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1243 lines (966 loc) · 55.9 KB
  • Feature Name: rand crate redesign
  • Start Date: 2017-08-01
  • RFC PR: (leave this empty)
  • Rust Issue: (leave this empty)


Evaluate options for the future of rand regarding both cryptographic and non-cryptographic uses.

There is a strawman revision which implements or demonstrates many of the changes suggested in this document, but is not entirely in-sync with the suggestions here.

See also:



The crate evaluation thread brought up the issue of stabilisation of the rand crate, however there appears to be significant dissatisfaction with the current design. This RFC looks at a number of ways that this crate can be improved.

The most fundamental question still to answer is whether a one-size-fits-all approach to random number generation is sufficient (good enough) or whether splitting the crate into two is the better option: one focussed on cryptography, the other on numerical applications.

At the finer level, there are many questions, e.g. which members the Rng trait needs, what the Rand trait should look like, which PRNG algorithms should be included, what thread_rng should do, and so on.

Once some progress has been made to answering these questions, I will update the strawman revision accordingly, and if necessary split the corresponding PR into reviewable chunks. Each chunk can have its own PR discussion as necessary. Once this is done, we can talk about stabilising parts of rand in a separate PR or RFC.


A Pseudo-Random Number Generator, abbreviated PRNG or simply RNG, is a deterministic algorithm for generating random-like numbers. Such algorithms typically have a fixed-size state space, a seed function to produce an initial state from some value, an advance function to step from one state to the next, and a generate function to yield a value in the output domain (type). This implies the following properties:

  • Generated numbers are reproducible, when the algorithm and seed (or initial state) is known
  • All PRNGs have a finite period: eventually the advance function will reproduce a prior state (not necessarily the initial one), and the sequence of numbers will repeat

Given a fixed state-space of k bits, at most 2^k states are possible. A good PRNG should have a large period, possibly close to 2^k; this period may depend on the seed value, but good PRNGs should ensure a large period for all seeds.

To be useful, a PRNGs should usually also have the following properties:

  • Require little memory and have fast computation
  • Generated values are uniformly distributed across the output domain
  • The distribution of each value is indepedent of previously generated values(1)
  • For cryptographic applications, it is not possible to predict knowledge of prior values does not aid in predicting the next value(1)

Note (1): obviously once a PRNG has completed its initial period and started repeating itself, the above properties are no longer possible. It is therefore required that the period is very long.

Further, a PRNG may offer a jump-ahead function to quickly calculate the state after a large arbitrary number of steps v. This allows a random number stream to be deterministically partitioned into a number of sub-streams.

L'Ecuyer provides some more background on PRNGs in Random Number Generation (Springer, 2012).

Guide-level explanation

Since this concerns one (or more) crates outside the standard library, it is assumed that these crates should be self-documenting. Much of this documentation still needs writing, but must wait on design decisions.

In my opinion, the extensive examples in the crate API documentation should be moved to a book or example project. They are well written, but do not really belong in API documentation.

What we should provide is clear guidance (with the usual disclaimers) on choice of RNG for at least the following cases:

  1. Cryptography should normally be handled by a crypto-library, but where entropy is needed, users should prefer to use the OS generator directly where possible. Where a user-space RNG is needed, ChaCha may be the best choice.
  2. Where fast random numbers are needed which should still be cryptographically secure, but where speed is more important than absolute security (e.g. to initialise hashes in the std library), a generator like ISAAC+ (?) should be used; this is exposed via thread_rng().
  3. Where a fast and uniform generator is wanted for numeric applications, a generator like PCG (?) should be preferred.
  4. Where determistic operation / reproducibility is desired, any PRNG algorithm may be used, but the implementation should be selected by specific name and not a generic name (StdRng or IsaacWordRng) and be seeded manually.

Note on type parameters

Very often we make use of type parameters with a restriction like R: Rng + ?Sized. This is almost the same as just R: Rng, except for one thing: R: Rng doesn't work for dynamic dispatch (where the parameter is a trait object like let mut rng: &mut Rng = &mut thread_rng();).

Reference-level explanation

Generation API

This section concerns the Rng trait and extension traits, but not specifically implementations or generation of values of other types.

The Rng trait covers generation of values. It is not specific to [deterministic] PRNGs; instead there is an extension trait SeedableRng: Rng covering deterministic seeding.

The Rng trait

The current Rng trait is quite large and complex:

pub trait Rng {
    fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32;

    fn next_u64(&mut self) -> u64 { ... }
    fn next_f32(&mut self) -> f32 { ... }
    fn next_f64(&mut self) -> f64 { ... }
    fn fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) { ... }
    fn gen<T: Rand>(&mut self) -> T
        where Self: Sized { ... }
    fn gen_iter<'a, T: Rand>(&'a mut self) -> Generator<'a, T, Self>
        where Self: Sized { ... }
    fn gen_range<T: PartialOrd + SampleRange>(&mut self, low: T, high: T) -> T
        where Self: Sized { ... }
    fn gen_weighted_bool(&mut self, n: u32) -> bool
        where Self: Sized { ... }
    fn gen_ascii_chars<'a>(&'a mut self) -> AsciiGenerator<'a, Self>
        where Self: Sized { ... }
    fn choose<'a, T>(&mut self, values: &'a [T]) -> Option<&'a T>
        where Self: Sized { ... }
    fn choose_mut<'a, T>(&mut self, values: &'a mut [T]) -> Option<&'a mut T>
        where Self: Sized { ... }
    fn shuffle<T>(&mut self, values: &mut [T])
        where Self: Sized { ... }

Desired properties

The above trait is long and complex, and does not cleanly separate core functionality (next_* / fill_bytes) from derived functionality (gen, choose, etc.). This design pattern is successfully used elsewhere, e.g. by Iterator, but is not ideal, especially for cryptographic applications where clear, easily-reviewable code is of huge importance.

On the other hand, ease of use is also important. Simplifying the Rng trait does not, however, imply that usage must be impaired; see the Sample trait in the next section for more on this topic.

Determinism is important for many use-cases, including scientific simulations where it enables third parties to reproduce results, games wishing to reproduce random creations from a given seed, and cryptography. To quote Joshua Liebow-Feeser @joshlf:

CSPRNGs are also used deterministically in cryptographic applications. For example, stream ciphers use CSPRNGs to allow multiple parties to all compute the same pseudorandom stream based on a secret shared seed. Determinism is very important for a CSPRNG even if it isn't used in all applications.

Performance can be quite important for many uses of RNGs. This is not given top priority, but some applications require many random numbers, and performance is in many cases the main reason to use a user-space RNG instead of system calls to access OS-provided randomness. The design therefore considers performance an important goal for most functionality, although system calls to access OS randomness are assumed to be relatively slow regardless.

Algorithmic random number generators tend to be infallible, but external sources of random numbers may not be, for example some operating-system generators will fail early in the boot process, and hardware generators can fail (e.g. if the hardware device is removed). These failures can only be handled via panic with the current Rng trait, but an interface exposing this possibility of error may be desirable (on the other hand, wrapping all return values with Result is undesirable both for performance and style reasons).

Proposed Rng trait

// (Ignore CryptoRng base trait for now; see next section.)
trait Rng: CryptoRng {
    fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32;
    fn next_u64(&mut self) -> u64;
    #[cfg(feature = "i128_support")]
    fn next_u128(&mut self) -> u128;
    fn fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]);

All derived (convenience) methods have been removed from this trait; this functionality is moved to the Sample trait or elsewhere.

Further, the next_f32 and next_f64 functions have been removed. Although direct generation of floating-point random values is possible, I do not believe this is often done in practice (such a generator would not be able to directly produce random values of integer types efficiently, and would likely have little performance advantage).

Finally, next_u128 has been added. Native 128-bit generators already exist. This may provide some performance benefit to applications requiring many pairs of 64-bit values.

It has been suggested that next_u8, next_u16 also be added. However, most fast generators operate on 32-bit or 64-bit integers natively, and attempts to extract less bits usually only impair performance. This RFC therefore does not add these methods, but notes that they could be added in the future without any breakage (using default implementations on next_u32).

In order to assure cross-platform reproducibility of results from deterministic generators, it is important that endianness is specified when converting between numbers of different sizes, especially to/from u8 types. This RFC specifies that all conversions should be little endian, including u32u64 (least significant first) and u64u32 (use least significant part).

Default implementations of most of these functions in terms of next_u32 and next_u64 could be added; in my personal opinion there should be no default methods since it is not uncommon (at least within the rand crate) to write wrapper types around a generator re-implementing the Rng trait; if default implementations exist then a wrapper implementation may miss some functions and "work", but behave incorrectly (different random number stream, worse performance). Instead, example code can be shown for next_* impls (e.g. self.next_u64() as u32 and (self.next_u32() as u64) | ((self.next_u32() as u64) << 32)), and a function to implement fill_bytes: fn fill_bytes_from_u64<R: Rng>(rng: &mut R, dest: &mut [u8]).

Proposed CryptoRng trait

For cryptographic purposes, it has been suggested that fill_bytes alone would be sufficient. Further, the function should return a Result, to properly accomodate external randomness sources which can fail, such as direct OS system calls or file reads.

The following trait is proposed, intended to be as simple as possible. It is likely that details of any failure will not be useful, hence the empty CryptoError struct (arguments to the contrary welcome).

use std::result::Result;

pub struct CryptoError;

pub trait CryptoRng {
    fn try_fill(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), CryptoError>;

Note: methods like fn try_next_u32(&mut self) -> Result<u32, CryptoError> can be added if desired, but probably it's preferable to keep this trait minimal. Function names must differ from those in the Rng trait (reason a little later).

Since the trait Rng extends CryptoRng, we implicitly implement CryptoRng for every Rng with the following code (which means that Rng implementations do not have to worry about CryptoRng, and every Rng implementation is automatically available as a CryptoRng implementation too):

impl<R: Rng+?Sized> CryptoRng for R {
    fn try_fill(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), CryptoError> {

Since users may wish to use CryptoRng generators in code expecting an Rng trait implementation, we also provide two wrapper functions to create an Rng from a CryptoRng:

/// Consume any CryptoRng, returning a type implementing `Rng`:
fn as_rng<CR: CryptoRng>(rng: CR) -> AsRng<CR>;
/// Given any `&mut crng` where `crng: CryptoRng`, return a type implementing `Rng`:
fn as_rng_ref<'a, CR: 'a+CryptoRng+?Sized>(rng: &'a mut CR) -> AsRngRef<'a, CR>;

(Hopefully there will be little need to use the above as_rng* functions in practice. There are three potential issues: (1) cryptographic generators may not be uniform, (2) cryptographic generators may be relatively slow, (3) there is an unlikely possibility of a panic. Because of this, code expecting to be used with a CryptoRng, such as an RNG constructor seeding from another RNG, should use randomness from a CryptoRng not an Rng.)

Alternative Rng / CryptoRng designs

Several alternative designs for Rng and CryptoRng are possible.

We could have a single trait. In such a case, there is a strong desire to keep next_u32 and next_u64 methods returning an integer directly: any Result would for practical reasons probably get unwrap()-ed since e.g. propegating Result errors through all random-distribution code when this code would normally be used with infallible generators anyway makes no sense. fill_bytes could be modified to return a Result, but the result would be a hybrid monster where fallible generators would have to implement next_u32 etc. methods with unwrap / panic. Further, there has been a call to have a cryptographic generator trait with minimal complexity, as for example in the ring crate.

Using two traits, Rng and CryptoRng, they could have a different relationship. We could have CryptoRng: Rng but in practice this makes no sense (any CryptoRng must implement all Rng functions using unwrap, and this doesn't meet the desire for a minimal-complexity CryptoRng). We could use two unrelated traits (no trait extension), but this doesn't seem to offer any advantages.

We could even use a base RawRng<E> trait where E is either CryptoError or ! and all functions return Result<T, E>; this has been demonstrated not to reduce performance and adds a "super trait", but since RawRng is not object-safe I see little advantage. There is a long discussion around this design starting here.

For an overview of various two-trait solutions, see this repository. [Note: these use functions next_u32 and try_next_u32; since we don't need try_next_u32 imagine the examples use fill_bytes and try_fill instead.]

One point of note is @Lokathor's suggestion to use type-safety to prevent insecure generators being used where a secure generator is required. Personally I do not see CryptoRng as a promise of secure random numbers, but as a way of handling potentially-fallible generators; for example OsRng and the RDRAND instruction are potentially fallible but whether they are secure is another question (OS design issues and limitations of embedded systems may make OsRng less secure and most OSes have decided not to trust RDRAND fully but instead use it only as an extra source of entropy). Of course, there is still something to the type-safety idea: it might prevent use of very insecure generators in some situations where security matters.

Of all the above, the most reasonable three options are in my opinion:

  1. Use the design above where Rng extends CryptoRng
  2. Use two unrelated traits, requiring explicit wrapping to convert objects of either type to the other (like this)
  3. Use a single trait and accept that fallible generators may panic

Bikeshedding names

The names Rng and CryptoRng could be adjusted. Both types could uses the same name in different namespaces. But, in my personal opinion, the guidance in RFC #356 should be taken with a pinch of salt: names of items commonly used or discussed together should be distinct to avoid the need for path prefixes. Brian Smith advocates using the name Generator since the "R" in "RNG" is redundant with the crate name and the "N" may be inappropriate (not all results are numbers), however there are a couple of reasons to use RNG even so: (1) RNG is a well known and easy term to search for, (2) "generator" is long, especially for use in suffixes like OsRng or OsGenerator, (3) generator is highly inspecific.

The functions as_rng and as_rng_ref, and their return types, could be renamed. (Note that two separate functions and return types are needed for technical reasons unless an impl Rng for &mut CryptoRng rule is added; compare extends_CryptoRng2 and extends_CryptoRng3.)

The function names fill_bytes and try_fill are inconsistent; we could instead use try_fill_bytes.

Rand crates

Currently, rand exists as a single crate. There has been a call to expose CryptoRng and OsRng in separate crates. It has also been suggested that no PRNGs remain in rand and separate crates be used for things like thread_rng. Following this, the following is suggested:

  • rand_crypto contains CryptoRng and CryptoError but nothing else and has no dependencies on other crates
  • rand_os contains OsRng implemented via CryptoRng, depends on rand_cypto but nothing else
  • rand depends on rand_crypto and provides Rng, adaptors, distributions, etc.
  • rand_chacha, rand_isaac, rand_xorshift, rand_pcg etc. contain families of generators
  • rand_thread provides thread_rng via one of the above crates

In this case, crates implementing an RNG would depend on rand_crypto or rand. Numeric users would depend on rand and rand_thread or some other RNG crate.

(TODO: should RNG crates depend on rand_os for secure initialisation, or not handle this internally? If not, should users import both crates and do something like MyRng::from(OsRng::new()), or maybe something like OsRng::new_seeded::<MyRng>()?)


Names: we could break with tradition and name crates with rng instead of rand. We could use different crate name patterns/prefixes for cryptographic RNGs vs numeric RNGs, or for RNG implementations vs traits & derived functionality. (Note: owner of rng crate has offered its use.)

Crates: we could use fewer crates, or even more crates (e.g. by putting the Rng trait and its impl rules in a separate crate).

Extension traits

The SeedableRng trait should remain as is:

pub trait SeedableRng<Seed>: Rng {
    fn reseed(&mut self, Seed);
    fn from_seed(seed: Seed) -> Self;

Another trait could be added to allow jump-ahead:

pub trait JumpableRng: Rng {
    /// Return a copy of self, mutated as if `next_u32` had been called `steps`
    /// times
    fn jump_u32(&self, steps: usize) -> Self;
    // Also jump_u64() ? For most 64-bit generators they should be the same;
    // for 32-bit generators, jump_u64 should jump twice as fast.

And a trait could allow entropy injection, however I don't believe this belongs in rand. See suggested trait and my thoughts.

Further, serialisation could be allowed by conditionally supporting Serde. This should be an optional feature to avoid depending on Serde where not needed. Serialisation has been requested in this PR. For now this has not been implemented since serde_derive does not support Wrapping (and I'm too lazy to write a workaround).

Alternatively, serialisation could be enabled via a simple custom trait instead of depending on serde.

These traits can be added in the future without breaking compatibility, however they may be worth discussing now.

Creation of RNGs

The Rng trait does not cover creation of new RNG objects. It is recommended (but not required) that each RNG implement:

  • pub fn new() -> Self, taking a seed from OsRng, see below
  • pub fn from_rng<R: Rng+?Sized>(rng: &mut R) -> Self
  • SeedableRng<Seed> for some type Seed

Note that the above won't be applicable to all Rng implementations; e.g. ReadRng can only be constructed with a readable object.

from_rng is a bit special: in some cases a naive implementation used to seed a PRNG from another of the same type could effectively make a clone. Implementations should be careful to prevent this from happening by sampling extra values and/or mutating the state. It should also be clear that this method does not add entropy, therefore should not be used for cryptography.

Other constructors should be discouraged; e.g. all current generators have a new_unseeded function; realistically no one should use this except certain tests, where SeedableRng::from_seed(seed) -> Self could be used instead.

Alternatively, new could seed from thread_rng or similar, or not exist forcing users to use from_rng or the SeedableRng trait. However, I believe new should exist and seed from OsRng, since this makes the easiest way to create an RNG secure and well seeded. However, if OsRng is in a separate rand_os crate, should RNG crates depend on this just to provide a new function? See the Rand crates sub-section above.


This section concerns implementations of Rng; the API is discussed above.

In no particular order, this section attempts to cover:

  • which generators should be provided by this library
  • the story for generators in other crates
  • requirements of generators included in this library
  • benchmarks, testing and documentation on included generators
  • convenience new types and functions

PRNG algorithms

Rand currently provides three PRNG algorithms, and a wrapper (OsRng) to OS-provided numbers. It also provides a couple of simple wrappers, and two traits, Rng and SeedableRng. The included PRNGs are:

  • IsaacRng (32-bit) and Isaac64Rng; a very fast cryptographic generator, but with potential attacks on weak states
  • ChaChaRng; a cryptographic generator used by Linux and by Google for TLS, among other uses
  • XorShiftRng; a very fast generator, generally inferior to Xoroshiro

Question: should any of the above be removed? What other PRNGs should we consider adding — should we keep the crate minimal or add several good generators? (Note that the questions of whether rand should be split into multiple crates and whether a separate crypto trait should be added affects this question.) bhickey has some thoughts on this..

  • Likely XorShiftRng should be removed, since Xoroshiro is generally superior.
  • Should we add Xoroshiro128+ as a replacement for XorShift? (Wikipedia article)
  • Should we add implementations for other promising crypto-PRNGs, e.g. Fortuna/Yarrow (apparently used by *BSD, OSX, and iOS)?
  • Should we add an implementation of RDRAND? This is supposed to be secure and fast, but not everyone trusts closed-source hardware, and it may not be the fastest. If we do, how should we handle platforms without this feature?
  • Wikipedia mentions an improved ISAAC+ variant of ISAAC; what is this?
  • The eSTREAM project (Wiki article) selected several new stream cipher algorithms; these should all be usable as crypto PRNGs.
  • If the rand crate is split somehow or a "rand_extra" crate added, should this accept good quality implementations of any known PRNG?

There are a couple of wrapper/renamed implementations:

  • IsaacWordRng is Isaac64Rng on 64-bit pointer machines, IsaacRng on 32-bit pointer machines [other name suggestions welcome]
  • StdRng is currently a wrapper around IsaacWordRng, with a new() method that seeds from OsRng. Ideally this new behaviour should be moved to the PRNG itself (see [creation-of-rngs]); in this case SndRng could just be a new type name, not a wrapper

Question: should we rename StdRng to FastRng or CryptoRng, or perhaps have CryptoRng for the ChaCha generator and FastRng for either the Xoroshift or ISAAC generators? My understanding is that ISAAC is faster than ChaCha and mostly secure, but has some weak states, and is therefore effectively a compromise between a speedy generator like XorShift and a strong cryptographic generator. Several people have suggested that even simulations not requiring cryptographic generators should be using them for their stronger statistical indepedence guarantees. This does not imply that non-cryptographic PRNGs have no good uses (e.g. games usually do not require good quality generators).

Special Rng implementations

ConstRng is a special implementation yielding a given constant repeatedly. It is sometimes useful for testing.

Question: are there any good reasons not to include ConstRng? Or perhaps rand should also include a looping-sequence generator or a counting generator, or a generator based on an iterator?

ReadRng is an adaptor implementing Rng by returning data from any source supporting Read, e.g. files. It is used by OsRng to read from /dev/urandom.

ReseedingRng is a wrapper which counts the number of bytes returned, and after some threshold reseeds the enclosed generator. Its only real use would be to periodically adjust a random number stream to recover entropy after loss (e.g. a process fork) or where there was insufficient entropy to begin with (seeding from the OS generator too soon after boot — but probably all OSs deal with this problem anyway; e.g. Linux saves a "seed file", and Intel's RDRAND instruction can be used as an extra source of entropy, even if not trusted).

Note that if an "entropy injection" trait can be added, we should use that instead of reseeding from scratch.

OS provision

OsRng currently implements Rng by directly sampling from whatever OS functionality is available. The OsRng struct is useful in that it separates initialisation from generation and that it stores any state required; this is not however as important as it might appear.

Initialisation is trivial on most platforms; the exceptions are:

  • Linux: implementation tests whether the getrandom() system call is available by calling it, once, using synchronisation primitives; on failure the implementation tries to construct a reader on /dev/urandom; the latter can in theory fail but is present since Linux 1.3.30.
  • Redox constructs a reader on rand:; in theory this can fail
  • NaCl queries an interface, then either explicitly returns an Err or, on success, asserts that it has a function pointer then succeeds

After initialisation, panics are possible if:

  • (Linux) getrandom returns an unexpected error
  • (Linux via urandom, Redox): file read fails
  • (IOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Fuchsia, Windows, NaCl): system call returns an error

It may be worth investigating which of these panics could conceivably happen, and add appropriate testing during initialisation.

On the other hand, since the primary use of OsRng is to seed another RNG (single use), and since all possible platforms can in theory cause an error after initialisation, it might be preferable to replace OsRng with a simple try_fill_bytes function. This would entail doing all synchronisation on first use (via a simple synchronisation primitive or thread-local memory), and adapting each Rng's fn new() -> Self function.

Contrary to the above, an implementation of Rng using only the OS may be exactly what some users want, since this can be used just like any other Rng, aside from the lower performance; probably OsRng will stay as-is.

Convenience functions

thread_rng is a function returning a reference to an automatically initialised thread-local generator.

In the current rand crate, thread_rng constructs a reference-counted periodically-reseeding StdRng (ISAAC) per thread on first use. This is "reasonably fast" and "reasonably secure", which can be viewed either as a good compromise or as combining the worst aspects of both options — is this a good default generator?

@zackw points out that the default random number generator should be secure:

I think it’s vital that the default primitive random number generator, the one you get if you don’t do anything special, is an automatically-seeded CSPRNG. This is because people will reach for the equivalent of C’s rand(3) in situations where they need a CSPRNG but don’t realize it, such as generation of HTTP session cookies. Yes, there are better ways to generate HTTP session cookies, but if the rand-equivalent is an auto-seeded CSPRNG, the low bar goes from “catastrophically insecure” to “nontrivial to exploit,” and that’s valuable.

One school of thought is that the default generator should be OsRng, thus aiming for maximal security and letting users deal with performance if and only if that is a problem. In light of this, the strawman revision uses OsRng as the default, but allowing the generator used by thread_rng to be replaced on a per-thread basis:

Note that the ability to override the generator used by thread_rng has certain uses in testing, limited uses in improving performance (for ultimate performance and for reproducibility, and may be preferable to avoid using thread_rng at all), and has security implications, in that libraries cannot rely on thread_rng being secure due to binaries and other libraries having the option to replace the generator. It may therefore be better not to allow override and possibly to use a "fast/secure compromise" PRNG like the current rand crate.

Another school of thought is that thread_rng and random etc. should not be included at all.

In the current rand crate, a second convenience generator is available: [weak_rng] constructs a new XorShiftRng seeded via OsRng each time it is called. (The SomeRng::new() syntax can replace the need for this type of function; see [creation-of-rngs].) The strawman revision simply removes weak_rng.

Two functions using thread_rng are included:

  • random, generating random values via the default distribution
  • random_with, generating random values via a specified distribution

Testing generators

Since most of the generators discussed are deterministic, this determinism should be tested. Each generator should be required to have at least one test setting a specific seed, then reproducing a sequence of values obtained either from a specification of the PRNG algorithm or generated with a reference implementation.

The ChaCha and ISAAC generators already have such tests (test_rng*_true_values), however the ISAAC variant does not document the source. The XorShift generator currently has no such test.

Benchmarking generators

It would be nice if the crate included the following information on each generator in documentation and/or benchmarks:

  • state size in bytes
  • initialisation time
  • amortised time to generate 1 word of randomness (where "word" means the native size of the generator, not of the machine)

Currently there are benchmarks of generation time, but this might not truely represent the amortised time due to infrequent update cycles.


Should we worry about generator algorithms not exactly matching the domain (u32 or u64)? For example, Xoroshiro apparently never generates zero.

Random values

This section concerns creating random values of various types and with various distributions given a generator (Rng).

Most of this functionality is contained in the distributions module. (For a time this module was renamed dist for brevity, but renamed back to avoid confusion. distr might be another possibility.)

Traits governing generation

The current rand crate has a Rand trait implementable by any type which can be "randomly constructed", with quite a few (but not exhaustive) implementations for various Rust types, one for a standard library type (Option), and even implementations for Rng types.

The strawman revision showcases two variations on Rand: a Rand trait parameterisable by distributions and a SimpleRand trait, similar to the current Rand. The intention was to keep only one of these, however my current preference is to remove both (more on this in a moment).

Current rand has two traits for generating values from distributions, Sample and IndependentSample. I believe the purpose of Sample was to allow implementation for random processes (e.g. random walks and Lévy flight); however such processes are usually better interacted with via advance_state() and get_state() functions, and are in any case beyond the scope of the rand crate. The strawman revision therefore removes Sample and renames IndependentSample to Distribution, better reflecting the trait's purpose.

The strawman revision adds several new distributions, namely Uniform, Uniform01, and Default (see below). These distributions allow creation of random values for arbitrary types, replacing the need for a Rand trait. The Rand and SimpleRand traits in the strawman revision are simply wrappers around distributions, specifically Default.

Additionally, the strawman revision adds a trait called Sample. This is simply an extension to [Rng], adding some convenience functions to access functionality from the Default and Range distributions, as well as iterators.

So the strawman revision currently has three convenience wrappers around distributions: Rand, SimpleRand and Sample. My feeling is that the most convenient of these is Sample and the other two serve no real purpose (note that implementing random value creation for user-defined types is now handled via impl Distribution<T> for Default).


Some Rand examples:

use rand::distributions::{Rand, Default, Range};
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();

// Type annotation needed; two options:
let byte: u8 = Rand::rand(&mut rng, Default);
let byte = u8::rand(&mut rng, Default);

// For ranges, the generated type is the same as the parameter type:
let ranged = Rand::rand(&mut rng, Range::new(-99, 100));

Some SimpleRand examples:

use rand::distributions::{SimpleRand, Distribution, Range};
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();

// Again, type annotation is needed; two options:
let byte: u8 = SimpleRand::simple_rand(&mut rng);
let byte = u8::simple_rand(&mut rng);

// SimpleRand does not support other distributions, so we have to use the
// distribution directly:
let ranged = Range::new(-99, 100).sample(&mut rng);

Some Sample examples:

use rand::distributions::{Sample, Rand, Default, Range};
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();

// Type annotation needed:
let byte: u8 = rng.gen();

// For ranges, the generated type is the same as the parameter type:
let ranged = rng.gen_range(-99, 100);

Equivalent code without using any of the wrappers:

use rand::distributions::{Distribution, Default, Range};
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();

let byte: u8 = Default.sample(&mut rng);

let ranged = Range::new(-99, 100).sample(&mut rng);

Pass by copy?

Currently Rand::rand and Sample::sample take the distribution parameter by value. This is the best option for zero-size distribution types like Default and Open01, since it allows call syntax like Rand::rand(&mut rng, Default) (second parameter does not need to be referenced).

Most distribution types are fairly small, e.g. Range is two or three values of the parameterised type, so for the most part pass-by-value is reasonable, although for example Gamma is 40 bytes. Can the compiler optimise this?

On the other hand, Distribution::sample takes itself by reference. This is required for the special Weighted distribution, which does not support Copy. Does this add overhead? Note that currently rand is implemented using sample, which in some ways is the worst of both worlds. Should distributions be required to support Copy or, at least, should sample take self by value?

Distributions trait

The Distribution trait replaces rand's current IndependentSample trait. It is quite simple:

/// Types (distributions) that can be used to create a random instance of `T`.
pub trait Distribution<T> {
    /// Generate a random value of `T`, using `rng` as the
    /// source of randomness.
    fn sample<R: Rng+?Sized>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> T;

This could be extended with other functions such as fn map<F: Fn(T) -> T>(&self, f: F) -> MappedDistribution<T, F>, but I do not see a good rationale.

Any implementation, such as Default, supports usage via sample: Default.sample(&mut rng). (Note that struct Default; is a unit type (like ()); Rust allows objects to be created without any extra syntax: let x = Default;.)

Simple distributions

Several zero-size structs implementing Distribution specify simple distributions:

  • Uniform specifies uniform distribution over the entire range available, and is implemented for all integer types and bool
  • Uniform01 specifies uniform distribution over the half-open range [0, 1), and is implemented for f32 and f64
  • Closed01 is like Uniform01 but for [0, 1] (thus including 1.0)
  • Open01 is like Uniform01 but for (0, 1) (thus excluding 0.0)
  • Default uses Uniform or Uniform01 depending on type (and can be extended for other types)
  • AsciiWordChar samples uniformly from the ASCII characters 0-9, A-Z and a-z

Default has roughly the same capabilities as the the current rand crate's Rand; currently it doesn't support arrays, tuples, Option, etc., but support for thes could conceivably be added, and probably also an equivalent to derive_rand.

It should be noted that there is no agreement on using the name Default. In particular, there is a naming conflict with std::default::Default, which can lead to surprising compiler messages if the user forgets to use rand::Default;. Potentially Default could be renamed to Rand; my personal feeling is that the name Default works well.

Similarly, Uniform and Uniform01 are open to adjustment. All three (including Default) could be replaced with a single Uniform; but using three names does solve two semantic issues: (1) the range of sampled values differs by type, especially between integer and floating-point types, and (2) some possible type-dependent implementations (such as for Option) cannot practically have a uniform distribution.

AsciiWordChar is currently an oddity, used in many tests but with no hard requirements on form or function. This could be renamed and augmented in line with Regex character classes.


There is one further uniform distribution:

  • Range specifies uniform distribution over a range [a, b) and supports integer and floating-point types

This Range is minimally changed from the current rand, and supports extension to user-defined types by exposing its internal fields.

An alternative implementation, range2, has been written in an attempt to improve extension to other types and avoid the need for an unused zone field with float types, but has some drawbacks, perhaps most notably that Range is parameterised so that Range::new(low, high) must be replaced with range(low, high) or Range::<T>::new(low, high).

Question: which range implementation should we choose?

Unfortunately range2 exposes more public types like RangeInt<X> and RangeFloat<X>, and must retain the SampleRange trait but only to identify types for which a Range implementation is available. (Suggestions to improve this code welcome.)

Note that while Range is open to implementation for user-defined types, its API with a "low" and "high" may not be appropriate for many types; e.g. a complex type may want "low_real", "high_real", "low_complex" and "high_complex" parameters. For such uses, it is suggested the user create a new distribution (e.g. ComplexRange) and not try to extend Range.

Non-uniform distributions

Finally, there are several distributions unchanged from the current rand:

  • Exp
  • Normal, LogNormal
  • Gamma, ChiSquared, FisherF, StudentT

Currently these are only implemented for f64. They could be extended to f32 but this might require adding some more lookup tables to the crate.

Internally, Exp(1) and N(0, 1) (standard normal) fixed distributions are used; these could be exposed via new zero-size distribution structs. This might be slightly faster for some uses (avoid a multiplication and extra data access).

Most distributions are implemented in public sub-modules, then also imported into distributions via pub use. Possibly the sub-modules should be hidden.

Conversion to floating point

Currently this is implemented via impl Distribution<f32> for Uniform01 and the f64 equivalent in the strawman revision, and within the Rng trait in the current rand. It has been suggested that this should be implemented in a simple function (used by Rand / Uniform01) so that users only wanting to use a small subset of the library for cryptography do not need to use the distributions code. This is only really useful if the rand crate is split into a minimal crypto sub-set and the rest building on that.

The following article points out that the common method of generating floats in the range [0, 1) or (0, 1) is wrong. It is worth pointing out that our existing code does not use this method, however it may still be worth reading the article: Generating Pseudo-random Floating-Point Values.

More on the topic here, under the heading "Generating uniform doubles ...".

Testing distributions

Distributions should test exact output with several specified inputs, via usage of ConstRng or similar. (TODO: implement such tests.)

Rand vs Distribution

As suggested above, both Rand traits are basically wrappers around Distribution:

impl<T, D: Distribution<T>> Rand<D> for T {
    fn rand<R: Rng+?Sized>(rng: &mut R, distr: D) -> Self {

impl<T> SimpleRand for T where Default: Distribution<T> {
    fn simple_rand<R: Rng+?Sized>(rng: &mut R) -> Self {

This implies that the Rand traits could be removed altogether without any loss of functionality. Alternatively, we could remove the Distribution trait, keep the distributions (Default, Range, etc.), and implement Rand directly:

impl<u32> Rand<Uniform> for u32 {
    fn rand<R: Rng+?Sized>(rng: &mut R, _distr: Uniform) -> Self {

For the user, this leaves a choice between:

// simple Rand (SimpleRand in this document):
use rand::Rand;
let x = i64::rand(rng);

// complex Rand:
use rand::Rand;
let y = i64::rand(rng, Default);

// no Rand:
use rand::Distribution;
let z: i64 = Default.sample(rng);

// in all cases, we can still have:
let a: i64 = rand::random();

Convenience functions and more distributions

The above examples all get randomness from thread_rng. For this case, two convenience functions are available:

  • random, essentially fn random() { Default.sample(&mut thread_rng()) }
  • random_with, essentially fn random_with<D: Distribution>(distr: D) { distr.sample(&mut thread_rng()) }

These do not require a Rand trait. Since calling thread_rng has a little overhead, these functions are slightly inefficient when called multiple times.

Additionally, within the distributions module, some more convenience functions are available:

  • uniform(rng) -> T, equivalent to Rand::rand(rng, Uniform)
  • range(low, high, rng) -> T, equivalent to Rand::rand(rng, Range::new(low, high))

It is debatable whether these are worth keeping and possibly extending to include uniform01(rng) -> T etc. They are convenient when used with iterators (see below).

A couple more distributions are available using functions of the same form, but (currently) without a Distribution implemention representing them:

  • codepoint (rng) -> char generating values uniformly distributed over all valid Unicode codepoints, even though many are unassigned. This may be useless but is the most obvious implementation of Distribution<char> for Uniform and Default.
  • ascii_word_char (rng) -> char uniformly selects from A-Z, a-z and 0-9, thus is convenient for producing basic random "words" (see usage with iterators below).


Iterators are available as wrappers are an Rng. These don't support next for compatibility with the borrow checker, but do support map and flat_map as well as take. The objects returned by map and flat_map are standard iterators.

These can be used to generate collections and strings:

use rand::{thread_rng, Rng, iter};
use rand::distributions::{uniform, ascii_word_char};

let mut rng = thread_rng();
let x: Vec<u32> = iter(&mut rng).take(10).map(|rng| uniform(rng)).collect();
println!("{:?}", x);
let w: String = iter(&mut rng).take(6).map(|rng| ascii_word_char(rng)).collect();
println!("{}", w);

This is considerably changed from the current rand, which instead has Rng::gen_iter() using Rng::gen() and Rng::gen_ascii_chars() for generating random letters (equivalent to ascii_word_char()).

Other stuff

Function weighted_bool(n, rng) -> bool is a simple probability function.

The sequences module supports sampling one element from a sequence (Choose), sampling several (sample), and shuffling (Shuffle).

WeightedChoice is a support type allowing weighted sampling from a sequence.


The current rand has a sub-crate, rand_derive (source code). Probably something similar could be designed for Default or Rand<Default>, but due to the current author's lack of interest this has not been investigated.

Testing distributions

Each distribution should have a test feeding in a known sequence of "generated" numbers, then test the exact output for each input, where the output may be generated by the library itself but must be tested to be at least approximately correct via external calculation.

A generator returning a sequence of evenly spaced u64 values should be sufficient; output should include zero, u64::MAX, and several values in between.

Benchmarking distributions

Most distributions currently only apply to f64; for this type a baseline sampling from [0, 1) and each distribution available should be tested, each generating the same number of values.

Benchmarks for other types could be added.

no_std support

This was requested, and has been implemented in the refactor by hiding many parts of rand behind #[cfg(feature="std")]. Without std quite a few features are removed, including thread_rng(), random(), and the entire os module which normally provides entropy for initialisation.

API doc can be generated via cargo doc --no-default-features, but is not currently hosted (TODO), and no_std support is not automatically tested (TODO; use cargo build --no-default-features for now).


This attempt to redesign rand assumes there are no major issues with API breakage. Several parts of the old API should uremain compatible, but little attention has been paid to this.

If the crate is split into two crates (crypto and non-crypto), some uses (randomised algorithms) will not clearly fit into either one, likely many distributions and support functions will not be available from the crypto API, but possibly a decent compromise could be reached.

Rationale and Alternatives

We could leave rand as is for now. We could even stabilise the current design. But I haven't seen anyone advocate this option.

@Lokathor proposed an alternative design for distributions: make each a trait:

pub trait Rand: Sized {
    fn rand<R: Rng+?Sized>(rng: &mut R) -> Self;

pub trait RangedRand: Rand + PartialOrd {
    fn rand_range<R: Rng+?Sized>(rng: &mut R, low: Self, high: Self) -> Self;

This however lacks a way of separating parameterisation of the distribution from sampling; for example Range does some calculations in Range::new, creates a simple object with two or three values, then does minimal work during sampling (my_range.sample(&mut rng)).

Unresolved questions

Summary of above

There are many questions above; perhaps the biggest ones are as follows.


  • Remove next_f32 and next_f64 from Rng?
  • Add next_u128 to Rng?
  • Add a CryptoRng trait or otherwise split out cryptographic generators?
  • Split the rand crate?
  • Add JumpableRng trait?
  • Add InjectableRng trait?
  • Which constructors should Rng impls have?


  • Which PRNGs rand contain?
  • Which testing Rng impls, if any, should rand contain?
  • Replace OsRng with an os::try_fill_bytes function?
  • Allow generator behind thread_rng to be switched?
  • Include StdRng and weak_rng wrappers?


  • Rename the distributions module?
  • Rename Uniform, Default, etc.?
  • Keep the parameterised Rand<Distr>, replace with the simple Rand or remove both?
  • Replace range with range2 ?

Derive rand

The derive_rand sub-crate of the current rand provides another method to generate random values of the current type. This could probably be adjusted to derive Rand<Default> or maybe even support custom distributions. In the strawman revision I simply deleted this sub-crate since I have no personal interest in creating random values this way.