All subtyping is non-coercive and thus zero-cost and higher-order.
Q: Also have first-order implicit coercibility?
Uniform representation with 32 bit word size.
Use pointer tagging in LSB;.
- 0 for pointers, 1 for scalars.
- Scalars are real value shifted left by 1, lowest bit set.
Q: Allocation and GC strategies?
Nat and Int compile to heap-allocated big nums; unboxed for small numbers <= 31 bit.
Word8/16 compile to unboxed scalars; Word32/64 are boxed.
- May unbox locally.
Characters are scalars (unicode code points).
Text is heap-allocated.
Heap-allocated when first-class.
Flattened when used as function parameter or result.
Q: How to avoid calling convention mismatch when instantiating polymorphic function with tuple type?
- Don't make tuples subtypes of Any, thereby disallowing their use in instantiation?
Represent null as null pointer.
Q: union or sum?
- If union, don't make it subtype of Any?
- If sum, use coercibility?
Compile to heap-allocated lookup table over field name hashes.
- Either as hash table or ordered list.
Records of closures and regular public fields; private fields are closed over.
Field names are hashed; hashes are required to be unique per type.
Compile to heap-allocated closures as usual.
Definitions lifted to the surrounding actor.
Closed-over locals need indirection through heap if mutable or if definedness cannot be proved.
Compile to immediately instantiated modules.
Private fields become regular globals or functions.
Public methods become exported functions.
- In general, have to generate wrapper functions to forward external calls to pre-existing local closure.
Instantiate via hypervisor; build record of functions forwarding to extracted funcrefs.
Closed-over definitions must be turned into imports.
- Types directly mapping to Wasm types become (immutable) global imports.
- Q: What about heap-allocated types? Serialise?
- Q: What about functions?
- Q: Disallow closing over mutable definitions?
- Q: What about definedness checks?
Closure imports are pre-bound via hypervisor interface.
- Constructor compiles to function instantiating the actor object.
Closures as funcrefs?
Binding imports for modulerefs
Efficiently extract all exports from an actor
- as sequence of reference in an elembuf?