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Kotlin Notes

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Hello World Back ⇈

fun main() {
  println("Hello World!")

var vs val Back ⇈

var is used to declare a mutable variable i.e value can be changed.

val is used to declare an immutable variable i.e value can't be changed.

var name: String = "Sam" // mutable
name = "Abhishek"

val anotherName: String = "Sam" // immutable
anotherName = "Abhishek" // compilation error

Data Types Back ⇈

  1. String
  2. Boolean
  3. Byte
  4. Short
  5. Int
  6. Long
  7. Float
  8. Double
val name: String = "Hello world!"
val isVerified: Boolean  = true // or false

val byte: Byte = 20
val one: Int = 1
val number: Long = 123456789

val floatNumber: Float = 123.52f
val pi: Double = 3.14

Null Safety Back ⇈

Kotlin has a strong type system which means, variables can either hold null or they can't.

 var name: String = "John Doe"
name = null // invalid (error)

var nullableName: String? = "John Doe"
nullableName = null // valid

var age: Int = null // invalid (error)

var nullableAge: Int? = 10
nullableAge = null // valid

val students = mutableListOf<String>()
students.add(null) // invalid (error)

val nullableStudents = mutableListOf<String?>()
nullableStudents.add(null) // valid

Different types of function declarations Back ⇈

There are multiple ways to declare functions in kotlin.

fun main() {
    val num1 = 10
    val num2 = 20
    val sum        = add(num1, num2) // 30
    val difference = subtract(num1, num2) // -10
    val product    = multiply(num1, num2) // 200
    val quotient   = num2.divide(num1) // 2
    val remainder  = num2 % num1 // 0

fun add(num1: Int, num2: Int): Int { return num1 + num2 } // regular function

fun subtract(num1: Int, num2: Int): Int = num1 - num2 // like an expression
fun multiply(num1: Int, num2: Int) = num1 * num2 // return type is inferred

fun Int.divide(num2: Int) = this / num2 // extension function

Elvis Operator Back ⇈

'?:' is called an elvis operator and the value on the right of it is used when the value on the left of it is null.

val name: String? = null

var capitalizedName = name?.capitalize()
println("name: $capitalizedName") // null

capitalizedName = name?.capitalize() ?: "John Doe"
println("name: $capitalizedName") // John Doe

When - An alternative to else-if ladderBack ⇈

Tracking and understanding all the branches of else-if ladder can be a tricky job whcih can be simplified

fun main() {
    val user = User("ABC", "def")

fun validateUser(user: User) {
    when { == null -> logError("")
        user.password == null -> logError("")
        else -> {