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348 lines (288 loc) · 14.6 KB

File metadata and controls

348 lines (288 loc) · 14.6 KB



  • feat: support symbol type
  • feat: support promise type


  • fix: properly export types for createObjectURL polyfill


  • chore: ESLint 9/flat config; update devDeps.



  • Requires Node 18.14.0+

  • fix: for overrideMimeType polyfill for jsdom >= 22.0.0

  • fix: get rid of performance usage as causing maximum recursion with latter jsdom versions

  • fix: change from deprecated readAsBinaryString method to readAsArrayBuffer

  • chore: require Node 18.14.0+



  • Encodes array buffers as objects rather than strings in order to add any metadata

  • For ImageBitmap, storage as object now necessary to retrieve width, height

  • feat: add support for maxByteLength

  • feat: revive synchronously with genuine ImageBitmap


  • fix: allow DOMRect, DOMPoint and DOMMatrix to be undefined


  • feat: Add DOMQuad type
  • feat: Add DOMPointReadOnly, DOMMatrixReadOnly, DOMRectReadOnly types

Version 9.1.1

  • fix: Stop Error type from throwing in structured cloning throwing preset (as per new allowances)

Version 9.1.0

  • feat: Add types for DOMMatrix (and add to structured-cloning presets)

Version 9.0.0

BREAKING: Removes Intl from structured cloning BREAKING: Drop Node 16

  • fix: remove Intl from structured-cloning presets as not supported
  • feat: Add types for DOMException, DOMRect, DOMPoint (and add to structured-cloning presets))
  • chore: update whatwg-url and devDeps.

Version 8.0.0

BREAKING: Requires Node 16+, UMD extensions changed to ".cjs"

  • fix: UMD extensions changed to ".cjs"
  • chore: update base64-arraybuffer-es6, typeson, whatwg-url, devDeps.

Version 7.2.1

  • fix: switch module to nodenext

Version 7.2.0

  • fix: typing issue
  • chore: update typeson and base64-arraybuffer-es6

Version 7.1.0

  • feat(typed-arrays): BigInt64Array and BigUint64Array support

Version 7.0.1

  • fix: ensure Typeson types are re-exported
  • chore: fix tool for re-exporting typeson

Version 7.0.0

  • feat: TypeScript typings
  • chore: update typeson, base64-arraybuffer-es6 devDeps.

Version 6.0.0

  • fix: add negative 0 to SpecialNumbers so it can be serialized distinctly
  • chore: update typeson and devDeps.

Version 5.0.0

  • feat: Add stack, fileName, lineNumber, columnNumber, cause, errors (for AggregateError) and name to errors (default name can be changed after construction); also impacts builtin, universal, postmessage, socketio, and SCA
  • feat: Add stack, fileName, lineNumber, columnNumber, cause, errors (for AggregateError) to error (changes representation, but less likely than errors to be breaking); fixes #10
  • test: use built-in webcrypto, updating for latest Node
  • chore: bump whatwg-url dep.
  • chore: update devDeps.
  • chore(ci): bump Node to 18.15.0 (but works as early as 18.14.0)

Version 4.0.0

With Typeson update, empty string components of key paths are now escaped (as '') while '' is escaped as ''''.

  • chore: update typeson and devDeps.

Version 3.0.0

  • BREAKING fix: Drop Node 12
  • fix: global fetching
  • chore: update typeson and devDeps.
  • test: avoid skipping test in favor of temporarily setting up Node environment to work; simplify

Version 2.0.0

  • BREAKING feat: switch to using genuine ESM (keeping CJS), adding exports
  • test: switch to c8 over nyc for ESM support
  • test: check for import errors; avoid logging
  • chore: bump base64-arraybuffer-es6, whatwg-url
  • chore: update devDeps.

Version 1.0.0

  • Breaking change: Indicate minimum Node version as ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0.

  • Breaking change: use native Node ESM

  • Breaking fix: Preserve the full underlying buffer for DataView and typed arrays; add tests

  • Breaking fix: If buffer is reused across ArrayBuffer, DataView, and/or typed arrays, rebuild cyclic references; add tests

  • Breaking change (file names): Rename files undefined.js -> undef.js (preset too), NaN.js->nan.js, Infinity.js->infinity.js, NegativeInfinity.js->negative-infinity.js, post-message.js -> postmessage.js

  • Breaking change (type name): Intl types must specify properties now without periods per apparent export limitations

  • Breaking change (type name): Use userObjects->userObject on internal representation of types (consistent with pattern of reserving plurals for files containing multiple exports)

  • Breaking change (type name): Export type objects lower-cased to avoid importing into context where they would conflict with built-in classes or objects: ArrayBuffer->arraybuffer, Blob->blob, DataView->dataview, Date->date, Error->error, File->file, FileList->filelist, ImageBitmap->imagebitmap, ImageData->imagedata, Infinity->infinity, Map->map, NaN->nan, RegExp->regexp, Set->set

  • Breaking change (type name): For those that would still conflict (type and preset undefined->undef), abbreviate

  • Breaking change (type name): Make type name consistent with file name (initial lower-cased camel-case type name (changing case only for genuinely separate words, not for API names) with hyphenated file name) NegativeInfinity->negativeInfinity, nonBuiltInIgnore->nonbuiltinIgnore,

  • Breaking change (type name): Lower case exports from errors.js, typed-arrays.js, typed-arrays-socketio.js

  • Breaking change (type name): postMessage preset is now preferred as postmessage (to avoid shadowing)

  • Breaking change: For cloneable, look for cloneEncapsulate and cloneRevive global symbols instead of pseudo-private methods (Babel polyfills Symbol)

  • Breaking change: Store arrays using new arrayNonindexKeys rather than sparseUndefined type to allow storage of non-index array keys

  • Breaking and other changes: Upgraded version of Typeson (has own module)

  • Breaking change: Make SpecialNumbers a preset consisting of new individual types for NaN, Infinity, -Infinity

  • Breaking change: Node must reference dist subdirectory (except for main dist/all.js)

  • Breaking change: For undefined and sparseUndefined, store as 0 instead of null to save space; revival will be backward compatible

  • Breaking change: Change from deprecated @babel/polyfill to regenerator-runtime and core-js-bundle (may have no impact since @babel/polyfill included them)

  • Breaking change: Add stack, fileName, lineNumber, columnNumber, cause, and for AggregateError, errors and name to errors (default name can be changed after construction); also impacts builtin, universal, postmessage, and socketio

  • Fix: Use new Typeson.toStringTag and Typeson.hasConstructorOf to get cross-frame/cross-module class detection (replacing constructor and instanceof checks)

  • Fix (RegExp): Get regexp type to work properly with multiline

  • Fix (RegExp): Add unicode and sticky flag support for cloning

  • Fix (Date): Support invalid dates (with NaN value)

  • Fix (undefined/sparseUndefined): Label undefined at root as regular undef type rather than sparseUndefined (will rely on update to typeson)

  • Fix (SCA): Throw upon Event or MessageChannel

  • Fix (SCA): Remove Proxy from list of structured clone throwing to throw as not available as such

  • Fix (SCA): Ensure SCA can preserve arrays with non-index keys and support BigInts

  • Fix (DataView): Get dataview to properly encode and decode buffer property

  • Fix (ImageData): Get imagedata type to work properly (as data is not an array proper and length is on prototype, the object iteration will not preserve); fix by converting to array and reconstructing Uint8ClampedArray during revival)

  • Fix (TypedArrays): For sake of TypedArrays, update to base64-arraybuffer-es6

  • Enhancement (build): Adapt build processes for Rollup along with uglification and external source maps to represent code internally as ES6 Modules (and make for easy export to browser-usable ES6 modules)

  • Enhancement: Add cloneable type with test (detects/utilizes Symbol.for('cloneEncapsulate') and Symbol.for('cloneRevive') methods on an object)

  • Enhancement: Add resurrectable type with test (resurrects non-plain objects, functions, and symbols to the exact instance, assuming the same session/environment)

  • Enhancement: Add ImageBitmap type (with sync and async revival)

  • Enhancement: Add File, Blob, and FileList types (with sync and async replacement/encapsulation)

  • Enhancement: Add new type arrayNonindexKeys for preserving non-index properties of arrays

  • Enhancement: Add new types bigint and bigintObject

  • Enhancement: Add user-object type and utilize in structured cloning to allow for non-plain user objects to be cloned; add test

  • Enhancement: Add nonbuiltin-ignore type to roughly detect non-builtin objects and avoid adding them as properties

  • Enhancement: Add error and errors to SCA

  • Enhancement: Support AggregateError with errors.js

  • Enhancement: Add stack, fileName, lineNumber, columnNumber, cause, and errors (for AggregateError) to error (changes representation, but less likely than errors to be breaking); fixes #10

  • Enhancement (minor): Check typeof for functions in SCA since can avoid false positives

  • Refactoring: Rely on now Typeson-built-in isUserObject

  • Refactoring: Adjust to Typeson changes re: sparse arrays and undefined

  • Refactoring: Use test/replace/revive object format for greater readability and possible extensibility

  • Refactoring: Switch to ES6 Modules

  • Refactoring: Use ESM for test and build files; change revived FileList to ES6 class instance; put generateUUID into shared utility file

  • Linting: Add ESLint including npm script and apply

  • Linting: Rename .eslintrc from deprecated bare form to have .js extension; lint Markdown JS; use ash-nazg config

  • npm: Update dev/dependencies and remove shrinkwrap

  • npm/ignore files: Add node-canvas testing dependency and ignore resulting build directory

  • npm: Add module field (for bundlers as Webpack/Rollup)

  • npm: Use dist/all.js for main in package.json

  • npm: Remove prepublish script (being repeated on npm <= 4); add engines in anticipation of targeting specific version

  • npm: Update typeson, base64-arraybuffer-es6 deps

  • npm: Change deprecated opn-cli -> open-cli; update and remove unused devDeps and uuid

  • npm: Add test:worker-open script to open this test; rename browser-test to test:browser; add test:browser-open

  • Building: Create dist directories if not existing

  • Building: Package all types/presets into one (rolled-up/minified) file as well as to individual files

  • Building: Minify and build source maps (preserving source files)

  • Maintenance: Add .editorconfig

  • Test building: Add Windows-specific routine for copying node-canvas DLLs

  • Testing: Partial URL.createObjectURL polyfill

  • Testing: Add browser testing support

  • Testing: Make Intl locale result consistent

  • Testing: Add universal preset tests

  • Testing: Run built-in tests once with individual type(s) and once with the preset

  • Testing: Add watch routine for CI development; add preliminary babelify routine to support more advanced features in test source (if not code)

  • Testing: Add ImageData test that works in Node

  • Testing: Split tests for undefined; add more checks

  • Testing: Add tests for missing untested types

  • Testing: Add a property and prototype property to simulated built in class

  • Testing: Add user objects test; simplify non-built-in test

  • Testing: Use static server to avoid Chrome origin restrictions when run on file system; auto-open test file

  • Testing: Restore undefined at root

  • Testing (Workers): Display results on HTML page

  • Testing (Workers): Elaborate more on logging

  • Testing (Update): JSDom API usage; overcome apparent Mocha change with deep equal, bump some timeouts, get working fully with in-browser test

  • Testing (Refactoring): move utils into own file; avoid setting globals; create entry file without Canvas-specific code (problem when browserified)

  • Testing (Refactoring): Consistent indentation and var. naming, reorder tests as present in built-in preset

  • Demos: Remove redundant references to Typeson (already bundled with dist files)

  • Docs (Code comment): imagedata no longer needs arraybuffer.js and can be shimmed in Node via node-canvas

  • Docs (README): Demonstrate function revival (but indicate caveats and do not bundle)

  • Docs (README): Indicate node-canvas build requirements for tests

  • Docs (README): Add more info and usage notes for types and presets

  • Docs (README): Document necessary polyfills for Node

Version 1.0.0-alpha.2

  • Fix (SCA): Structured cloning algorithm (SCA) should also throw upon encountering the arguments exotic object
  • Fix (SCA): Prohibit Object.prototype as it is an exotic object and therefore per SCA ought to be rejected (though not forbidden currently in Chrome)
  • Fix (SCA): Prevent final built-in non-array exotic object (Module) that should throw with SCA
  • Fix (SCA): Throw upon DOM nodes (common non-built-in exotic? objects that cannot be cloned)
  • Fix (ImageData): Check that ImageData is even defined; e.g., not in Node without node-canvas (it is not so critical, at least for structured cloning, to cause failures by its absence)
  • Doc: Add to code comments re: exotic objects

Version 1.0.0-alpha.1

  • Enhancement (SCA): Add preliminary structured-cloning export with additional exception throwing checker (implemented as a typeson test)
  • Enhancement (undefined/builtin): Add undefined type (overcomes JSON limitations representing undefined) and also add to builtin preset
  • Enhancement (sparseUndefined): Add a new sparseUndefined type to allow rebuilding of sparse arrays (without explicit undefined)
  • Refactoring: Adjust undefined behavior per new typeson behavior: ensure an explicit undefined will be added by reviver where justified
  • Clean-up: Remove trailing WS, consistent semi-colon usage
  • Clean-up: Make HTML proper HTML5 (and avoid browser messages)
  • npm: Add authorship/contributors
  • Testing: Add Structured Cloning tests (of both kinds)
  • Testing: Add undefined and sparseUndefined tests (will require new published version of typeson)
  • Docs: Fix typos in code comments
  • Docs (README:) Fix headings (and use list style that doesn't trip up poor syntax highlighters which don't distinguish with bold)