- Vitalii Akimov (2018) Async Generators as an alternative to State Management → https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/async-generators-as-an-alternative-to-state-management/
- This is a repeat cut-and-post but really worth the deep dive into generators.
- Luca Matteis (2018), Behavioral Programming → https://lmatteis.github.io/react-behavioral/
- This one, too.
- Daniel Neveux (2020), SAM Pattern : Where should I put this code? → https://dev.to/dagatsoin/sam-pattern-where-should-i-put-this-code-4hoh
- business code goes into the model
- functional code goes into the action
- model and view are in total isolation
- W3C wai-aria best practices: Date Picker Dialog Example → https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/examples/dialog-modal/datepicker-dialog.html
Hands down, the best accessible date picker dialog ever.
- Stephanie Eckles (2020), Modern CSS Solutions for Old CSS Problems → https://moderncss.dev/
- Marko Marinovich (2020), JavaScript magic with Symbols → https://dev.to/marinovicmarko/javascript-magic-with-symbols-och
- Interesting way to re-write custom valueOf() and toString() functionality
- Aaron Iker (2020), Custom Styling Form Inputs With Modern CSS Features → https://css-tricks.com/custom-styling-form-inputs-with-modern-css-features/
- Felix Gerschau (2020), Measuring the Performance of JavaScript Functions → https://felixgerschau.com/measuring-the-performance-of-java-script-functions
- Will Boyd (2020), Using CSS to Control Text Selection →https://codersblock.com/blog/using-css-to-control-text-selection/
- Christian Behrens (2014), Enter, Exit, Update → https://medium.com/@c_behrens/enter-update-exit-6cafc6014c36 > An Introduction to D3.js, The Web’s Most Popular Visualization Toolkit
- Luis Soares (2020), Anti-patterns of automated software testing → https://medium.com/swlh/anti-patterns-of-automated-software-testing-b396283a4cb6
- Dave Rupert (2017), Transpiled for-of Loops are Bad for the Client → https://daverupert.com/2017/10/for-of-loops-are-bad/
- Fred Hebert (2020), Complexity Has to Live Somewhere → https://ferd.ca/complexity-has-to-live-somewhere.html
(2019), Text Editing Hates You Too → https://lord.io/blog/2019/text-editing-hates-you-too/- Maggie Gram (2019), Design Thinking → https://nplusonemag.com/issue-35/reviews/on-design-thinking/
- "Savior Complex," "Synthetic Contrivance," "creative class," "ideating," "solutioning" → rebranded magical thinking that rebrands garbage into synthetic CDOs.