A simple logging setup using SLF4J's slf4j-simple
logging implementation.
Follow these instructions to build and run the example program:
- Pre-requisite: Java 21
- Build the program distribution
./gradlew installDist
- Run the program
- It will output something like the following.
19:27:10 [main] WARN dgroomes.slf4j_simple.Main - A WARN-level message 19:27:10 [main] ERROR dgroomes.slf4j_simple.Main - An ERROR-level message
- Notice how the code specified TRACE, DEBUG and INFO level messages but only WARN and ERROR messages were logged.
Study the logging configuration file
to see why.
How do you debug SLF4J itself? There must be a way to turn on debug or trace logs withing SLF4J's initialization phase...