- Andrea Giamarchi (2021), Should you trust JavaScript execution? → https://javascript.plainenglish.io/about-trusting-javascript-execution-8c6b478d6021
- Shows how you can highjack every JavaScript
to intercept authentication or other sensitive data easily. - Note: Two things not affected by this attack are
objects and function(...rest) parameters. - Shows how to guard against this problem using
, or his project, proxy-pants.
- Shows how you can highjack every JavaScript
Software is only complex as we choose to make it or refuse to mitigate it. Using "tools" that help solve a problem inevitably becomes its own next-level problem.
- Unix Sheikh (2021), So-called modern web developers are the culprits → https://unixsheikh.com/articles/so-called-modern-web-developers-are-the-culprits.html
- Brutal rant against the "modern way" of developing web sites.
- See also (2021), Using a framework can make you stupid → https://unixsheikh.com/articles/using-a-framework-can-make-you-stupid.html
- Romain Ruetschi (2021), react-if → https://github.com/romac/react-if
- sigh JSX developers reinvent the JSTL wheel to handle conditional component rendering.
- It does solve a real problem, though. Props for that.
- Travis Waith-Mair (2020), Stop Writing Reusable React Components → https://non-traditional.dev/stop-writing-reusable-react-components-bd649cba2700
- More an argument in adopting YAGNI (you ain't gonna need it) when making components re-usable: most of the time your component won't be re-used.
- Matthew Dean (2021), Simplicity as a Feature → https://dev.to/matthewdean/simplicity-as-a-feature-14be
- Response to Complexity is killing software developers article, author considers the cost of developer-first features that eventually outweighs the benefits to developers, or users.
- Jade Rubick (2021), Great engineering teams focus on milestones instead of projects → https://www.rubick.com/milestones-not-projects/
- Prioritizing milestones over projects sharply reduces complexity (by reducing hard-and-fast planning) and increases team agility.
[Milestones] unlock project shaping, better handle exploration projects, encourage incremental design, improve teams, make engineering look good, and increase trust.
- Tyler Hawkins (2021), In defense of Clean Code: 100+ pieces of timeless advice from Uncle Bob → https://dev.to/thawkin3/in-defense-of-clean-code-100-pieces-of-timeless-advice-from-uncle-bob-5flk
- Really, you should read this post about Robert Martin's Clean Code as it lays out all the advice without the code samples.
- Jeremy W. Sherman (2012), Behavioral Programming → https://jeremywsherman.com/blog/2012/07/23/behavioral-programming/
- One of the first - and enthusiastic - responses to the 2012 article by David Harel, Assaf Marron, and Gera Weiss on Behavioral Programming → https://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2012/7/151241-behavioral-programming/fulltext
- Donnacha Oisín Kidney (2020), Fun with Combinators → https://doisinkidney.com/posts/2020-10-17-ski.html
- Some implementation logic for lambda calculus with combinators
- Bonus from Oisín (2019), Solving Programming Puzzles without using your Brain → https://doisinkidney.com/posts/2019-06-04-solving-puzzles-without-your-brain.html
- Andrew Ray (2021), The Mental Model That Helped Me Finally Understand "Flux" → https://andrewray.me/blog/the-mental-model-that-helped-me-finally-understand-flux
This is what I wish someone had told me when I struggled learning Flux. It's not straightforward, not well documented, and has many moving parts.
- Originally published 2014, updated and re-styled 2021, post describes one-way data flow pattern recommended in the early days of ReactJS.
- This was easier to follow in 2021, my having worked with both Redux.js and the SAM pattern.
- Ryan De La Torre (2021), Codepen: Generators as State Machines → https://codepen.io/rgdelato/pen/vGNRqP
- SAM-pattern friend shows skills with generator functions.
- Mordechai Rorvig (2021), Researchers Defeat Randomness to Create Ideal Code → https://www.quantamagazine.org/researchers-defeat-randomness-to-create-ideal-code-20211124/
By carefully constructing a multidimensional and well-connected graph, a team of researchers has finally created a long-sought locally testable code that can immediately betray whether it’s been corrupted. To create an optimal method for encoding information, researchers represented it in a graph that takes the form of a richly interconnected web of booklets that explodes outward. Each square in the graph represents one single bit of information from a message.
- Presentation by Irit Dinur (Weizmann Institute of Science) at UC Berkeley, (Oct. 2021), Breakthroughs — Locally Testable Codes with Constant Rate, Distance, and Locality → https://simons.berkeley.edu/events/breakthroughs-locally-testable-codes-constant-rate-distance-and-locality
NB: I've divided these into two camps - model-checking, and property-based testing - because the authors have done so.
- Edmund M. Clarke, Jr. (undated), Symbolic Model Checking with BDDs → https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~emc/15-820A/reading/lecture_1.pdf
- Early lecture by one of the originators of symbolic model checking, this using binary decision diagrams.
- Home page for model checking at CMU's Specification and Verification Center → https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~modelcheck/
- Hillel Wayne (2021), Alloy 6: it's about Time → https://hillelwayne.com/post/alloy6/
- A short walk through Alloy's new built-in temporal operators.
- Tim Nelson, Elijah Rivera, Sam Soucie, Thomas Del Vecchio, Jack Wrenn, Shriram Krishnamurthi (2021), Automated, Targeted Testing of Property-Based Testing Predicates → https://cs.brown.edu/~sk/Publications/Papers/Published/nrsdwk-auto-targ-test-pbt-pred/
- Wow! An actual study of PBT focusing how students learn PBT and where they struggle (reuirement of independent subproperties).
- James Sinclair (2021), How not to write property tests in JavaScript → https://jrsinclair.com/articles/2021/how-not-to-write-property-tests-in-javascript/
How do we keep ourselves from over-specifying or writing unnecessary tests?
- Nicolas Dubien (2021), fast-check: how it works → https://github.com/dubzzz/fast-check/blob/30d1d961c3adceed108d91912641125e78c25d26/documentation/HowItWorks.md
- Sweet! Learn how to implement a simple property-based testing framework.
- Chris Coyier (2021), Fractional SVG stars → https://css-tricks.com/fractional-svg-stars-with-css/
- Styling SVG star rating systems with CSS
- Styling SVG star rating systems with CSS
- Ben Myers (2021), Form autocomplete → https://12daysofweb.dev/2021/form-autocomplete/
Learn how to help users fill out forms more efficiently and accurately with autocomplete and virtual keyboard options.
- Adrian Roselli (2021), Under-engineered dependency questions → https://adrianroselli.com/2021/12/under-engineered-dependency-questions.html
- Reliable HTML-and-CSS approach for radio groups in forms.
- Jeb Beich (2017), "Restate your UI" Series
- Restate Your UI: Using State Machines to Simplify User Interface Development → https://cognitect.com/blog/2017/5/22/restate-your-ui-using-state-machines-to-simplify-user-interface-development
- Restate Your UI: Creating a User Interface with Re-frame and State Machines → https://cognitect.com/blog/2017/8/14/restate-your-ui-creating-a-user-interface-with-re-frame-and-state-machines
- Alister Scott (2021), Playwright is better than Cypress → https://alisterbscott.com/2021/10/27/five-reasons-why-playwright-is-better-than-cypress/
- "Scripted playback tests" (AKA end-to-end tests) are hard to read at first and therefore hard to keep organized later. Alister gives 5 reasons (good ones) why using Playwright over Cypress solves these issues.