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denballakh committed Dec 19, 2023
1 parent b5c56a9 commit b3c0ce2
Showing 1 changed file with 157 additions and 103 deletions.
260 changes: 157 additions & 103 deletions rangers/std/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,16 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterator, NoReturn, TypeVar
from typing import (

from math import sin, cos, atan2
from math import sin, cos, atan2, hypot, pi

__all__ = (
Expand All @@ -13,127 +22,86 @@

P = TypeVar('P', bound='Point')
MP = TypeVar('MP', bound='MPoint')

P = TypeVar('P', bound='_PointCommon')

class Point:
2D Point represented as two float
Immutable: dont change coordinates!

class _PointCommon(Sequence[float]):
__slots__ = ('x', 'y')
__match_args__ = ('x', 'y')

x: float
y: float

def __init__(self, x: float, y: float, /) -> None:
self.x = x
self.y = y
# self.__class__.x.__set__(self, x)
# self.__class__.y.__set__(self, y)

def from_angle(cls: type[P], angle: float, magn: float = 1.0, /) -> P:
return cls(cos(angle) * magn, sin(angle) * magn)

def from_complex(cls: type[P], val: complex, /) -> P:
return cls(val.real, val.imag)

def from_tuple(cls: type[P], tup: tuple[float, float], /) -> P:
return cls(*tup)
raise NotImplementedError

def __str__(self, /) -> str:
return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}: x={self.x!r}, y={self.y!r}>'

def __repr__(self, /) -> str:
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.x!r},{self.y!r})'

# def __setattr__(self, attr: str, value: float | Any, /) -> None:
# if attr not in Point.__slots__:
# return super().__setattr__(attr, value)
# if hasattr(self, attr):
# raise AttributeError(attr)
# return getattr(self.__class__, attr).__set__(self, value)

def __hash__(self, /) -> int:
return hash(self.x) ^ hash(self.y)

def __eq__(self, other: object, /) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, Point):
if isinstance(other, _PointCommon):
return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y
return NotImplemented

def __ne__(self, other: object, /) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, Point):
if isinstance(other, _PointCommon):
return self.x != other.x or self.y != other.y
return NotImplemented

def __iter__(self, /) -> Iterator[float]:
yield self.x
yield self.y

# def __getitem__(self, index: int, /) -> float:
# if index == 0:
# return self.x
# if index == 1:
# return self.y
# raise IndexError(index)

# def __len__(self, /) -> int:
# return 2

def __reduce__(self: P, /) -> tuple[type[P], tuple[float, float]]:
return self.__class__, (self.x, self.y)

def __copy__(self: P, /) -> P:
return self

def __deepcopy__(self: P, _: Any, /) -> P:
return self.__copy__()

def __complex__(self, /) -> complex:
return self.x + self.y * 1.0j
return self.x + self.y * 1j

def __abs__(self, /) -> float:
return self.abs()

def __neg__(self: P, /) -> P:
return self.__class__(-self.x, -self.y)

def __pos__(self: P, /) -> P:
return self
return self.__class__(self.x, self.y)

def __invert__(self: P, /) -> P:
return self.__class__(self.y, self.x)

def __add__(self: P, other: Point, /) -> P:
def __add__(self: P, other: _PointCommon, /) -> P:
"""p1 + p2"""
return self.__class__(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y)

def __sub__(self: P, other: Point, /) -> P:
def __sub__(self: P, other: _PointCommon, /) -> P:
"""p1 - p2"""
return self.__class__(self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y)

def __mul__(self: P, other: float, /) -> P:
"""p * x"""
return self.__class__(self.x * other, self.y * other)

def __rmul__(self: P, other: float, /) -> P:
"""x * p"""
return self.__class__(other * self.x, other * self.y)

def __truediv__(self: P, other: float, /) -> P:
"""p / x"""
return self.__class__(self.x / other, self.y / other)

def __rtruediv__(self: P, other: float, /) -> P:
return self.__class__(other / self.x, other / self.y)

def __matmul__(self: P, other: Point, /) -> float:
def __matmul__(self: P, other: _PointCommon, /) -> float:
"""p1 @ p2"""
return self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y

def __mod__(self: P, other: float | Point, /) -> P:
if isinstance(other, Point):
def __mod__(self: P, other: float | _PointCommon, /) -> P:
"""p1 % p2 p % x"""
if isinstance(other, _PointCommon):
return self.__class__(self.x % other.x, self.y % other.y)
if isinstance(other, float):
return self.__class__(self.x % other, self.y % other)
Expand All @@ -154,8 +122,36 @@ def __floor__(self: P, /) -> P:
def __trunc__(self: P, /) -> P:
return self.__class__(self.x.__trunc__(), self.y.__trunc__())

def __reduce__(self: P, /) -> tuple[type[P], tuple[float, float]]:
return self.__class__, (self.x, self.y)

def from_angle(cls: type[P], angle: float, magn: float = 1.0, /) -> P:
return cls(cos(angle) * magn, sin(angle) * magn)

def from_complex(cls: type[P], val: complex, /) -> P:
return cls(val.real, val.imag)

def from_tuple(cls: type[P], tup: tuple[float, float], /) -> P:
return cls(tup[0], tup[1])

def from_point(cls: type[P], p: _PointCommon, /) -> P:
return cls(p.x, p.y)

def to_tuple(self, /) -> tuple[float, float]:
return (self.x, self.y)

def round(self, /) -> tuple[int, int]:
return (round(self.x), round(self.y))

def trunc(self, /) -> tuple[int, int]:
return (int(self.x), int(self.y))

def abs(self, /) -> float:
return (self.x**2.0 + self.y**2.0) ** 0.5
return hypot(self.x, self.y)

def angle(self, /) -> float:
return atan2(self.y, self.x)
Expand All @@ -166,54 +162,119 @@ def norm(self: P, /) -> P:
def rotate(self: P, angle: float, /) -> P:
return self.__class__.from_angle(self.angle() + angle, self.abs())

def angle_to(self, other: Point, /) -> float:
return other.rotate(-self.angle()).angle()
def angle_to(self, other: _PointCommon, /) -> float:
return (other.angle() - self.angle()) % (2 * pi)
# return other.rotate(-self.angle()).angle()

def dist(self, other: Point, /) -> float:
return ((self.x - other.x) ** 2.0 + (self.y - other.y) ** 2.0) ** 0.5
def dist(self, other: _PointCommon, /) -> float:
return hypot(self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y)

def dist2(self, other: Point, /) -> float:
def dist2(self, other: _PointCommon, /) -> float:
return (self.x - other.x) ** 2.0 + (self.y - other.y) ** 2.0

def to_tuple(self, /) -> tuple[float, float]:
return (self.x, self.y)
def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> float: ...
def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> Sequence[float]: ...
def __getitem__(self, index: int | slice) -> float | Sequence[float]:
if isinstance(index, slice):
raise TypeError(index)
return self.to_tuple()[index]
def index(self, value: Any, start: int = 0, stop: int = -1) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError
def count(self, value: Any) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError
def __contains__(self, value: object) -> bool:
return value in self.to_tuple()
def __reversed__(self) -> Iterator[float]:
return reversed(self.to_tuple())
def __len__(self) -> int:
return 2

# direct setters for attributes to prevent AttributeError on immutable instances
_set_x: Callable[[_PointCommon, float], None] = _PointCommon.x.__set__ # type: ignore[attr-defined, misc]
_set_y: Callable[[_PointCommon, float], None] = _PointCommon.y.__set__ # type: ignore[attr-defined, misc]

class Point(_PointCommon):

__slots__ = ()

p00: ClassVar[Point]
p10: ClassVar[Point]
p01: ClassVar[Point]
p11: ClassVar[Point]

def __init__(self, x: float, y: float, /) -> None:
_set_x(self, x)
_set_y(self, y)

def __hash__(self, /) -> int:
return hash((self.x, self.y))

def __copy__(self: P, /) -> P:
return self

def __pos__(self: P, /) -> P:
return self

class MPoint(Point):
def __setattr__(self, attr: str, val: Any) -> None:
if hasattr(self, attr):
raise AttributeError(
f'{self.__class__.__name__!r} object attribute {attr!r} is read-only'
raise AttributeError(f'{self.__class__.__name__} object has no attribute {attr!r}')

Point.p00 = Point(0, 0)
Point.p10 = Point(1, 0)
Point.p01 = Point(0, 1)
Point.p11 = Point(1, 1)

class MPoint(_PointCommon):
Mutable point

__slots__ = ()

__hash__ = None # type: ignore[assignment]

# __setattr__ = object.__setattr__ # breaks mypyc
# def __setattr__(self, attr: str, value: Any, /) -> None:
# return object.__setattr__(self, attr, value)
def __init__(self, x: float, y: float, /) -> None:
self.x = x
self.y = y

def __copy__(self: P, /) -> P:
return self.__class__(self.x, self.y)

def __iadd__(self: MP, other: Point, /) -> MP:
def __iadd__(self: P, other: _PointCommon, /) -> P:
self.x += other.x
self.y += other.y
return self

def __isub__(self: MP, other: Point, /) -> MP:
def __isub__(self: P, other: _PointCommon, /) -> P:
self.x -= other.x
self.y -= other.y
return self

def __imul__(self: MP, other: float, /) -> MP:
def __imul__(self: P, other: float, /) -> P:
self.x *= other
self.y *= other
return self

def __itruediv__(self: MP, other: float, /) -> MP:
def __itruediv__(self: P, other: float, /) -> P:
self.x /= other
self.y /= other
return self

def __imod__(self: MP, other: float | Point, /) -> MP:
if isinstance(other, Point):
def __imod__(self: P, other: float | _PointCommon, /) -> P:
if isinstance(other, _PointCommon):
self.x %= other.x
self.y %= other.y
return self
Expand All @@ -223,21 +284,11 @@ def __imod__(self: MP, other: float | Point, /) -> MP:
return self
raise TypeError

# def __setitem__(self, index: int, value: float, /) -> None:
# if index == 0:
# self.x = value
# if index == 1:
# self.y = value
# raise IndexError(index)

def __copy__(self: MP, /) -> MP:
return self.__class__(self.x, self.y)

def inorm(self: MP, /) -> MP:
def inorm(self: P, /) -> P:
self /= self.abs()
return self

def irotate(self: MP, angle: float, /) -> MP:
def irotate(self: P, angle: float, /) -> P:
magn = self.abs()
newang = self.angle() + angle
self.x = cos(newang) * magn
Expand All @@ -246,20 +297,23 @@ def irotate(self: MP, angle: float, /) -> MP:

# comparators:
def xy_cmp(p: Point, /) -> tuple[float, float]:
def xy_cmp(p: _PointCommon, /) -> tuple[float, float]:
return (p.x, p.y)

def yx_cmp(p: Point, /) -> tuple[float, float]:
def yx_cmp(p: _PointCommon, /) -> tuple[float, float]:
return (p.y, p.x)

def angle_cmp(p: Point, /) -> tuple[float, float]:
def angle_cmp(p: _PointCommon, /) -> tuple[float, float]:
return (p.angle(), p.abs())

def dist_cmp(p: Point | None = None, /) -> Callable[[Point], float]:
def dist_cmp(p: _PointCommon | None = None, /) -> Callable[[_PointCommon], float]:
if p is None:
return Point.abs # compare by dist from origin
return _PointCommon.abs # compare by dist from origin
return p.dist # compare by dist from p

# x: Sequence[float] = Point(0, 0)

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