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Fernando Vásquez edited this page Jun 11, 2019 · 16 revisions

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What are Templates

In wpgtk templates are text files with .base extension which get read, parsed and have special keywords in them replaced, then copied over to a file that is symlinked to the original config files, this way it is ensured that the original files only receive already processed information and are updated on the fly, the base files created are stored under $HOME/.config/wpg/templates.

A tipical template will look like this rofi.base

rofi.font:                           go mono 10
rofi.color-normal:                   {color0}, {color15}, {color0}, {active}, {color15}
rofi.color-urgent:                   {color0}, #d6b48d, #22231D, #d6b48d, {color15}
rofi.color-active:                   {color0}, {color14}, {color0}, {color14}, {color0}
rofi.color-window:                   {color0}, {active}, {inactive}

You can install a set of default templates with a script included with wpgtk just follow this steps

Default Keywords

Here are the default keywords included with wpgtk:


From version 6.0.0 onwards there are some breaking changes these from the fact that the template format will change, I provide an example below:

#<COLOR8>   became {color8}
#<COLORACT> became {active}
#<COLORIN>  became {inactive}

if you have normal braces {{
   you will need to escape them like this

but this means you can do things like: 
{color8}                -> #ffffff
{color8.octal}          -> #77777777
{active.rgb}            -> 255, 255, 255
{userdefinedcolor.rgb}  -> 0, 0, 0
#BA{color8.strip}       -> #BAffffff

Adding a Template

This will create a backup in the location specified under filename.bak to avoid losing any precious data if you regret adding the file later, it also creates a copy of that file under $HOME/.config/wpg/templates with the .base extension, in which you can edit and place keywords for wpgtk to replace.


wpg -ta ./path/to/file



Using the Add button under the Templates tab

Remove a Template

This will remove the .base file from your templates folder, it will not restore your backup, you'll have to do that yourself if you wish to, the config file that remains will have the latest color-scheme applied.


wpg -td basefilename.base
# you can get a list of these names with
wpg -tl


After selecting the Template you wish to remove, click the Remove button under the Templates tab


Restore a Template

If you're coming from a fresh install and keep your .base files somewhere you are probably gonna want them back without going through the hassle of re-adding them so here's an easy way to re-attach this base files to their respective configuration files

wpg --link ./path/to/basefile.base ./path/to/config

Ignore a Template

If you don't want to delete a template but don't want to apply a new color-scheme to it simply add a comment in the first line of the .base that says wpgtk-ignore, this way the template remains in your added templates but is ignored in each color-scheme change, when adding that keyword, use a format that is ignored by that configuration or text file.

Update a Template

WARNING: don't run this on already updated files, or files that are not templates, this will change the content of the files, this flag will ignore files that don't end with .base.

If you're coming from a version below 6.0.0, you might want to upgrade your custom templates to the new format, you can do so via the flag --update, this flag supports blobs so you can update multiple templates at once, you can use it like this:

wpg --update /path/to/basefile.base   # for one file
wpg --update /path/to/multiple/*.base # for multiple files

This will replace the braces with double braces to escape them, and then change the old keyword system by the new one.

BEWARE: this will not update your own custom keywords, please surround them with {} instead of <> yourself.

If you have any default template I recommend just re-installing it via

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