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266 lines (167 loc) · 9.27 KB

Contributing to Qwik

Thank you for taking an interest in contributing to Qwik! We appreciate you! 🫶🏽

Below are the guidelines on how to help in the best possible way.

Submitting an Issue

Before creating a new issue, please search through open issues using the GitHub issue search bar. You might find the solution to your problem, or can verify that it is an already known issue.

We want a bug-free and best-performing project. That's why we take all reported issues to heart. But please be aware that if we can't reproduce the problem, we won't have a way of locating and adequately fixing it.

Therefore, to solve the problem in the best possible way, please create a minimal repository that reproduces the problem with the least possible code explaining and demonstrating the error.

Without enough information to reproduce the issue, we will close it because we can't recreate and solve it.

Submitting a Pull Request (PR)

Branch Organization

We adopt trunk-based development therefore all Pull Requests are made against the main branch because we do not use separate branches for development or for the versions we release.

Good first issue

The issues marked with Good first issue are a good starting point to familiarize yourself with the project.

Before solving the problem, please check with the maintainers that the issue is still relevant. Feel free to leave a comment on the issue to show your intention to work on it and prevent other people from unintentionally duplicating your effort.

Sending a Pull Request

Before submitting a pull request, consider the following guidelines:

  • Fork the repository into your own account.
  • In your forked repository, create a new branch: git checkout -b my-branch main
  • Make your changes/fixes.
  • Run pnpm fmt to lint the code.
  • Commit your code with a good commit message using "Commitizen".
  • Push your branch to GitHub: git push origin my-branch
  • In GitHub, send a pull request to BuilderIO:main.

If you aren't sure your PR is ready, open it as a draft to make it clear to the maintainer.

⚠ Troubleshooting PR build issues on CI

Every PR is being automatically merged with main before the CI Github actions run. That's why if the CI checks aren't passing your PR branch is probably not up to date.

For non documentation PRs please do the following:

  1. Merge main into your PR branch
  2. Run pnpm api.update
  3. Run pnpm build.full
  4. Commit and push any changes as a result of the above steps

Getting started

There are several ways to set up your local environment so that you are ready to build, test and contribute to the Qwik project.

The recommended way

This is the best approach because all required dependencies will be installed in the docker container for you and won't affect your personal configuration in any way.


You need to have these tools up and running in your local machine:


Alternative way

If you're not able to use the dev container, follow these instructions:


These are for a full build that includes Rust binaries.

  1. Make sure Rust is installed.
  2. Install wasm-pack with cargo install wasm-pack .
  3. Node version >= 16.8.0.
  4. Make sure you have pnpm installed.
  5. run pnpm install

On Windows, Rust requires C++ build tools. You can also select Desktop development with C++ while installing Visual Studio.

Alternatively, if Rust is not available you can run pnpm build.platform.copy to download bindings from CDN


To build Qwik for local development, install the dev dependencies using pnpm:

pnpm install

Fast build

It will build all JS and all packages, but not Rust.

pnpm build

Full build

It will build everything, including Rust packages and WASM.

First build might be very slow.

  • Builds each submodule
  • Generates bundled .d.ts files for each submodule with API Extractor
  • Checks the public API hasn't changed
  • Builds a minified core.min.mjs file
  • Generates the publishing package.json
pnpm build.full

The build output will be written to packages/qwik/dist, which will be the directory that is published to

Run in your own app:

Say you made changes to the repo. After you finished you'd need to run the build command (pnpm build.full/pnpm build).

To use your build in your project, follow these steps:

  1. Inside the root of the qwik project run:

    pnpm link.dist
  2. Inside the root of your project run:

    npm install
    npm link


     pnpm install
     pnpm link --global

If you can't use package linking (npm link) just copy the contents of package/qwik/dist into your projects' node_modules/ folder.

Test against the docs site:

  1. Go to packages/docs/package.json and update:

    -- "": "0.17.4",
    -- "": "0.1.0-beta13",
    ++ "": "workspace:*",
    ++ "": "workspace:*",
  2. At the root of the Qwik repo folder run:

pnpm install
  1. Run the docs site:
cd packages/docs && pnpm start

To open the test apps for debugging run:

pnpm serve

Unit Tests Only

Unit tests use uvu

pnpm test.unit

To keep uvu open with the watch mode, run:


Note that the command isn't necessary if you're running the pnpm start command, since start will also concurrently run the uvu watch process.

E2E Tests Only

E2E tests use Playwright.

To run the Playwright tests headless, from start to finish, run:

pnpm test.e2e.chromium

Finally, you can use pnpm --filter command to run packages' commands, for example:

pnpm --filter qwik-docs start

More commands can be found in each package's package.json scripts section.

Starter CLI create-qwik

Pull Request

Committing using "Commitizen":

Instead of using git commit please use the following command:

pnpm commit

You'll be asked guiding questions which will eventually create a descriptive commit message and necessary to generate meaningful release notes / CHANGELOG automatically.

Pre-submit hooks

The project has pre-submit hooks, which ensure that your code is correctly formatted. You can run them manually like so:

pnpm lint

Some issues can be fixed automatically by using:

pnpm fmt

Releasing (core-team only)

  1. Run pnpm release.prepare, which will test, lint and build.
  2. Use the interactive UI to select the next version, which will update the package.json version property, add the git change, and start a commit message.
  3. Create a PR with the package.json change to merge to main.
  4. After the package.json with the updated version is in main, click the Run Workflow button from the "Qwik CI" GitHub Action workflow.
  5. Select the NPM dist-tag that should be used for this version, then click "Run Workflow".
  6. The GitHub Action will dispatch the workflow to build and each of the submodules, build WASM and native bindings, combine them into one package, and validate the package before publishing to NPM.
  7. If the build is successful and all tests and validation passes, the workflow will automatically publish to NPM, commit a git tag to the repo, and create a GitHub release.
  8. 🚀