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The API for redux-crud-store is quite varied, and leaves you a lot of options for customization. The code was originally an in-house module, so there may still be spots that need to be opened up for customization. Pull requests are welcome!

This is a copy of the contents of src/index.js:

/* @flow */

import crudSaga from './sagas'
import crudReducer from './reducers'
import * as crudActions from './actionTypes'

export { crudSaga, crudReducer, crudActions }

export {
  fetchCollection, fetchRecord, createRecord, updateRecord, deleteRecord,
  clearActionStatus, apiCall
} from './actionCreators'

export {
  selectCollection, selectRecord, selectRecordOrEmptyObject,
} from './selectors'

export type {
  Action, CrudAction
} from './actionTypes'

export type {
} from './selectors'


crudSaga uses redux-saga to intercept actions like FETCH, CREATE, API_CALL, and others. Its use is outlined in section 1. In particular, you will need to provide it with an instance of an API client class that defines:

apiClient['get'](path, { params, data })
apiClient['post'](path, { params, data })
apiClient['put'](path, { params, data })
apiClient['del'](path, { params, data })

If you end up customizing the method on any of your action creators, your apiClient will also need to implement these methods.

An example ApiClient class is outlined in section 1.


The crudReducer is self-contained. It is definitely worth reading through the code along with redux DevTools to see how the state is laid out, that is, quite differently than the result that will be passed to your components by the selectors.

API-wise, the only decision you have to make is the key you pass to combineReducers. In this repository's documentation, "models" is used as the key, but you can use any key, as long as you pass state["your key"] to the selector functions from your components.

import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import { crudReducer } from 'redux-crud-store'

export default combineReducers({
  models: crudReducer,
  // other reducers go here


See src/crudActions.js for a full list of action types defined by this module.

Action Creators

Example usage is outlined in If you are interested in advanced usage, see the API for apiCall at the bottom of this document.

fetchCollection(model: string, path: string, params: object, opts: object)

  • model (required) is the key in the store
  • path (required) is the path that will be passed to your API cient
  • params (default {}) are the query params that will be passed to your API client
  • opts (default {}) can have any of the following keys, with the stated effect:
  • 'method': overrides the method of the request from the default of 'get'

The resulting payload will be split up, with the actual data being stored in the byId section, and the ids of the data being stored along with the passed params in the collections section.

fetchRecord(model: string, path: string, params: object, opts: object)

  • model (required) is the key in the store
  • path (required) is the path that will be passed to your API cient
  • params (default {}) are the query params that will be passed to your API client
  • opts (default {}) can have any of the following keys, with the stated effect:
  • 'method': overrides the method of the request from the default of 'get'

The payload will be stored directly in the byId section of the store.

createRecord(model: string, path: string, data: object, params: object, opts: object)

  • model (required) is the key in the store
  • path (required) is the path that will be passed to your API cient
  • data (default {}) is the POST data that will be passed to your API client
  • params (default {}) are the query params that will be passed to your API client
  • opts (default {}) can have any of the following keys, with the stated effect:
  • 'method': overrides the method of the request from the default of 'post'

On success, byId will be updated and all collections will be marked as needing a refresh. Additionally, actionStatus['create'] will be set.

updateRecord(model: string, path: string, data: object, params: object, opts: object)

  • model (required) is the key in the store
  • path (required) is the path that will be passed to your API cient
  • data (default {}) is the PUT data that will be passed to your API client
  • params (default {}) are the query params that will be passed to your API client
  • opts (default {}) can have any of the following keys, with the stated effect:
  • 'method': overrides the method of the request from the default of 'put'

On success, byId will be updated. Additionally, actionStatus['update'] will be set.

deleteRecord(model: string, path: string, params: object, opts: object)

  • model (required) is the key in the store
  • path (required) is the path that will be passed to your API cient
  • params (default {}) are the query params that will be passed to your API client
  • opts (default {}) can have any of the following keys, with the stated effect:
  • 'method': overrides the method of the request from the default of 'del'

On success, byId will be updated and all collections will be marked as needing a refresh. Additionally, actionStatus['delete'] will be set.

clearActionStatus(model: string, action: string)

  • model (required) is the key in the store
  • action (required) must be one of 'create', 'update', or 'delete'.

This function clears the actionStatus[action] key in the store, so your components can stop rendering the success/error message.

clearModelData(model: string)

  • model (required) is the key in the store

This function clears the data for a given model, replacing its contents in the store with this:

  byId: {},
  collections: [],
  actionStatus: {
    create: {},
    update: {},
    delete: {}


In this section, Map means an ImmutableJS Map.

select(action: CrudAction, crud: Map, opts: object): Selection

  • action (required) is an action created by a call to fetchCollection or fetchRecord
  • crud (required) is the immutable map. It should have at least one key, which should match modelName. This key should have the 'actionStatus', 'byId', and 'collections' keys for querying.
  • opts (optional) can contain "interval", a number of milliseconds which defaults to 10 minutes. This interval determines when records should be reloaded from the server

select will inspect the given action to determine whether it should select a collection or a single record.

In the case of a collection selection, select get data from will check crud[action.meta.model]['collections'] for a map that contains the params key that is the same as action.payload.params. It will populate data using IDs from the value that is found.

In the case of a single record selection, select will get data from crud[action.meta.model]['byId'][]['record'].

In either case, select will return an object with this shape:

  otherInfo,   # when selecting collection, provides info (e.g. paging data) thas was sent by the server alongside the data object (or {})
  data,        # collection of records, or a single record (if data is ready)
  isLoading,   # false if data is ready and no error occurred
  needsFetch,  # true if you still need to dispatch a fetch action
  fetch        # action to dispatch, in case `needsFetch` is true

selectCollection(modelName: string, crud: Map, params: object, opts: object)

  • modelName (required) is the key in the store
  • crud (required) is the immutable map as described in select, above.
  • params (default {}) is the list of params that could be sent to the server to retrieve the collection you want.
  • opts (optional) can contain "interval", a number of milliseconds which defaults to 10 minutes. This interval determines when records should be reloaded from the server

selectCollection will check crud[modelName]['collections'] for a map that contains a params key that is the same as the params object passed to this function. When it finds it, it will return an object with this shape:

  otherInfo,  # other info (e.g. paging data) that was sent by the server 
# alongside the data object (or {})
    data,       # an empty array or an array of the items returned by the
# fetchCollection api call
    isLoading,  # false if the data array is full of usable objects
    needsFetch  # true if you still need to dispatch a fetchCollection action

selectRecord(modelName: string, id: number, crud: Map, opts: object)

  • modelName (required) is the key in the store
  • id (required) is the id of the record you're looking for
  • crud (required) is the immutable map as described in select, above.
  • opts (optional) can contain "interval", a number of milliseconds which defaults to 10 minutes. This interval determines when the record should be reloaded from the server

selectRecord will return one of two things. In the first case, it will return the record, exactly as sent by the server. If the record is not available or is out of date, it will return an error object with the following shape:

  isLoading,  # will be true if the fetchRecord call returned an error.
# false/undefined otherwise
    needsFetch, # true if you still need to dispatch a fetchRecord action
    error       # either { message: 'Loading...' } or the error returned by
# the server after your fetchRecord action

selectRecordOrEmptyObject(modelName: string, id: number, crud: Map, opts: object)

This function calls selectRecord, but instead of returning the "error object" described above, it simply returns {} if the record is not valid. This is intended to make the logic in your components simpler.

selectActionStatus(modelName: string, crud: Map, action: string)

  • modelName (required) is the key in the store
  • crud (required) is the immutable map as described in selectCollection, above
  • action (required) should be one of 'create', 'update', or 'delete'

This function returns your action status in one of three forms:

  pending: true

  error: action.payload || {},
  pending: false

  response: action.payload || {},
  pending: false

The recommended workflow in your components is to check for error/response like this:

if (status.error) {
  // do something
} else if (status.response) {
  // do something

API_CALL and apiCall - roll your own!

apiCall is a really versatile function. If you find you are having troubles making it do what you want, you may want to implement your own saga/reducer/actionCreator/selectors module that copies most of the code of redux-crud-store, but for your specific purpose.

However, for some quick and dirty uses, apiCall may be helpful. Generally you'll want to write an action creator in terms of this function. Unfortunately, the dispatching action type is limited to being crudActions.API_CALL, so you'll need to watch for that action in your reducer if you want to update the store when the api call is dispatched.

We used to use this function to send autocomplete queries from an autocomplete input box, but eventually were forced to re-implement the whole stack. This was so we could use the takeLatest method from redux-saga instead of takeEvery. In the future we may be able to implement a TAKE_LATEST_API_CALL action. Pull requests welcome!

apiCall(success: string, failure: string, method: string, path: string, params: object, data: object, opts: object)

  • success (required) is the action type to be dispatched on success
  • failure (required) is the action type to be dispatched if the request returns any kind of error (including Javascript errors)
  • method (required) is the string, like 'get' or 'post', that will be passed to your ApiClient
  • path (required) is the path that will be passd to your ApiClient
  • params (default {}) are the query params that will be passed to your API client
  • data (default undefined) is the data that will be passed along with POST or PUT requests
  • opts (default {}) can have any of the following keys, with the stated effect:
    • 'meta': Can contain any properties except 'success' or 'failure', and will be passed to the success or failure actions in the action.meta key.

Environment variable configuration

By default, reducers, selectors, and the crudSaga will clear records every 10 minutes. You can configure this value by setting either of these environment variables:


Similarly, the saga will dispatch an action to delete older records every five minutes. You can configure this value by setting either of these environment variables:


See more about how this works in src/cachePeriod.js.