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print(a+b) # arithmetic operationprint(a-b) # subtraction operationprint(a*b) # multiplication operationprint(a/b) # division operation - gives the quotient(float)print(a//b) # floor division - gives the quotient(whole)printa(a%b) # Modulas division - gives the remainderprint(a**b) # exponential - power of a^bprint(-a) # negative value of the stored integerprint(abs(-a)) # like modulo |a| - always positive valueprint(int(2.5)) # prints only the decimal value not the float valueprint(float(a)) # prints the decimal value of the int
Boolean Operations
and# performs and operationor# performs or opertaionnot# performs not operation
String Operations
a=' This is a string 'print(a.strip()) # removes whitespaces before and after the string Thisisastring# output of strip()print("Cyberwr3nch".lower()) # prints everything in the lowercasecyberwr3nch# ouput of lower()print("cyberwr3nch".upper()) # prints everything in the uppercaseCYBERWR3NCH# output of upper()print("i am a geek".title()) # prints everything in title formatImAGeek# output of title()iam="cyberwr3nch"# variable with the name "iam" and value 'cyberwr3nch'print(f" I am {iam}") # subsituting the value with f"" formatprint("I am {}".format(iam)) # subsituting the values with format()Iamcyberwr3nch# output of formating, string operations such as title()/upper()/lower() can be performed print("github".startswith("git")) # print boolean if the mentioned string starts with gitprint("github".endswith("hub")) # print boolean if the mentioned string ends with gitprint("github".find('it')) # finds the specifed string and provides its index numberprint("github was awesome".replace('was', 'is') # changes was with isprint('-'.join(['F', 'B', 'I']) # joins the items in the list with the seperator '-'# >>> lis = ["F", "B", "I"]# >>> print('-'.join(lis))# >>> F-B-Iprint(len('github')) # prints the length of the stringprint("git"in"github") # returns boolean if the string is founda="This is a line"print(a.split()) # splits the words on space; ['This', 'is', 'a', 'line']
List Operations
a= [] # empty lista= [1,2,3,4] # list declarationprint(a[2]) # prints the elemet 3, index of lists starts with 0a.append(5) # adds 5 at the ends of the list a; a = [1,2,3,4,5]a= [1,2,4,5]
a.insert(2, 3) # adds 3 in the index 2; a = [1,2,3,4,5]print([1,2,3,4] + [5]) # concats two listsa= [7,2,8,4,5]
a.remove(8) # removes 8 from the list; a = [7,2,4,5]a= [7,4,8,1]
sorted(a) |a.sort() # sorts in ascencding ordersorted(a, reverse=True) |a.sort(reverse=True) # sorts in descending ordersorted(a, key=<value>) |a.sort(key=<value>) # performs sorting based on the specified key value; works for nested listsforiina: # iterate throught the list and print the lists contentsprint(i)
a= [1,2,3,4,5]
print(a[0:2]) # print items with index range 0-2 from the list; index 2 is discarded in the output; Output: 1,2print(a[:3]) # print items from 0 - 2; Output: 1,2,3print(a[2:4]) # print items from index range 2 - 4; Output: 3,4print(a[3:]) # print items from index 3 to end of the list; Output: 4,5a= [1,2,3,4]
b=a[:] # copies the contents of the list a to list b
Range ()
print(list(range(1,6))) # sudden list of numbers from 1 - 6print(list(range(1,10,2))) # print from numbers 1 - 10 with a hop of 2, = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
if (condition): # IF Loop declaration#code-suitepassif (condition): # IF-Else Loop declaration#code-suitepasselse:
#code-suitepassif (condition): # IF-Elif-Else Loop declaration; Nested IF ELSE CONDITION#code-suitepasselif (condition):
Python Operators
=# equal to<# less than># greater than!=# not equal to<=# less than or equal to>=# greater than or equal to<and>=# multiple condition checks with the booelan operators
Dictionary Operations
a= {} # empty dictioniarydic= {'language': 'python', 'difficulty': 'easy'}# dictionary declaration; syntax: dict_name = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}print(dic['language']) # accessing dictionary with keydic['author'] ="Guido van Rossum"# adding new key and value to the dictonary dictdic['difficulty'] ='Medium'# Key's value can be changed with the assignement operator(=)deldic['difficulty'] # removes the key vale pair 'difficulty' from the dictionaryforkey, valueindic.items(): # the dictonary values can be iterated with items()print(f"Key: {key}\n")
print(f"Values: {value}")
forkeyNameindic.keys(): # prints just the key name print(keyName)
forkeyNameinsorted(dic.keys()): # prints key names in sorted orderprint(keyName)
forvalue_itemsindic.value(): # prints the values of the keyprint(value_items)
nl= [] # initializing an empty listnew_dict= {'key': 'val1', 'key2': 'val2'} # assigning the dictionary with the valuesnl.append(new_dict) # appending the dictionary to the listnew_dict= {'name': 'cyberwr3nch', 'prog-lang': ['c', 'python']} # adding lists in the dictionaryprint(new_dict['name']) # accessing value with keyforproginnew_dict['prog-lang']: # iterating through tht list and accessing the valuesprint(f"{prog}\n")
students= { # nested dictionary"dhanesh": { # dic = {"key":"Value", "key", "value"}"f_name": "dhanesh", # nested_Dic = {"key":{"akey1":"avalue1", "akey2":"avalue2"}, "key2": {"bkey1": "bvalue1" }}"l_name": "sivasamy",
"role": "average student"
"cyberwr3nch": {
"f_name": "cyberwr3nch",
"l_name": "cyber",
"role": "moderate student"
"damnedsec": {
"f_name": "dsec",
"l_name": "security",
"role": "average student"
forstud_name, stud_detailsinstudents.items():
print(f"{stud_details['role']}") # accessing the value's, Value
User Input and While loop
variable=input("Provide input: ") # string input method with the message "Provide input: "variable=int(inpur("Enter num: ")) # integer input method with the messageg "Enter num: "while (condition): # while loop declaration#code-suitepasswhileTrue: # infinite loop#code-suitepasswhileTrue: # stop an infinite loop based on the conditionsif (condition):
deffunc_name(): # function declaration#code-suitepassfunc_name() # calling a function, which triggers the code suite inside the functiondeffunc_name(arg1): # function declaration with an input to the function#code-suiteprint("Hello {arg1}")
func_name("cyberwr3nch") # passing argument to the function with the function calldeffunc_name(*args): # accepts any numbers of arguments being passed to the function#code-suitepassdeffunc_name(first, last, **user_info): # **user_info, accepts the key valued pair as an input#code-suitepassuser_profile=func_name("Dhanesh","Sivasamy", location="cbe", role="student") # Dhanesh being firstname, Sivasamy being second name, the keyed values locationa and role are accepted by the **user_info argument
classclass_name: # class initialization#code-suiteclassclass_name:
def__init__(self): # constructor declaration, the __init__() always takes "self" as its first arguemnt# we can assign variables for the inistantiated classes#code-suitepassclassclass_name:
def__init__(self): # we can initialize values for the object with self.<varname>"cyberwrn3ch"self.role="student"defout(self):
print(f"Hi {}, I recon you are a {self.role}")
eggs=class_name() # when calling the function without providing an argumet it automaticalls assigns the variables from the __init__()eggs.out() # calling the function to output the result; class_obj.method(): OUTPUT: Hi cyberwrn3ch, I recon you are a student# when a variable/ value is mentioned in the __init__(self, value1), an variable is required when initializing an instance of the class# when another method in the class inherits the created object with "self" keyword, [HERE: The created object is passed to the out() inside the class], It passes the total no. of created / assigned values to the method, which makes us able to mention the values of and self.roleeggs.role="master"# The values assigned by the __init__() can be modified by addressing themeggs.out()
classcls_child(class_name): # implementing inheritance, the cls_child becomes the child class of the class class_name. Meaning cls_child have all the methods in the class_namedef__init__(self): # super() calls the method specified in the parent classsuper().__init__(name, role)
File And Exceptions
withopen('filename') asfile_object: # open a file and read its
withopen('filename') asfile_object:
file_object.readlines() # reads the file line by linewithopen('filename', 'w') asfile_object: # opening a file in write modefile_object.write('cyberwr3nch') # writing the desired stuff to the filefile_object.close() # closing the file
# EXCEPTIONSprint(2/0) # ZeroDivisionError: division by zero, program stops# handling the exceptions with try/excepttry:
print("You cannot divide by 0")
withopen("iammaster.txt") #FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'iammaster.txt' try:
withopen(filename, encoding='utf-8') asf:
print(f"Sorry, the file {filename} does not exist.")