It's time to put up the Christmas tree at home!
🎄 But this year we want it to be special. We're going to create a function that receives the height of the tree (a positive integer between 1 and 100) and a special character to decorate it.
The function should return a string that represents the Christmas tree, constructed as follows:
- The tree is made up of triangles of special characters.
- The spaces on the sides of the tree are represented with underscores _.
- All trees have a trunk of two lines, represented by the # character.
- The tree should always have the same length on each side.
- You must ensure the tree has the correct shape using line breaks \n for each line.
const tree = createXmasTree(5, '*')
const tree2 = createXmasTree(3, '+')
const tree3 = createXmasTree(6, '@')
function createXmasTree(height, ornament) { let xmasTree = '' const width = height * 2 -1 const spaces = '_'.repeat(height - 1) for (let i = 1; i <= width; i += 2) { const _ = '_'.repeat((width - i) / 2) xmasTree += `${_}${ornament.repeat(i)}${_}\n` } return `${xmasTree}${spaces}#${spaces}\n${spaces}#${spaces}` }
function createXmasTree(height: number, ornament: string): string { let xmasTree: string = '' const spaces: string = '_'.repeat(height - 1) for (let i = 1; i <= height; i++) { const spaces: string = '_'.repeat(height - i) const ornaments: string = ornament.repeat(i * 2 - 1) xmasTree += `${spaces}${ornaments}${spaces}\n` } xmasTree += `${spaces}#${spaces}\n${spaces}#${spaces}` return xmasTree }
def createXmasTree(height, ornament): xmas_tree = "" trunk_spaces = '_' * height - 1 for i in range(1, height + 1): spaces = '_' * height - i ornaments = ornament * (i * 2 - 1) xmas_tree += spaces + ornaments + spaces + '\n' xmas_tree += trunk_spaces + '#' + trunk_spaces + '\n' xmas_tree += trunk_spaces + '#' + trunk_spaces return xmas_tree