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Bratanov edited this page Nov 10, 2016 · 6 revisions


Generate lyrics based on previous songs for one artist or for multiple artists. Also recording the user`s video performance of the new song with an audio by his choice and generating a video, which he can download and later share!

Sprint summary (Project background)

Here you can find details about current state of the project, what we achieved and what's next.

Sprint demo


Web component

Files under the web/ path does not require a specific server setup.

You could use them with apache/nginx default configuration.

For development you can start a basic python web server using python -m SimpleHTTPServer 1337 inside the web/ folder and view the files on `http://localhost:

Audio API

The audio API is a django backend. For development you can start it with python runserver.

  1. Create and activate a virtualenv

    cd ~

    virtualenv audio-api-env


    cd {PATH_TO_PROJECT}/audio-api

  2. Install binary requirements

  3. Install requirements

    pip install requirements.txt

  4. Run development server

    python runserver

Generator API

The lyrics generator API is a flask backend.

  1. Create a virtualenv

    cd ~

    virtualenv generator-api-env


    cd {PATH_TO_PROJECT}/generator-api

  2. Install requirements.

    Note: For windows you might want to install a C++ compiler and LXML downloading the proper wheel file from here: and pip install {FILE}

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Run development server


    flask run

API details:

For Audio API check notes in:

For Generator API check notes in:


We accept all kind of contributions that you guys make and we'll love you for them! <3

If you find any problems, have any suggestions or want to discuss something you can either open an issue here or make a pull request with code changes instead.

If you want to contribute, but you're not sure where to start you can always take a look at the issues here we have open and pick up with some of them.

Try to follow our conventions for naming issues, branches, and existing code structure.

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