diff --git a/content/events/2016-amsterdam/location.md b/content/events/2016-amsterdam/location.md
index 7b65614b129..a881fa0f99e 100644
--- a/content/events/2016-amsterdam/location.md
+++ b/content/events/2016-amsterdam/location.md
@@ -6,18 +6,41 @@ title = "Event Location"
type = "event"
tags = ["amsterdam","amsterdam-2016"]
### Conference Location
-Pakhuis de Zwijger
-Piet Heinkade 179
-1019 HC Amsterdam
-The Netherlands
+The conference is located at [Pakhuis de Zwijger](http://www.dezwijger.nl/ "Website of Pakhuis de Zwijger")
+Piet Heinkade 179
+1019 HC Amsterdam
+The Netherlands
+## Getting there and accommodation
+### Transportation
+Amsterdam has a fantastic public transportation system.
+- Buses [48](http://maps.gvb.nl/en/lijnen/48), [246](http://maps.gvb.nl/en/lijnen/246) and [759](http://maps.gvb.nl/en/lijnen/759) stop right in front of the conference.
+- Tram [26](http://maps.gvb.nl/en/lijnen/26), departing from Amsterdam Centraal Station (main train station in the city).
+More information can be obtained by using the [GVB](http://en.gvb.nl/) or [9292](http://9292.nl/en) websites. Both have excellent apps in the iOS ([GVB](https://itunes.apple.com/nl/app/gvb/id370393784) & [9292](https://itunes.apple.com/nl/app/9292/id556557690)) and Google Play ([GVB](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nl.moopmobility.gvb&hl=en)) & [9292](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nl.negentwee&hl=en)) store. Other apps (like Google Maps) have great integration as well.
+##### A note to out of towners in in regards to obtaining a reloadable card for public transportation.
+You can purchase an "OV chipkaart" at Amsterdam Centraal and most large metro stations (including Schiphol). Note that the unattended machines do not handle non-EU issued (e.g. Chip+Signature) cards well. Some U.S. Credit Unions now offer Chip+Pin technology on their *debit* card (note: not *credit* card). If your card doesn't work or want to use Euros (other than coins), there is a customer service center located on the "IJ side" of Amsterdam Centraal where you can purchase a chipkaart in person at the [Service Office](https://www.nsinternational.nl/en/tickets-services/opening-hours-ticket-and-service-shops "Link to NS International Service Office"). If you're arriving via Schiphol - a similar service is offered in the main train hall
+#### Alternative methods of transportation
+- [Uber](https://www.uber.com/)
+- [Rent A Bike](http://www.iamsterdam.com/en/visiting/plan-your-trip/getting-around/rental/bike-hire)
+- And if you want must -- [Taxis](http://www.iamsterdam.com/en/visiting/plan-your-trip/getting-around/taxis)