- Remy Sharp (2019), Build-free code & testing ES module imports - https://remysharp.com/2019/08/16/build-free-code-and-testing-es-module-imports
- Luke Jackson (2019), Don’t Build That App! - https://formidable.com/blog/2019/no-build-step/
React apps without a build step: no node_modules, no webpack, no babel, no worries. Scalable architecture for free using the platform.
- Joel Griffith (2019), You Don't Need Babel With Node - https://blog.logrocket.com/you-dont-need-babel-with-node/
- Chris Ferdinandi (2019), The Lean Web - https://leanweb.dev/
a set of principles for a simpler, faster world-wide web
- Danny Moerkerke (2019), Data binding for Web Components in just a few lines of code - https://medium.com/swlh/https-medium-com-drmoerkerke-data-binding-for-web-components-in-just-a-few-lines-of-code-33f0a46943b3
- Chris Ferdinandi (2019), How to automatically sanitize reactive data with vanilla JS - https://gomakethings.com/how-to-automatically-sanitize-reactive-data-with-vanilla-js/
- Chris Ferdinandi (2019), Data reactivity with vanilla JS - https://gomakethings.com/data-reactivity-with-vanilla-js/
- Chris Ferdinandi (2019), DOM Diffing with vanilla JS: part 2 - https://gomakethings.com/dom-diffing-with-vanilla-js-part-2/
- Chris Ferdinandi (2019), DOM Diffing with vanilla JS: part 1 - https://gomakethings.com/dom-diffing-with-vanilla-js-part-1/
- Bradley Taunt (2019), Better Search Results - https://bradleytaunt.com/better-search-results/
A UX experiment and case study re-thinking the design of search result layouts
- Significa (2017), CSS-Only Slider - https://medium.com/significa/css-only-slider-71727effff0b
- needs some accessibility help...
- TLA+ language support for Visual Studio Code - https://github.com/alygin/vscode-tlaplus
- Zoltan Kochan (2017), Why should we use
? - https://www.kochan.io/nodejs/why-should-we-use-pnpm.htmlIt's faster and keeps all dependencies flat, but uses symlinks to group them together
- Transpile your CSS bundle to support CSS variables, calc, and future CSS for legacy browsers - https://github.com/bjarneo/cessie- Danilo Woznica (2019), React-based "Create Content" Loader - http://danilowoz.com/create-content-loader/
- see his Gatsby article last month - https://medium.com/significa/advanced-blog-system-in-gatsby-16e0cd6b85ad
- Nick Scialli (2019), Creating an Object Validator in JavaScript the Test-Driven Development Way - https://nick.scialli.me/creating-an-object-validator-the-tdd-way/
- Liz Keogh (2019), Scenarios using custom DSLs - https://lizkeogh.com/2019/08/27/scenarios-using-custom-dsls/
- builder pattern at work
- Leslie Lamport (2019), The
Algorithm - (video) lectures from July 2019 - https://lamport.azurewebsites.net/tla/paxos-algorithm.html - Adventures in
- http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/aprolog.php - Evgeny Melnikov (2019), Use JavaScript
Functions to Reduce Memory Utilization - https://levelup.gitconnected.com/how-i-met-your-javascript-generators-reduce-memory-used-on-your-browser-and-server-8ed2c5077d5c