdws.WspExample to be up and running. See [OIO-BTP] for more information on configuring the SP to recieve bootstrap tokens. Note that when running the bootstrap scenario, the end-users' identity is what the WSP sees, whereas in the signature scenario, it is the identity of the WSC that is seen by the WSP. The following things are already setup but is relevant to know when setting up your own combined SP/WSC in production:
      • The SP and WSC must be registered with the same certificate in the NemLog-in administration module.
    • Digst.OioIdws.WscExampleConfByCode: Same as Digst.OioIdws.WscExample but configured with code instead of App.config. It's ideal to be used for debug purpouses.
    • Digst.OioIdws.WscLocalTokenExample: Like Digst.OioIdws.WscExample but uses a locally generated token. Thus, this example demonstrates the "Local Token case", where a local security token service issues a token, and NemLog-in STS is used to exchange this token for a valid WSP token. Using local tokens can remove the need to obtain and administer employee certificates for each employee. Instead, NemLog-in can be set up to trust tokens from a local STS. The example does not include a running local security token service (STS). Instead it creates tokens using a faked in-memory service. You can replace calls to this in-memory service to invoke e.g. a local STS such as (for example) a Microsoft Active Directory Federation Server (ADFS). The example uses a local STS that is configured with the policy set to "Local STS" in NemLog-in. Also, the WSP is configured to accept the NameID format X509SubjectName.
    • Digst.OioIdws.WscExampleNuGet: Same as Digst.OioIdws.WscExample but based on the latest public available NuGet package.
    • Digst.OioIdws.WspExample: Example on how to run the WSP/Server in the SOAP variant of OIOIDWS.
    • Digst.OioIdws.WspExampleNuGet: Same as Digst.OioIdws.WspExample but based on the latest public available NuGet package.
    • Digst.OioIdws.Java: Contains examples that uses Java (WSC/WSP) <-> .NET (WSC/WSP)
      • Digst.OioIdws.DotnetWscJavaWspExample: Example on how to run the WSC/Client in the SOAP variant of OIOIDWS in the signature case scenario against a Java WSP/Server. Requires that a Java WSP/Server is up and running. Checkout OIOIDWS.Java and Guide to use Java WSP and .NET WSC (in the Examples\Digst.OioIdws.Java folder) on how to do that.
      • Digst.OioIdws.DotnetWscJavaWspExampleConfByCode: Same as Digst.OioIdws.DotnetWscJavaWspExample but configured with code instead of App.config. It's ideal to be used for debug purpouses.
      • service-hok: Java WSP example project taken from the lastest IDWS-JAVA-SOAP. For more information, please read the Guide to use Java WSP and .NET WSC (in the Examples\Digst.OioIdws.Java folder).
      • system-user-scenario-hok: Java WSC example project taken from the lastest IDWS-JAVA-SOAP and adapted to work with the Digst.OioIdws.WspExample project. For more information, please read the Guide to use .NET WSP (+custom WSDL) and Java WSC (in the Examples\Digst.OioIdws.Java folder).
  • Misc: Contains miscellaneous stuff
    • Certificates: All certificates needed to run the examples.
    • SOAP examples: Contains examples on requests and responses for both OioWsTrust communication between WSC <-> STS and between WSC <-> WSP.
    • Specifications: All the specifications related to OIOIDWS are located here in PDF. They are only placed here to document how the specifications were at the time of development. All specifications are named [XXX] and are also referenced by that name.
    • Token examples: Contains examples on IdP issued bootstrap token and STS issued access token.
  • Setup: Contains PowerShell script to auto setup the development environment.
  • Source: Source code for the OIOIDWS.Net framework
    • Digst.OioIdws.Common: Contains common stuff for the SOAP variant.
    • Digst.OioIdws.Soap: Contains the implementation of the [OIO IDWS SOAP 1.1] specification.
    • Digst.OioIdws.OioWsTrust: Contains the implementation of the [OIO-WST] specification.
    • Digst.OioIdws.Rest.Client: Contains the client implementation of the [OIO-IDWS-REST] specification. It handles the communication between STS, AS and WSP.
    • Digst.OioIdws.Rest.Common: Contains common stuff for the REST variant.
    • Digst.OioIdws.Rest.Server: Contains the server and AS implementation of the [OIO-IDWS-REST] specification. The AS stores information from the security token and issues access tokens. The WSP contains the authentication middleware that logs the user into the WSP.
    • Digst.OioIdws.Wsc: Encapsulates the usage and configuration of Digst.OioIdws.Soap and Digst.OioIdws.OioWsTrust.
    • Digst.OioIdws.Wsp: Encapsulates the usage and configuration of Digst.OioIdws.Soap
    • Digst.OioIdws.Wsp.Wsdl: It's part of Digst.OioIdws.Wsp and provides cross-platform capabilities for the exposed ServiceMetadata (WSDL) by the .NET WSP. Usage is optional, but highly recommened as it will ease and minimize the amout of manual task for non-.NET WSC consuming the .NET WSP.
  • Tests: Contains various unit and integration tests:
    • Digst.OioIdws.Soap.LongRunningTest: Contains long running tests of Digst.OioIdws.Soap.
    • Digst.OioIdws.Soap.Test: Contains tests of Digst.OioIdws.Soap.
    • Digst.OioIdws.Soap.CrossTest: Contains cross-tests of Digst.OioIdws.Soap combined with Digst.OioIdws.Java.
    • Digst.OioIdws.OioWsTrust.Test: Contains tests of Digst.OioIdws.OioWsTrust.
    • Digst.OioIdws.Rest.Server.Tests: Contains tests of Digst.OioIdws.Rest.Server
    • Digst.OioIdws.Rest.SystemTests: Contains tests of Digst.OioIdws.Rest.Client and Digst.OioIdws.Rest.Server.
    • Digst.OioIdws.Test.Common: Common stuff user by the other test libaries.
  • Information relevant for developers of OIOIDWS.Net (updates .html when saved in Visual Studio).
  • Digst.OioIdws.sln: Visual Studio 2017 solution file.
  • This file (updates .html when saved in Visual Studio).

Getting started

The source code contains everything you need to get a demonstration environment up and running, federating with NemLog-in IdP and NemLog-in STS.

The full documentation of OIOIDWS.Net is a combination of the various readme files, API documentation and the examples provided.

For a quick setup, you must do the following:

  • Run the script Setup\setup_prerequisites.ps1 from an elevated PowerShell. This installs all required certificates and performs sslcert bindings to be able to host local websites using HTTPS.
  • Open the solution Digst.OioIdws.sln in Visual Studio 2019 (Elevated mode) and build it (if you get errors on external dependencies, ensure NuGet packages are being restored).
  • The external IP address must be white listed at NETS in order to be able to make revocation check of the test FOCES certificates.
  • Set the projects Digst.OioIdws.Rest.Examples.ServerAndASCombined, Digst.OioIdws.WspExample and Digst.Oioidws.WscBootstrapExample as startup projects by right-clicking solution, select properties, selecting Multiple start projects.
  • For the web project, you must manually set the Start URL that IIS Express uses. You do this by:
    • right click project Digst.Oioidws.WscBootstrapExample, select properties, select the tab Web, alter the Start Action to the radio button Start URL, specifying
  • Run the solution which should start a SOAP WSP, REST WSP and a combined SOAP/REST WSC.

This should start one browser window for the SOAP/REST WSC Digst.Oioidws.WscBootstrapExample, and two console windows for Digst.OioIdws.WspExample and Digst.OioIdws.Rest.Examples.ServerAndASCombined.

In the web site you should now be able to log in using NemLog-in, and make SOAP or REST calls in either the bootstrap signature case scenario.

You must use an certificate employee certificate from the NemLog-In testportal.

Cross-platform Examples and Testing

As we have added cross-platform support, if you would like to execute the example projects as well as the test projects, you will have to install the JAVA JDK/JRE 1.8.2. Please follow the official guides on how to install these components and don't forget to create a JAVA_HOME under System Properties window > Environment Variables > System variables and update the PATH (still in System variables) with %JAVA_HOME%\bin.

If you have done these steps correctly, you should see the following if you this from a cmd.exe:

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.16299.309]
(c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\user>echo %JAVA_HOME%
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_162
C:\Users\mon>"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\javac" -version
javac 1.8.0_162



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