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File metadata and controls

50 lines (43 loc) · 2.32 KB



Use yaml configuration file to define topic delimiter, Regex Expressions, and pre-defined topic structures.

Note: *Pre-defined topic structures are not currently enabled.

Example Configuration YAML file: regex.yaml

topicDelimiter: /
  - name: BOOLEAN
    regexPattern: ^([Tt]rue|[Ff]alse|TRUE|FALSE)$
    priority: 100
  - name: REALNUM
    regexPattern: ^[\+\-]?\d+\.\d+$
    priority: 100
    regexPattern: ^\d{4}(N|S)\d{5}(E|W)$
    priority: 45
    topicDomain: MYDOMAIN
  • name: RegEx pattern name. This name will be used in the output if it is identified in a topic string.
  • regExPattern: The regular expression for matching. The pattern should start/end with ^/$ if you want the match to occur only if the entire topic element matches the pattern.
  • priority: Sets the order in which patterns are matched to topic elements. Evaluated low to high. Negative numbers are permitted.
  • topicDomain: If set, then only topics matching the topic domain will use the regular expression pattern. This is used as a selector so that regex patterns can be defined for specific topic domains.
    • "Topic Domains" are defined by the first literal node encountered in a topic during processing.
    • e.g. Topic MYDOMAIN/true/V2.1/ORDER1234/GREEN --> Topic Domain = "MYDOMAIN"

Command Line

The following arguments are available on the command line:

  • --topics-file-in=[ yaml topics file ] - Not enabled without uncommenting some code. Used to read topics from a yaml file (see test resources) -- See src/test/resources for example topic files
  • --regex-config=[ yaml config file ]
    • Defaults to: src/main/resources/match/regex.yaml on the class path
  • --solace-broker=Connection string to Solace PubSub+ broker: [ protocol://host:port ]
    • e.g. --solace-broker=tcps://
  • --message-vpn=[ solace message vpn ]
  • --basic-user=[ Basic Auth User ]
  • --basic-password=[ Basic Auth Password ]
  • --wait-millis=[ Time to listen to the broker topics in milliseconds ]
    • --wait-millis=5000 --> listen for 5 seconds before disconnecting
    • Default = 5000 milliseconds
  • --subscription=[ topic subscription string ]
    • --subscription=ACME/orders/>
    • Default = > (All topics)