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Organising fields in tabs for pages and posts

Pixney-William edited this page Oct 26, 2017 · 1 revision

If you add a couple of fields to your pages or posts, you might want to organise them to make it easier on your clients to edit the page/post.

One way of doing that, is to put different fields into tabs. Ill show you how i do it with Pyro CMS, the Laravel Development platform.


I first create a listener :

namespace Pixney\PixneyTheme\Listener;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\DispatchesJobs;
use Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Ui\Form\Event\FormWasBuilt;
use Pixney\PixneyTheme\Listener\Command\CreateContentPagesFormSection;

class PostFormListener
    use DispatchesJobs;

     * @param FormWasBuilt $event
    public function handle(FormWasBuilt $event)
        $builder   = $event->getBuilder();
        $formClass = (new \ReflectionClass($builder))->getShortName();

        if ($formClass == 'PageEntryFormBuilder')
            $slug      = $builder->getChildFormStream('entry')->getSlug();
            $namespace = $builder->getChildFormStream('entry')->getNamespace();
            $form      = $builder->getForm('page');

            if ($slug === "content_pages")
                $this->dispatch(new CreateContentPagesFormSection($form));

CreateContentPagesFormSection Command

The command i use to (re)arrange the fields within my page looks like this:


namespace Pixney\PixneyTheme\Listener\Command;

class CreateContentPagesFormSection

     * @var mixed
    protected $form;
     * @var mixed
    protected $pageSection;
     * @var mixed
    protected $entrySection;

     * @var mixed
    protected $entryFields;

     * @param $form
    public function __construct(\Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Ui\Form\Form $form)
        $this->form         = $form;
        $this->pageSection  = $this->form->getSections()->get('page');
        $this->entrySection = $this->form->getSections()->get('fields');
        $this->entryFields  = $this->entrySection['fields'];

    public function handle()

        $this->pageSection['tabs']['header'] = [
            'title'  => 'Header',
            'fields' => [

        $this->pageSection['tabs']['settings'] = [
            'title'  => 'Settings',
            'fields' => [

        $this->pageSection['tabs']['seo']['fields'][] = 'entry_og_image';

        $this->form->getSections()->put('page', $this->pageSection);

        foreach ($this->pageSection['tabs'] as $tab)
            foreach ($tab['fields'] as $field)
                if (in_array($field, $this->entryFields))
                    unset($this->entrySection['fields'][array_search($field, $this->entrySection['fields'])]);

        $this->form->getSections()->put('fields', $this->entrySection);

The Service Provider

Finally add the listener to your Service Provider like so:

protected $listeners = [
    'Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Ui\Form\Event\FormWasBuilt' => [