diff --git a/content/events/2016-seattle/registration.md b/content/events/2016-seattle/registration.md index 238b7983543..dae6c36ec99 100644 --- a/content/events/2016-seattle/registration.md +++ b/content/events/2016-seattle/registration.md @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ type = "event" +++ -

If you wish to attend but the cost is prohibitive, please email us and we'll work something out. +

+DevOpsDays is a not-for-profit event run entirely by unpaid volunteers. The pricing for a ticket is designed to be as low as possible, and is actually less than the cost of food alone for each participant. Keeping this in mind, if you wish to attend but the cost is prohibitive, please email us and we'll try to work something out.

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