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Deploy kjar at startup from the fat jar

This is the default configuration using the sample-hacep-project/sample-hacep-project-kjar maven module, no env vars are required but it can't be updated at runtime.

Deploy kjar at startup from Maven Repo

To enable the update at startup and at runtime some ENV VArs are needed in the deployment.yaml and the dependency


must be removed from your maven module, some other configuration are described in the following steps

The prerequisites

To have an updatable Kjar at startup and later, is mandatory to add two env vars at the startup time and the presence of the specific jar in a Maven repo. Accordingly to your used module change springboot module or jdkhttp module

add the runAsAuser id and add the env vars change the value from the example with the correct runAsAUser ID, your KJARGAV and your MAVEN_MIRROR_URL with your nexus,
the MAVEN_LOCAL_REPO and MAVEN_SETTINGS_XML are the values with the default configuration in the docker container and UPDATABLEKJAR with value "true" to enable the update of the kjar

        runAsUser: <id_user>
        runAsNonRoot: true
        - env:
          - name: UPDATABLEKJAR
            value: "true"
          - name: KJARGAV
            value: <GroupID>:<ArtifactID>:<Version>
          - name: MAVEN_LOCAL_REPO
            value: /app/.m2/repository
          - name: MAVEN_MIRROR_URL
            value: http://<nexus_url>/repository/maven-releases/
          - name: MAVEN_SETTINGS_XML
            value: /app/.m2/settings.xml

then you could add other envs to configure Maven using the following variables.

Name Description Example
MAVEN_LOCAL_REPO Directory to use as the local Maven repository. /root/.m2/repository
MAVEN_MIRROR_URL The base URL of a mirror used for retrieving artifacts.
MAVEN_MIRRORS If set, multi-mirror support is enabled, and other MAVEN_MIRROR_* variables will be prefixed. For example: DEV_ONE_MAVEN_MIRROR_URL and QE_TWO_MAVEN_MIRROR_URL dev-one,qe-two
MAVEN_REPOS If set, multi-repo support is enabled, and other MAVEN_REPO_* variables will be prefixed. For example: DEV_ONE_MAVEN_REPO_URL and QE_TWO_MAVEN_REPO_URL dev-one,qe-two
MAVEN_SETTINGS_XML Location of custom Maven settings.xml file to use. /root/.m2/settings.xml
prefix_MAVEN_MIRROR_ID ID to be used for the specified mirror. If ommitted, a unique ID will be generated. internal-mirror
prefix_MAVEN_MIRROR_OF Repository IDs mirrored by this entry. Defaults to external:*
prefix_MAVEN_MIRROR_URL The URL of the mirror.
prefix_MAVEN_REPO_HOST Maven repository host (if not using fully defined url; will fallback to service)
prefix_MAVEN_REPO_ID Maven repository id my-repo
prefix_MAVEN_REPO_LAYOUT Maven repository layout default
prefix_MAVEN_REPO_PASSPHRASE Maven repository passphrase maven1!
prefix_MAVEN_REPO_PASSWORD Maven repository password maven1!
prefix_MAVEN_REPO_PATH Maven repository path (if not using fully defined url; will fallback to service) /maven2/
prefix_MAVEN_REPO_PORT Maven repository port (if not using fully defined url; will fallback to service) 8080
prefix_MAVEN_REPO_PRIVATE_KEY Maven repository private key ${user.home}/.ssh/id_dsa
prefix_MAVEN_REPO_PROTOCOL Maven repository protocol (if not using fully defined url; will fallback to service) http
prefix_MAVEN_REPO_RELEASES_ENABLED Maven repository releases enabled true
prefix_MAVEN_REPO_RELEASES_UPDATE_POLICY Maven repository releases update policy always
prefix_MAVEN_REPO_SERVICE Maven repository service to lookup if prefix_MAVEN_REPO_URL not specified buscentr-myapp
prefix_MAVEN_REPO_SNAPSHOTS_ENABLED Maven repository snapshots enabled true
prefix_MAVEN_REPO_SNAPSHOTS_UPDATE_POLICY Maven repository snapshots update policy always
prefix_MAVEN_REPO_URL Maven repository url (fully defined)
prefix_MAVEN_REPO_USERNAME Maven repository username mavenUser

The kjar must be present in the Maven/Nexus repo accessed by Aether before the start, Aether will ask the jar to Maven/Nexus and the jar will be placed inside maven local repo and loaded by Drools at the startup and on every UpdateCommand jar.