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Build and check

STYML : An efficient C++ single-header STrictYaML parser and emitter

The choice of data serialization languages seems large, but each of them comes at a cost:

  • YAML is readable, error-prone and bloated
  • JSON is simple, limited and verbose
  • XML is solid, hard to work with and unreadable for humans
  • TOML is minimal, noisy and scales poorly

styml is an implementation of StrictYAML and aims at:

  • simplicity, by removing bloat from YAML
  • readability, inherited from YAML
  • efficiency, fast and lean on memory
  • portability, copying a single header is enough
  • user friendliness, with item order keeping, comment persistency and O(1) map access

A lean and practical subset of YAML

styml is a subset of YAML with drastic cut-offs:

  • the heteroclite data types are removed: all data are string (not as crazy as it seems)
  • the superfluous object representation is removed
  • the complex and error-prone anchors and references are removed
  • the nested-secondary-syntax JSON inline flow style is removed
  • the block mapping keys, or complex keys are removed (keys are single line only)

styml targets most use-cases from YAML (cross-language data sharing, log files, interprocess messaging, object persistence, configuration files, ...) without entering the feature-creep zone.
Indeed, at the price of not fitting some projects that genuinely require more complex features...

Quick start

  1. First, copy styml.h into your project. No external dependencies.
  2. Add a few lines of code, as in the example below
    #include "styml.h"

    // Parse the input text string
    styml::Document root;
    try {
        root = styml::parse(inputStringText);
    } catch (styml::ParseException& e) {

    // Access items
    std::string ciRunCmds = root["build"]["steps"][0]["run"].as<std::string>();

    // Emit
    std::string pythonString = root.asPyStruct(); // Emit as python structure
    std::string yamlString = root.asYaml(); // Emit as YAML, keeping comments and item order


To evaluate performance with references, styml is compared to the following C++ YAML libraries:

To be fair, please note that these libraries are full-featured YAML and have to deal with more complexity that styml has to.
On the other side, trading complexity for benefits is exactly the point...

Measures are all done on the same laptop (i7-11800H @2.30GHz on Linux).
Results show that styml leverages the gained simplification: it is much faster and memory efficient than both libraries above, with multiple order of magnitude on the access timings.

Some key details about the implementation leading to these results:

  • Use of arena allocator to store and work efficiently with strings
  • Use of high performance hashtable for O(1) access time for maps
  • Use of efficient storage and document tree representation to achieve low memory footprint

The code used to evaluate these libraries can be found here.

The reference YAML files are taken from rapidyaml and are compatible with StrictYAML:

Parsing speed

The parsing speed is the size of the input file divided by the time to parse it into a usable structure in memory.

Filename yaml-cpp rapidyaml (in place) styml Speed factor
"Map" 4.958 MB/s 55.688 MB/s 70.644 MB/s 14.2x and 1.3x
"Seq" 5.808 MB/s 47.214 MB/s 138.082 MB/s 23.8x and 2.9x


styml parses between 30% and 200% faster than rapidyaml, and at least 14 times faster than yaml-cpp.
Benefit from StrictYAML simplification: less syntax to handle means more speed.

Memory usage factor

The memory factor is the quantity of memory used during parsing divided by the input file size:

Filename yaml-cpp rapidyaml (in place) styml Memory gain
"Map" (filesize 10.8 MB) 87.7x (945.2 MB) 14.9x (160.6 MB) 6.8x (73.3 MB) 12.9x and 2.2x
"Seq" (filesize 7.9 MB) 64.0x (505.1 MB) 20.4x (160.6 MB) 3.6x (28.2 MB) 17.9x and 5.7x


styml uses less than half the memory consumed by rapidyaml and 60x less memory than yaml-cpp, while also indexing map access.
Benefit from StrictYAML simplification: less object types to encode means more optimized memory layout.

YAML Emission speed

The emission speed is the size of the input file divided by the time to emit it back in YAML (after parsing, excluded from the measure):

Filename yaml-cpp rapidyaml styml Speed factor
"Map" 7.766 MB/s 266.436 MB/s 326.281 MB/s 42.0x and 1.2x
"Seq" 9.871 MB/s 353.479 MB/s 323.400 MB/s 32.8x and 0.9x


styml and rapidyaml are emitting YAML roughly at the same speed, for a mix of maps and sequences. styml is also able to emit python structures at the speed of 416 MB/s and 593 MB/s respectively.

Document access speed

Building (=writing) a document programmatically from scratch through the API, in millions of items per second:

Filename yaml-cpp rapidyaml styml Speed factor
Map of 10000 0.014 Mi/s 0.053 Mi/s 9.091 Mi/s 649x and 168x
Sequence of 10000 4.517 Mi/s 0.075 Mi/s 42.194 Mi/s 9x and 562x
Map of 1000000 (quadratic, too slow) (quadratic, too slow) 7.875 Mi/s N/A
Sequence of 1000000 3.700 Mi/s (quadratic, too slow) 39.569 Mi/s 10x and N/A


Only styml has a O(1) access time per map field, others have a O(N) leading to quadratic time for a full build.
rapidyaml does not take benefit from the random access property of sequences.

Reading fields of a document programmatically through the API, in millions of items per second:

Filename yaml-cpp rapidyaml styml Speed factor
Map of 10000 0.014 Mi/s 0.053 Mi/s 42.553 Mi/s 3000x and 800x
Sequence of 10000 37.037 Mi/s 0.076 Mi/s ~1000.000 Mi/s ~30x and ~10000x
Map of 1000000 (quadratic) (quadratic) 23.317 Mi/s N/A
Sequence of 1000000 25.757 Mi/s (quadratic) 745.712 Mi/s 29x and N/A


rapidyaml scales poorly with large structure access, and it handles sequences like maps, in a quadratic way.
yaml-cpp has a real (and slow) random access for sequence when reading an indexed array.

Extension with custom type

Full description

For usual types, converters from/to strings are built-in:

int valueInt                  =<int>();
int valueUInt32               =<uint32_t>();
int valueDouble               =<double>();
std::string valueString       =<std::string>();
const char* valueConstCharPtr =<const char*>();

Defining conversions for your own types is done by specializing the styml::convert<> class.
See the example below:

  • Let's consider the custom point structure:
// Custom structure
struct MyPoint {
    float x;
    float y;
    int   value;
  • The converter may be defined as below:
namespace styml
struct convert<MyPoint> {
    // From custom type to std::string
    static std::string encode(const MyPoint& point)
        char workBuf[256];
        if (snprintf(workBuf, sizeof(workBuf), "[ %f, %f, %d ]", point.x, point.y, point.value) == sizeof(workBuf)) {
            throwMessage<ConvertException>("Too small internal buffer (%zu) for encoding", sizeof(workBuf));
        return workBuf;

    // From C string to custom type
    static void decode(const char* strValue, MyPoint& point)
        if (sscanf(strValue, "[ %f, %f, %d ]", &point.x, &point.y, &point.value) != 3) {
            throwMessage<ConvertException>("Cannot convert the following string into a MyPoint structure: '%s'", strValue);
}  // namespace styml
  • And the usage is identical to built-in types:
MyPoint point{3.14f, 2.78f, 42};

// The structure ''MyPoint' is turned into a string via a call to convert<MyPoint>::encode
root["custom"] = point;

// The string is turned into a 'MyPoint' structure via a call to convert<MyPoint>::decode
MyPoint pointRead = root["custom struct"].as<MyPoint>();

assert(memcmp(&pointRead, &point, sizeof(MyPoint)) == 0);


  • the conversion class shall be placed in the styml namespace
  • it is up to the conversion class to throw the ConvertException in case of syntax errors
  • design note: the usage of std::string and exceptions are used for convenience, not performance


The entirety of the API is:

  • a Node class representing a typed item in the YAML tree
  • a Document class inheriting from Node and being the root node of the tree.
  • a Document parse(string) function to create a document from a string in memory
Full description


The main object in styml is Node, which represent a typed item in the YAML tree.

The type of a Node is among:

  • NodeType::VALUE: a string value item
  • in StrictYAML, the value is always a string
  • can be converted into a compatible formats with .as<Type>() - ex: the string 25 in age: 25
  • NodeType::SEQUENCE: a sequence container
  • contains an ordered list of children of any type except NodeType::KEY
  • children can be accessed by their index number
  • ex: - a is a sequence of size 1 containing a value string
  • NodeType::MAP: a map container
  • contains an unordered list of children of type NodeType::KEY
  • children can be accessed by their name
  • ex: age: 25 is a map of size 1 containing a child key named age
  • NodeType::KEY: a key item
    • always has a NodeType::MAP parent
    • always has a child which can be any type except NodeType::KEY and NodeType::COMMENT
    • ex: age in age: 25
  • NodeType::COMMENT: a comment item
    • represent a comment

The Node API is restricted depending on its type, as shown in the table below ("X" means accessible):

Method Value Sequence Map Key Comment
NodeType type() X X X X X
bool isValue() X X X X X
bool isKey() X X X X X
bool isSequence() X X X X X
bool isMap() X X X X X
bool isComment() X X X X X
Node& operator=(const T&) X X X X (via value)
Node& operator=(newKind) X X X X (via value)
std::string keyName() X
Node value() X
as<T>() X X (via value)
as<T>(const T& deflt) X X (via value)
iterator begin() X X
iterator end() X X
size_t size() X X
Node operator[](uint32_t) X
void push_back(const T&) X
void push_back(NodeType) X
void insert(uint32_t, const T&) X
void insert(uint32_t, NodeType) X
void remove(uint32_t) X
void pop_back() X
bool hasKey(const std::string&) X
Node operator[](const std::string&) X
void insert(const std::string&, const T&) X
void insert(const std::string&, NodeType) X
bool remove(const std::string&) X

Document & parsing

A Document is simply a (root) Node with 2 additional features:

  • it owns of the YAML tree
    • its destruction releases the document. All Node objects related to it are invalidated and shall no more be used.
  • it owns the emission API
    • std::string asPyStruct(bool withIndent = false) const emits a Python evaluable string, compact (default) or with indent
    • std::string asYaml() const emits a YAML string

A Document can be created from scratch or from a YAML string in memory with one of the following function:

Document parse(const std::string& text);

// Variant with const char* input, does not need to be zero terminated
Document parse(const char* text, uint32_t textSize);

// Variant with const char* input, must be zero terminated
Document parse(const char* text);


After careful consideration, styml error handling is based on C++ exceptions rather than carrying an error context in each API:

  • it enables bloatfree tree manipulation API
    • ex: enables the usage of operator[] which is "natural" for container access
  • it allows a global handling of error for a whole section of YAML tree manipulation

As special care was brought to the error messages, exceptions are kept simple.
They contain just a message (queried with standard what()) and can be of 3 kinds:

  • ParseException is raised only during parsing.
  • AccessException is raised when manipulating the tree
  • ConvertException is not seen by user but shall be thrown when implementing a custom type converter.


Parsing a YAML string and emitting it in Python
const char* inputText = R"END(
foo: 1
bar: John Doe

// Parse
styml::Document root;
try {
  root = styml::parse(inputText);
} catch (styml::ParseException& e) {
    printf("Parsing error: %s\n", e.what());

// Emit in Python with indentation (bigger but more readable for human)
std::string output = root.asPyStruct(true);
printf("%s\n", output.c_str());
Reading and writing fields
const char* document = R"END(
name: build machine

Document root = parse(document);
assert(root["name"].as<std::string>()==std::string("build machine"));

root["version"] = "1.0.0";
root["steps"] = styml::SEQUENCE; // Override the empty string with a sequence
root["steps"].push_back("first value is string");
root["steps"].push_back(3.14159); // Reminder: stored as a string

printf("YAML:\n%s\n", root.asYaml().c_str());
/* Output is:
name: build machine
  - first value is string
  - 3.141590
version: 1.0.0
Building a map from scratch and accessing it
constexpr int MaxMapSize = 1000000;
Document root;

// Create the lookup "<number>" = number (stored as a string)
root = NodeType::MAP;
for (int i = 0; i < MaxMapSize; ++i) { root[std::to_string(i)] = i; }

// Remove 1 each 3
for (int i = 0; i < MaxMapSize; i += 3) { root.remove(std::to_string(i)); }

// Check correctness
for (int i = 0; i < MaxMapSize; ++i) {
   if ((i % 3) == 0) {
    } else {
        Node n = root[std::to_string(i)];
        assert(<std::string>() == std::to_string(i));
Building a sequence from scratch and accessing it
constexpr int MaxSequenceSize = 1000000;
Document root;

// Create the array of doubles (stored as a string)
root = NodeType::SEQUENCE;
for (int i = 0; i < MaxSequenceSize; ++i) { root.push_back(2 * i); }

// Check correctness
for (int i = 0; i < MaxSequenceSize; ++i) {
    assert(root[i].as<int>()== 2* i);



styml requires C++17 or above.

Supported OS:

  • Linux
  • Windows

Note: performance on Windows are lower than on Linux.


  • Missing API to modify comments
  • Partial unicode escaping

Also this project is young, feedback is welcome!


styml source code is available under the MIT license

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