Learning objective: To write modular test cases covering happy and unhappy paths
- Daml SDK installed and setup
- Daml Fundamentals Training: Testing in Daml - Lessons 1 to 3 completed.
In this lab, we will continue to use the templates for building a Customer Loyalty Program for Epic Airlines using Daml. With the templates shown in the diagram below, write the script to perform the following steps.
Create a data record structure CLPData with four fields:
- customer1: Party
- customer2: Party
- customer3: Party
- airlineServiceCid: ContractCid AirlineService
Create a script setupCLPData that takes three Text strings for the names of the three parties and returns a script that creates CLPData with
- three parties allocated in CLPData using the three Text strings
- airlineServiceCid created by the airline party with customer as customer1 and airline as airline.
setupCLPData: Text -> Text -> Text -> Script CLPData
To test if you got the above written as needed to proceed, here is a script
-- test script to print the test-data testScript1: Script () testScript1 = do clpData <- setupCLPData "Alice" "Bob" "Epic" debug clpData.customer1 debug clpData.customer2 debug clpData.airline debug clpData.airlineServiceCid return ()
The above test script should produce the following output in the Transaction view:
Transactions: TX 0 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (TestLab2:22:26) #0:0 │ disclosed to (since): 'Alice' (0), 'Epic' (0) └─> create Lab2:AirlineService with customer = 'Alice'; airline = 'Epic' Active contracts: #0:0 Return value: {} Trace: 'Alice' 'Bob' 'Epic' 008a4482d8cfcc5711535678191caef59378692530a8cee598da9503d2119adc4f
Write a test-script to test the 'unhappy path' scenario in which
- clpData.customer1 (i.e. Alice) submits a transaction to create a blank application using clpData.airlineServiceCid
- and then clpData.customer2 (i.e. Bob) submits a transaction using application Cid from the previous step to submit an application. Use submitMustFail to ensure that the script goes through to the next step but this transaction fails.
The expected output from this script is as shown below:
Transactions: TX 0 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (TestLab2:22:26) #0:0 │ referenced by #1:0 │ disclosed to (since): 'Alice' (0), 'Epic' (0) └─> create Lab2:AirlineService with customer = 'Alice'; airline = 'Epic' TX 1 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (TestLab2:47:43) #1:0 │ disclosed to (since): 'Alice' (1), 'Epic' (1) └─> 'Alice' exercises CreateBlankApplication on #0:0 (Lab2:AirlineService) children: #1:1 │ disclosed to (since): 'Alice' (1), 'Epic' (1) └─> create Lab2:CLPApplication with customer = 'Alice'; airline = 'Epic'; id = ""; name = ""; address = ""; email = ""; phone = some ""; timestamp = 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z; dob = 1970-01-01T TX 2 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z mustFailAt actAs: {'Bob'} readAs: {} (TestLab2:50:28) Active contracts: #0:0, #1:1 Return value: {}
Extend the previous script to test the happy path scenario where
- Alice exercises SubmitApplication choice on the blank application created in the previous step
- Airline reviews Alice's application which results in Alice's account being created.
- Airline exercises AddPoints to add 100 points to her account
The final output should look as shown below. Notice that TX2 fails but the script continues to execute the rest of the transactions.
Transactions: TX 0 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (TestLab2:22:26) #0:0 │ referenced by #1:0 │ disclosed to (since): 'Alice' (0), 'Epic' (0) └─> create Lab2:AirlineService with customer = 'Alice'; airline = 'Epic' TX 1 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (TestLab2:47:43) #1:0 │ disclosed to (since): 'Alice' (1), 'Epic' (1) └─> 'Alice' exercises CreateBlankApplication on #0:0 (Lab2:AirlineService) children: #1:1 │ consumed by: #3:0 │ referenced by #3:0 │ disclosed to (since): 'Alice' (1), 'Epic' (1) └─> create Lab2:CLPApplication with customer = 'Alice'; airline = 'Epic'; id = ""; name = ""; address = ""; email = ""; phone = some ""; timestamp = 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z; dob = 1970-01-01T TX 2 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z mustFailAt actAs: {'Bob'} readAs: {} (TestLab2:50:28) TX 3 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (TestLab2:74:43) #3:0 │ disclosed to (since): 'Alice' (3), 'Epic' (3) └─> 'Alice' exercises SubmitApplication on #1:1 (Lab2:CLPApplication) with appCustomer = 'Alice'; appAirline = 'Epic'; customerId = "123"; customerName = "Alice"; customerAddress = "ABC Main Street, NY"; customerEmail = ""; customerPhone = "123-555-1234"; appTimeStamp = 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z; customerDob = 2000-01-10T children: #3:1 │ consumed by: #4:0 │ referenced by #4:0 │ disclosed to (since): 'Alice' (3), 'Epic' (3) └─> create Lab2:CLPApplication with customer = 'Alice'; airline = 'Epic'; id = "123"; name = "Alice"; address = "ABC Main Street, NY"; email = ""; phone = some "123-555-1234"; timestamp = 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z; dob = 2000-01-10T TX 4 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (TestLab2:87:39) #4:0 │ disclosed to (since): 'Alice' (4), 'Epic' (4) └─> 'Epic' exercises ReviewApplication on #3:1 (Lab2:CLPApplication) children: #4:1 │ disclosed to (since): 'Alice' (4), 'Epic' (4) └─> lookupByKey Lab2:CLPAccount with key _1 = 'Epic'; _2 = "123" not found #4:2 │ consumed by: #5:0 │ referenced by #5:0 │ disclosed to (since): 'Alice' (4), 'Epic' (4) └─> create Lab2:CLPAccount with customer = 'Alice'; airline = 'Epic'; id = "123"; name = "Alice"; address = "ABC Main Street, NY"; email = ""; phone = some "123-555-1234"; timestamp = 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z; dob = 2000-01-10T; points = 0 TX 5 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (TestLab2:92:39) #5:0 │ disclosed to (since): 'Alice' (5), 'Epic' (5) └─> 'Epic' exercises AddPoints on #4:2 (Lab2:CLPAccount) with newPoints = 100 children: #5:1 │ disclosed to (since): 'Alice' (5), 'Epic' (5) └─> create Lab2:CLPAccount with customer = 'Alice'; airline = 'Epic'; id = "123"; name = "Alice"; address = "ABC Main Street, NY"; email = ""; phone = some "123-555-1234"; timestamp = 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z; dob = 2000-01-10T; points = 100 Active contracts: #0:0, #5:1 Return value: {}