Extracting involves getting evidence from a device or image.
Due to the sizes of these tools and files, this part is optional (and things may have changed since the instructions were written).
- Android SDK (Software Development Kit)
- ADB (Android Debug Bridge) command-line tool in Android SDK
Download and install the Android SDK from the official Android website: https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform-tools
Download an Android image. For example, try
- https://digitalcorpora.org/2022/09/06/new-android-10-and-11-images/
- https://digitalcorpora.org/2022/12/24/android-13-image/
Note: Phone images are large. These can be 10 GB or more.
Or connect your device and explore your own information.
Search the evidence device image for information of interest.
Extract a particular database using adb pull based on the path to the specific database file of interest.
For example, you might extract the contacts2.db file using a command like the following:
adb pull /data/data/com.android.providers.contacts/databases/contacts2.db
The exact command will depend on the path and content desired.
Connect your computer to the device or emulator using a USB cable.
Enable USB debugging on the device by going to "Settings" > "System" > "Developer options" (or "Developer settings") and turning on the "USB debugging" option.
Open a terminal or command prompt on your computer and navigate to the directory where you installed the Android SDK.
Use the adb devices
command to verify your device or emulator is connected and recognized by adb.
Use the adb pull
command to extract the contacts2.db file from the phone image.
Alter the path as needed.