🚧🚧🚧 At the beginning of the project, there is currently no version control in place.
Indiebase is a self-hosted platform explicitly designed for indie developers or teams. Providing BaaS and financial services.
- What's Indiebase?
Indiebase is a self-hosted platform explicitly designed for indie hackers or teams. Providing financial services and BaaS. It is similar to a private OpenCollective + Firebase. The initial purpose of Indiebase was to serve deskbtm, used for managing Nawb, PlugKit, etc. - What's Indiebase Community?
Indiebase Community is the FOSS edition of Indiebase. It provides basic functions like financial services and basic BaaS. - What's Indiebase Pro?
Indiebase Pro is the paid version of Indiebase. It provides more functions. - Does Indiebase provide an online service?
Nope, Indiebase only provides the self-hosted service. Ensure the functionality while making it capable of running on low-configured server environments as much as possible.
- For indie developers/small teams: Let passionate developers collaborate on profitable independent projects during their spare time. Reducing development costs through BaaS.
- For programming geeks: By discovering projects you love in Indiebase, contributing code, and earning rewards from it.
- For companies: Allow developers with spare time to participate in improving open-source projects and provide compensation to the developers.
- Indiebase highly depends on Github and considers it as the default code management.
Indiebase Pro
is not free. To use it, you need to purchase a commercial license.Indiebase Community
is available under the AGPL-3.0 license.
Indiebase Community
is PR welcome.
If you are interested in the development of Indiebase Pro
, please read the Indiebase disclosure agreement carefully. Of course, the obtained profits will be distributed among all project participants according to a specified algorithm.
Email: indiebase@deskbtm.com
- passport-paesto
- nestjs-paesto
- winston-openobserve
- @indiebase/nest-s3
- @indiebase/nest-stoplight-elements
- @indiebase/nest-knex
- @indiebase/nest-octokit
- @indiebase/nest-nacos deprecated
- @indiebase/nest-casbin deprecated
- PITM It's a watcher client which means you don't need to register a company to access payments. Support WeChat Pay, Alipay, and PayPal. Serving for indiebase pro.
- Nestjs Nest is a framework for building efficient, scalable Node.js server-side applications.
- Ceph Ceph is an open-source, distributed storage system.
- Traefik Traefik is an open-source Edge Router that makes publishing your services a fun and easy experience.
In order to keep the conversation clear and transparent, please limit the discussion to English and keep things on topic with the issue. Non-compliant issues may be closed directly. Be considerate to others and try to be courteous and professional at all times.
See Credits.md
If a directory has a LICENSE file, the project is governed by that LICENSE file. The rest of the parts are licensed under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (AGPL-3.0) license.
Copyright (C) 2021 Han indiebase@deskbtm.com